Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3762 Undeservedly wronged 27

And just when the original Dalang was promoted, Mr. Liu's opponents over there began to attack Mr. Liu.

There is evidence, and the opponent that An Ran found for Mr. Liu is also powerful, so there is no doubt that something will happen to Mr. Liu.

Soon the censor impeached Mr. Liu, saying that Mr. Liu had done something illegal and criminal. Then the emperor asked Dali Temple and other places to investigate Mr. Liu. Naturally, in these places, there were opponents who supported Mr. Liu, and they would soon be punished. Mr. Liu investigated clearly.

The new emperor saw that Mr. Liu had indeed committed a crime, so he naturally dealt with it as he should.

He was supposed to be interrogated, but because Mr. Liu's backer helped him speak, the new emperor decided to just confiscate his house in order not to offend those big interest groups for the time being.

Fortunately, this is not bad, because the treasury was empty by the previous emperor, and the new emperor had no money to do anything he wanted, so the new emperor said that as long as Master Liu gave him enough money, he could let their whole family go. A way out.

Yes, it was not just about confiscating the family, but asking the Liu family to give the emperor as much money as he wanted.

The emperor is not stupid either. These days, some officials will cheat when they raid their homes. They can hide a lot of money by cooperating with the officials who come to raid their homes. Then the officials who raid their homes can also get a lot of money. In the end, when it comes to the emperor, there is nothing left. How much money it was, this was naturally not what the emperor wanted to see, so he set a limit, saying that this was the life money of the Liu family. If it was not enough, the whole family would be executed.

The emperor wanted to tell him directly how much money had to be found. There might be some objections from the civil service group, saying that the emperor was forcing donations. However, the emperor said that this was money to buy life. If the payment was not enough, he would be beheaded. He should be beheaded anyway. It's because they've given you enough money to buy your life, so it's hard for those civil servants to say anything.

Finally, after Mr. Liu emptied his family fortune and contributed millions of taels of silver to the national treasury, the emperor spared their family a small life.

In fact, Mrs. Liu and others really wanted to hide the money as the emperor thought. They once thought that even if they had to sacrifice Mr. Liu's life, they would also keep the wealth they have earned over the years. After all, they have earned millions over the years. How could she be willing to give away her furniture? But because he heard that the whole family was to be executed, he was willing to pay for his life. After all, Mr. Liu was the only one who died. The whole Liu family might agree to sacrifice his life, but if everyone in the family who was over ten years old was beheaded, then those people would naturally be killed. Don't want to anymore.

Fortunately, he paid for it and Mr. Liu's former patron also helped to say something, so not only was he exempted from the death penalty, but the whole family was not exiled. However, all the Liu family's property was gone and they could no longer survive in the capital. I can only go back to my hometown.

And this hometown is naturally the hometown of Yuan Dalang and others. This is normal. Otherwise, why would Miss Liu go there to visit relatives? It means that the Liu family's hometown is there.

Since the Liu family has handed over all their property to the state treasury, the Liu family does not even have a house in their hometown and can only live in the house they bought for Miss Liu at that time - Miss Liu is a married woman. , so the house ransacking didn’t hit her, but the Liu family emptied their money and in order to scrape together one million taels of silver, they still asked Miss Liu for some money on hand, because even though the Liu family has made a lot of money over the years, but There was not enough one million taels of silver, so I had to collect money from everywhere, so my daughter naturally sent someone to ask for some.

When Miss Liu saw her mother's family collapsed, she felt very panicked and thought about what was going on. Such a thing never happened in her previous life.

Oh no, we can’t use the experience of the previous life, because the eldest prince was not the emperor in the previous life, so the developments in the court after the previous life cannot be used for reference. In other words, it is possible that something will happen to his father. of.

I just don’t know why. Nothing happened to my father in the last life. Why did someone impeach my father when the emperor changed, causing his father to have an accident? This is too strange.

Miss Liu couldn't figure it out, and she didn't have time to think about it at the moment. She only heard from her mother-in-law that she had a backer at home. After a few years, the matter would pass, and she would find a backer to smooth things over, and she would be able to recover.

She felt that Mr. Liu could recover, so Miss Liu gave all the money she had to her parents' family. After all, if her parents' family was not good, she would not be able to get better, let alone deal with An Ran.

However, the Wang family was unhappy when they saw that the Liu family had fallen, and Miss Liu was still filling the big hole in her parents' family with the money she had on hand, so they tried to dissuade her. Miss Liu couldn't help but get angry and said, "This is my money, who do I want to give it to?" Just give it to anyone.”

Usually when Miss Liu is so angry, the Wang family would have been offended, but now, because the Liu family has fallen, the Queen Mother is no longer afraid of her, and she dared to retort, saying: "What do you mean your money? You married into our family, you The things belong to our Wang family, how can you give them to whomever you want?"

When Miss Liu heard what the Queen Mother said, her eyes widened in surprise.

You know, in the past and present lives, although the Queen Mother was vulgar and made her unhappy, she never dared to yell at her. She didn't expect that she would dare to talk to herself like this now.

That's right. In her past life and this life, her family had always been good, so she naturally didn't dare to whisper to her. But now, her family has fallen. Does she think that she can whisper to her?

Miss Liu couldn't help but sneer when she thought of this. She thought this woman was so funny. Didn't she think that a skinny camel was bigger than a horse? Even if her family falls, her family and even her connections are much stronger than the Wang family, so it will be easy to deal with them.

However, she thought that after the New Year, her husband would continue to take the imperial examination and maybe win, so although she was angry at the moment, she still held it back and didn't say anything. She just wanted to see what Wang Sanlang's situation would be next year. Sanlang hasn't passed the exam yet next year, let's see how she handles them then.

Thinking of this, Miss Liu couldn't help but regret not listening to her father's words. After Wang Sanlang failed in the last imperial examination, she divorced Wang Sanlang and then married another man with much better conditions than Wang Sanlang. The family was an official. In that case, this Now that her natal family has collapsed, at least her husband's family is still a family of officials, so she can continue to live a good life.

But now it's better. Her parents' family has collapsed, and she has no money at all. However, her husband's family still eats and uses her food, and she can't earn a penny. If this continues, she won't be able to survive in Beijing. After all, for To maintain life, you cannot keep pawning jewelry. After pawning, you will not even have any jewelry when you go out. How can you go out?

Although her parents' family is in ruins and she is too embarrassed to go out now, if there is a banquet, after all, many people are thinking the same thing as her parents. They are thinking that in a few years, after this incident is over, their family can recover again. , after all, these days, it is normal for officials to have ups and downs, so not all those in the capital immediately distanced themselves from her, and some still kept in contact with her.

Since she has contacts, she naturally can't make herself too shabby.

But without making things too shabby, the Wang family has a lot of expenses. How to deal with this?

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