Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3766 Undeservedly wronged 31

The original person made a wish at that time, asking the missionaries to take revenge on Wang Sanlang, so that he could not develop and live a hard life. Now the mission goal has almost been achieved. Miss Liu finally reconciled with Wang Sanlang, and Wang Sanlang has to live a hard life again. .

Of course, it was a good thing that the second prince he had appointed at that time did not ascend the throne. Otherwise, when the second prince ascended the throne, Miss Liu became friends with Miss Ding Si, and relied on the Yongning Marquis to become a popular figure in front of the new emperor, asking Miss Ding Si to help him. After blowing the pillow wind in front of the Yongning Marquis and letting the new emperor clean up their family, after that, Miss Liu saw that she was unlucky and comfortable, and she didn't know whether she would reconcile with Wang Sanlang. After all, when the time comes, The Liu family will definitely become prosperous, and the dynasty is the last one. When they flee to the south, it will be easier to operate in the turbulent era. Maybe they can help Wang Sanlang get an official position. When Wang Sanlang has an official position, Miss Liu will probably be She will not reconcile with him. In that case, Wang Sanlang will always be rich, and this mission will fail. This is also the reason why this mission is difficult to complete, because Miss Liu has been reborn, which increases the difficulty.

But when the Wang family returned home, they looked for the house in the county town and found that it was not the Liu family living there. They knew that the Liu family had already prepared and left again. This made the Wang family unable to find any trace of the Liu family and couldn't help but feel depressed.

In the end, I had no choice but to return to my hometown.

Although it was embarrassing to go back to the countryside, there was no place to stay outside and they couldn't survive. What would they do if they didn't go back? After all, we still have fields and a house at home. Although the house is very dilapidated, we can live in it at least without spending any money.

Fortunately, I didn't sell the land and house in my hometown because I moved to the capital. Otherwise, I wouldn't even have a place to stay now.

Speaking of which, this was what Wang Sanlang suggested.

The main reason was that Miss Liu had been urging him to take the imperial examination at that time, and he had an ominous premonition, so when he married his wife and his family went to Beijing with him and wanted to sell the family's land and house, he stopped him, saying that Miss Liu was unreliable, or Leave a way out.

Unexpectedly, I still left it right.

The Wang family should have been grateful to Sanlang Wang for being more discerning than they were, but because they lived a miserable life after returning home and were laughed at by others, they were not grateful at all to Sanlang Wang. Instead, they blamed Sanlang Wang for not coaxing Miss Liu well, which resulted in They lost their glory and wealth and wanted to come back and continue to live a miserable life. Wang Sanlang was furious when he heard that, but he had no ability to change everything, so he could only listen to the complaints of his family.

Fortunately, they still have Miss Liu's child in their hands. Although Miss Liu can't be found for the time being, they still hold on to hope, thinking that they will find it one day, and then they can continue to prosper with this child, so Although he complained about Wang Sanlang, he didn't dare to complain too much. He was afraid that Wang Sanlang would be angry and get Miss Liu's money and not give him a second bedroom, which would be bad.

After returning, the Queen Mother also asked Wang Sanlang if he wanted to find a woman. After all, he was a grown man with a child and it was difficult to live. Now their parents are still there and can take care of them and their son when they grow old. The couple was gone, the brothers were separated, and Wang Sanlang would not know how to wash and cook, and it would be difficult to take care of himself, so how could he take care of the children.

After listening to his parents' words, Wang Sanlang also felt that he should find another one.

It just so happened that he was now old, married for the second time and had children, and it was difficult to even get married again.

Of course, he didn't want to marry a poor and ugly village girl from the countryside. After all, after marrying a noble lady, how could he want to marry a village girl and spend money to support her? Unlike before when he married Miss Liu, he was Miss Liu raised him.

He couldn't accept that he was used to being raised by others, used to eating soft food, and living a life of wealth and wealth, and now he was asked to support his wife.

Besides, he has no money to support his wife.

However, what his parents said is also true. If his parents pass away, the second bedroom of the big house will definitely not wash and cook for him. He needs to find someone to wash and cook for him, so although he has experienced a wealthy life, he does not want to marry a village girl. , didn't want to support his wife, but due to reality, he had to lower his noble (in his own opinion) head and agreed to the Queen Mother's proposal.

Fortunately, the Queen Mother could speak and told the outside world that the Liu family had fallen and that Miss Liu could not live a hard life, so she divorced Wang Sanlang and wanted to marry a rich man, so they had no choice but to come back. After all, even if she said this, Some people laughed at them, or at most said that they were unlucky. The wealthy wife Wang Sanlang married had her natal family collapse. It was better than telling people that Miss Liu disliked Wang Sanlang for being useless and was kicked.

And even though they came back, Miss Liu's child was in their hands. They could still ask for money from Miss Liu in the future, and the Wang family could still live a good life.

In addition, although Miss Liu left, she left some things for them, so their family's life was still okay.

In this way, there are people who don't know the situation and feel that no matter how bad the Wang family is, they can't be worse than them. There are people who are greedy for money and want to marry their daughters to Wang Sanlang.

Of course, saying this would give Wang's family face and make those people laugh less at them. At the same time, it would not be difficult for Wang Sanlang to marry again, but it also brought about a bad consequence, that is, he wanted to The families whose daughters married Wang Sanlang were all greedy for the Wang family's money, so the betrothal gifts were very high. They asked for fifty taels of silver or something like that at every turn. The Wang family was speechless after hearing this. They thought that if they got married in the countryside, they could give something as a gift. That’s right, who would give fifty taels as a betrothal gift? Do you know that a tall and passable little maid in the capital only costs ten taels. A country girl like this is not worth even one tael. Still fifty taels.

Naturally, the Queen Mother would not agree and spread the word that they wanted to marry someone, not to be taken advantage of. Anyone who wanted to marry the Wang family should come, and anyone who wanted to dig money from their family should get out as soon as possible.

Those who sincerely want to get married will not have a problem helping their in-laws in the future. Those who simply want to take advantage are not fools and will not marry such people.

The words sound high-sounding, but in fact they just don’t have the money to give them.

But they had just come back from the capital, and they were still wearing the clothes that Miss Liu had bought for them. They looked quite wealthy, and they really frightened some people. They thought that if they didn't want the betrothal gift, they would not accept it, and they would marry their daughter off first, and then let their daughter get married. Just need money to support your parents' family.

Because some people had such an idea, Wang Sanlang successfully married a tool man who would do laundry and cooking in the future.

The newlywed didn't know that the Wang family had positioned her as a laundry and cooking tool person. She only listened to the Wang family's bragging and thought that the Wang family's conditions were really good, so she didn't ask for any betrothal gift and married into the Wang family.

Not long after marrying into the Wang family, I learned the real situation of the Wang family, but now it was too late to regret, because I was already married and pregnant with a child. I wanted to divorce like Miss Liu and go back to remarry. What else could I marry? Like this, I can only endure it.

Therefore, there will be no pie in the sky, and you cannot be greedy for cheap, otherwise you will easily suffer losses and be fooled.

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