Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3759 Undeservedly wronged 24

However, the eldest prince felt that even if the alien invasion probably wouldn't happen, he still had to take precautions.

Therefore, after getting the warning dream, the eldest prince also started to pay attention to the foreign races, and asked the border officers to pay more attention to the foreign races. Once there was any trouble over there, they could respond in time to avoid being too slack and getting caught. The other party was caught off guard.

If he is still invaded by aliens despite being reminded by his ancestors, he may really be scolded to death by his ancestors if he goes down there. Therefore, the eldest prince naturally handles state affairs conscientiously, but he does not dare to slack off just because of the warning dream. stand up.

When Mr. Liu heard that the emperor had received the warning dream from his ancestors, he knew that what his daughter told him was useless. He couldn't help but feel depressed and regretted it again. Before the emperor told anyone about the last natural disaster, he He was too greedy. In order to make a fortune, he didn't present the response method for a while. Otherwise, he was the only one who was prepared. Then the emperor didn't know that other people knew about the natural disaster. He saw that he had come up with a response method so quickly. , will definitely look at it differently.

This is the only opportunity, let him waste it. Will Mr. Liu not regret it?

It's just that it's too late to regret it now, because the eldest prince has already talked about the natural disaster in the future, and the cabinet will have its own regulations, so even if he wants to get credit for coming up with ways to deal with it in advance, he can't get it.

So, people can't be greedy, otherwise he would have handed over the coping skills as soon as possible. The new emperor might really look at him differently, not to mention raising him to the first or second level at once, but he would definitely be promoted. A little level.

And even a little promotion is not what An Ran wants to see. After all, the worse Mr. Liu's official performance is, the easier it is for her to deal with it. So An Ran is naturally happy to see Mr. Liu not seizing this opportunity.

When Miss Liu heard about this, she was as confused as Mr. Liu. She had never thought that the new emperor could have such a dream, which completely disrupted her plan.

Then I thought, why didn't this happen to the second prince in his previous life? Could it be that the founding emperor and others didn't like the second prince, so they didn't give him a hint?

It doesn't feel right. After all, the more foolish the king is, the more we need to remind him, lest he bring down the dynasty and destroy the country? After all, if the founding emperor really had a dream, and if the second prince didn't have a dream, would he want to watch the dynasty perish?

Miss Liu could not guess what the founding emperor and others were thinking. Anyway, the second prince did not receive the warning dream in the previous life, but the eldest prince did in this life, so she could not rely on foresight to make a fortune, nor could her father use this to get promoted. , which made Miss Liu very depressed.

But no matter how depressed she was, it was useless. After all, she could still clear the eldest prince's dream.

In the end, Miss Liu could only hope that Wang Sanlang got the top spot in the exam. In any case, her father had not been promoted, so there was no way to deal with the former Dalang more easily. Anyway, as long as Wang Sanlang got the top spot in the exam, she would be praised by others. A discerning eye is also good.

Anyway, taking care of Sun Anran was just something she wanted to do. If she couldn't do it, it didn't matter. After all, she was just jealous of Sun Anran, and she didn't have any deep hatred towards her. The key was that Wang Sanlang must win the top prize, otherwise he would never pass the Jinshi exam. , if she can’t become an official, others will laugh at her for marrying a poor person.

But her hopes were clearly dashed once again.

No, in a blink of an eye, it was time for the new year's child student examination. Miss Liu was afraid that Wang Sanlang would not pass the exam, so she accompanied Wang Sanlang back to his place of origin to take the exam.

Although Miss Liu was not used to living in that house in the small county town, in order for Wang Sanlang to pass the exam, Miss Liu still accompanied him.

Wang Sanlang saw that Miss Liu was accompanying him, and she obviously attached great importance to his imperial examination. He couldn't help but feel a little numb, because he had no confidence in himself at all, and he didn't think that he would definitely pass the exam this time after taking the exam for so many years. .

And if he failed the exam again, he was a little worried that his wife would be unhappy.

What if she is unhappy and feels that he is worthless and divorces her?

Although it stands to reason that she is married to him and should not divorce him, but what if she acts impulsively? When she divorces herself, she will definitely be able to marry someone with better conditions than herself. After all, the conditions of the Liu family are there. Even if Miss Liu gets married for the second time, she cannot marry someone worse than herself.

But if he loses her, he will definitely marry someone worse than Miss Liu.

Thinking about it like this, Wang Sanlang can't help but feel numb. He is afraid that he will not do well in the exam and make Miss Liu dissatisfied. She will eventually divorce him, leaving him prosperous and depressed again.

But no matter how numb his scalp was, he did not dare to say not to take the exam.

But at the same time, he also knew that he would definitely fail the exam and would have to find a way to save his marriage.

Wang Sanlang, who had no choice but to think about it, finally thought of Yuan Dalang. When Yuan Dalang took the exam for the first time, he fainted before finishing the exam due to poor health, and then failed the exam. He couldn't help but think of it. As soon as her heart moved, she imitated Dalang Yuan and fainted, thinking that if she failed the exam, Miss Liu couldn't blame herself. After all, she was sick and passed out. What could she do?

Of course, he couldn't pretend to be sick, lest Miss Liu would find out. Fortunately, it was not difficult to get really sick in the room. After all, the conditions there were so bad. As long as he didn't cover himself with the quilt at night, he would get cold.

Wang Sanlang thought well, because he deliberately didn't cover himself with a quilt. Soon, he got cold and passed out in the examination room before he could finish the third exam.

The examiner was not surprised that a scholar fainted in the examination room, so he immediately carried Wang Sanlang out and asked his family to take him back and take care of him.

Miss Liu was indeed fooled. When she saw that Wang Sanlang had caught the cold, she was carried out. She only thought that Wang Sanlang had caught the cold by accident and did not think that Wang Sanlang had the cold on purpose.

But in this way, Wang Sanlang failed to pass the scholar examination again, and it would take another two years to take the exam again. This made Miss Liu annoyed, thinking that the time had dragged on for too long, Wang Sanlang had never been famous, and others would laugh at her for marrying. I've got a muddy leg.

But there is nothing we can do. After all, as Wang Sanlang said, someone as powerful as Hara Dalang still failed to pass the exam because of poor health when he took the exam for the first time. So it's normal for something like this to happen to him. After all, I don't know how many people in the examination room have had this happen to them. It's not new at all.

Miss Liu heard these words of Wang Sanlang, so although she was depressed that Wang Sanlang failed the exam again, she at least listened to Wang Sanlang's wishes and did not make peace with him.

Seeing that Miss Liu did not reconcile, Wang Sanlang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He thought that he should take advantage of these two years to have a child. In this way, even if Miss Liu wanted to reconcile with him in the future, she would always be reluctant to leave the child. When the time comes, he would take the child with him. She can still be beaten by the autumn wind, and she won't be as poor as before.

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