Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3757 Undeservedly wronged 22

Compared to Miss Ding Si's despair, Miss Liu is better off. After all, she doesn't want to rely on the new emperor to get rich. She just wants to use Miss Ding Si's husband, Yongning Hou Shizi, to take advantage of the new emperor and take care of the original prince. Since The new emperor had changed, so she would have thought of another way to deal with the old man. For example, relying on her foresight, she could have her father perform a few meritorious deeds and then be promoted.

When her father reaches the first or second level, she can still take care of Yuan Dalang with her father's energy.

For Ms. Liu, what makes her despair is probably that Wang Sanlang failed to win the third prize or even the Jinshi.

But that will still happen next year or the year after that. For the time being, Ms. Liu will not despair so quickly.

Right now, the old emperor was dying soon, and then passed away. The eldest prince successfully took over the throne. Miss Ding Si hoped that things would change. For example, in the end, the second prince ascended the throne, which did not happen, but was replaced by the new emperor. He became a prince and became an idle prince.

The clans of this dynasty are all kept in captivity in the capital. Apart from the salary and official land income, there are no extra benefits. In other words, the second prince will be a rich and idle man from now on. At most, because he and the eldest prince are brothers, he is better than Yongninghou. The government is better.

But it's not much better, because they are not brothers, and there was suspicion of competition before, so how much affection can there be, and how good can the new emperor be to him? In other words, even if the second prince is better than Yongning Houfu in the future, it won't be much better.

In this way, even if Prince Yongning has a good relationship with the second prince, since the second prince has not ascended the throne and is just an idle prince, Yongninghou's mansion will not be as developed as it was in his original world.

It seems that the eldest prince has succeeded to the throne, and the second prince has become a prince. The transfer of the throne is very smooth, which makes Miss Ding Si know that what she hopes for may not be achieved. This makes Miss Ding Si can't help but feel depressed, thinking about this Why is it that in the book, it is clearly the second prince who becomes the emperor, and his friend Yongning Hou Shizi becomes prosperous? How come things don't develop like this when he comes out of the book? Obviously I didn't make any changes to the plot. Logically speaking, there would be no butterfly effect. Why did things change?

Also puzzled is Miss Liu. She is also confused about how things are developing differently from her previous life. She also thinks the same thing as Miss Ding Si. Thinking about it, she has not changed many things. How can someone who becomes an emperor be different? What's up?

However, while she was doubtful, she also felt a little guilty. Could it be that since her rebirth, in order for her father to be promoted, she had allowed her father to make friends with some people who would be prosperous in the future, thus bringing about changes?

But she also couldn't understand how her father's friendship with those people could bring about such a change?

But even if she knew that such a change would happen, she would still let her father continue to make friends with those people. After all, the second prince becoming the emperor only made it easier for her to take care of An Ran, and her father would be better off because the people he made friends with would become prosperous and promoted in the future. That's the most affordable thing. After all, her father's promotion will benefit her even more. If nothing else, others will flatter her even more when she goes out.

There is one thing... Now that the emperor has been changed, will those who were prosperous in the future continue to be prosperous?

Miss Liu is a little worried about this.

Don't say that her worries are not unnecessary, because in the past, people who were promoted to the second prince's appetite may not be to the eldest prince's appetite. After all, people who are in the second prince's appetite may not necessarily be capable, and most likely they will be able to do it. Only those who talk and make the second prince happy will be promoted quickly.

But now the eldest prince has changed. He is capable. If he wants to be promoted, just relying on his ability to speak may not work. He must be capable. So, can the people Miss Liu asked her father to make friends with return to their former glory? It's not necessarily true that the world in this world is so developed. After all, the emperor has changed, and there will be more and more differences from the previous life in the future. Miss Liu is still applying what she knew before, and I'm afraid there will be problems by then.

Not to mention anything else, since those people in the original world are people who can talk, it is not certain what their character is like. There may be some bad ones among them - after all, the faint king usually has a traitorous minister. ——But because like Prince Yongning, he knows how to have fun and is appreciated by the second prince and gets promoted. In this world, let alone the eldest prince who won’t be promoted, he might even punish the other prince’s crimes. In this way, Miss Liu asked Mr. Liu to make friends based on what she had learned before. When the time comes, don’t make friends for support. On the contrary, don’t get yourself involved by associating with such people.

Not only Miss Liu and Miss Dingsi were puzzled, but Mr. Liu was also puzzled as to why the situation had changed.

Because his daughter had said that she was reborn and who would be the emperor in the future, Mr. Liu also thought of ways to make friends with the second prince and gave him some things as he liked, just thinking about the future. When the second prince ascended the throne, he could be promoted due to this relationship. However, later, when the emperor appointed him heir apparent, he was not appointed.

At that time, Mr. Liu felt that something was wrong. After all, didn't his daughter say that the second prince would be appointed heir apparent? Why did he become the eldest prince now?

Also, didn’t my daughter say that the eldest prince’s health would get worse and worse—which is why the emperor didn’t make him the prince—and that he would pass away in a few years? Why is the eldest prince getting better and better?

These differences from what his daughter said made Father Liu more vigilant. At the same time, he thought to himself that he should not believe everything his daughter said in the future, otherwise he would be in trouble one day.

I have to say that fortunately Mr. Liu saw that Ms. Liu's predictions were wrong several times, so he didn't believe her words. Otherwise, if he believed it blindly, he would really be tricked to death by Ms. Liu.

Mr. Liu, like Miss Liu, originally thought that even if the emperor made the eldest prince the crown prince, the second prince would have a chance to become the heir apparent in the future. After all, his daughter said, the person who will eventually become the emperor is the second prince.

As a result, there was no surprise. After the eldest prince was made the crown prince, the person who became the emperor was the eldest prince, and the second prince had nothing to do with him. This made Lord Liu completely disappointed with Miss Liu's words. After all, he had predicted such a big thing wrong. Not to mention other little things.

Of course, he never thought that his daughter lied and was not reborn, because if his daughter was not reborn, what happened to some of the things she predicted correctly? He still knew how much his daughter weighed, but if she hadn't been born again, she wouldn't have known those things at all.

Since there are some differences now, Mr. Liu boldly guessed that there may have been some changes in the world, and it is no longer the same as the world in his daughter's memory.

And if one thing is different, it will bring more differences. What's more, there are so many different things now, which will bring even more changes. In other words, his daughter's prophecy will become more and more different. Right.

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