Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3755 Undeservedly wronged 20

Because Miss Dingsi didn't notice that Miss Liu was deliberately befriending her, she just thought that the other party was a good character, and if she helped her, the other party would remember her gratitude, so the relationship with Miss Liu naturally became better and better. Little did she know that the reason why people befriended her was because they couldn't marry the Crown Prince Yongning, so they settled for the second best and befriended her. Otherwise, if they could marry the Crown Prince Yongning, they would probably compete with her.

Because she didn’t realize that the other party was befriending her because of her future development, Miss Ding Si still admired Miss Liu in her heart. She felt that Miss Liu was discerning, because she had already connected with Yongning Hou Shizi, and she would definitely be able to do it in the future. As written in the original book, marrying Yongning Hou Shizi and then becoming prosperous, Miss Liu will definitely get benefits from her friendship with her in the future. In this case, Miss Ding Si does not think that Miss Liu is discerning.

Yes, Miss Liu is certainly reborn, and Miss Ding Si is not an ordinary person, but a person who wears a book. Once she walks in, she discovers that she is the heroine in the book. All she has to do is befriend the Yongning Marquis Prince, as written in the original book. In the future, if you marry Prince Yongning, you will be able to achieve great success. Naturally, you will follow the plot and wait for prosperity. After all, who can resist the temptation of prosperity.

At this moment, she was almost successful, because Prince Yongning was about to propose marriage to her.

Thinking of this, Miss Dingsi sneered and thought that she could finally leave the hypocritical family of the Ding family. When she gets rich, let's see how she takes care of the Ding family.

Her cheap father is really funny, because her biological mother is too enchanting, and he is afraid that people will say that he is old and immoral, so he ignores her. He would rather pamper the third child's fake and virtuous biological mother. She gets angry when she sees it. If you don't like it, just do it. Don't accept it. If you accept it and think it's too coquettish, that's not too hypocritical.

Although the Ding family said that it was her biological mother who crawled into bed while her father was drunk and confused, and that her father was irresponsible and accepted it, Miss Ding Si felt that who were they kidding? It was not about people being drunk. Can’t do it without drinking? So the Ding family is still hypocritical.

One thing to note is that in this world, the future new emperor will be lustful and debauched, and will not be able to govern the country well. According to the background of this novel, the country will be destroyed after that - although the book only writes about the love between the male and female protagonists, and it is over, it does not go that far. But Miss Dingsi, who came from later generations, knew that there was such a thing in history - when the time came, she would have to ask the emperor to appoint her husband as a powerful official in the south, and their family would move to the south, because the south was later stabilized. It would be great if he was not wiped out and could stay in the south, where it would be prosperous and safe, and he could still be a powerful official.

As for others laughing at Miss Liu for marrying a guy with slim legs, Miss Liu mentioned to her that Wang Sanlang was good-looking, and she herself was average-looking, so she could marry someone who was good-looking and well-educated. She was satisfied and didn't care about the other person's background - Miss Liu definitely couldn't tell Miss Ding Si that she was reborn. She knew that Wang Sanlang would be the top pick in the future, so she made such an excuse.

Miss Ding Si also believed this, because she came from a later generation and knew that there is a kind of person in this world who is obsessed with appearance. As long as they are good-looking, Miss Liu is average-looking and wants to marry a good-looking one, regardless of the other person. Origin is also normal.

She immediately thought that in the future, when she was prosperous, if she could support Miss Liu and his wife, she would not have to worry about being laughed at and marrying a loser.

Because of their mutual appreciation, Miss Dingsi and Miss Liu naturally got along well with each other. As expected, Miss Liu went back after dinner.

——Although Miss Ding Si’s status in the Ding family is not high, she told the kitchen that a guest was coming, and the person who came was the legitimate daughter of Ding’s father’s colleague of the same rank, so the Ding family did not dare not arrange meals for Miss Liu. After all, What they looked at was not Miss Ding Si’s face, but Mr. Liu’s.

Soon after, Yongning Houfu proposed marriage to Miss Ding Si for the Yongning Houfu. The Ding family was naturally willing. After all, no matter how down-trodden the Yongninghoufu was, it was still a Houfu. There was nothing wrong with the Ding family if they were willing to marry a concubine of the Ding family. If they were willing, the two families soon started discussing marriage, which surprised Jingzhong.

Some people feel that Miss Ding Si is unlucky, why did she marry such a man.

But some people feel that given Miss Ding Si's background, becoming a Marquis in the future will represent a jump in class, and they are envious.

At the same time, someone discovered that Miss Liu was friends with Miss Dingsi. Many people felt that Miss Liu had good eyesight and had become rich after making such a friend.

After hearing this, Miss Liu couldn't help but sneer and thought to herself, where are we now? When the new emperor ascends the throne and Yongninghou Crown Prince becomes the emperor's confidant, the Yongninghou Mansion will really turn red and purple, and then everyone will fawn over Miss Ding Si.

I think that when I came, I would be fawned over because of my relationship with Miss Ding Si.

Let's not mention the development of the Liu family and the Ding family, but let's talk about An Ran. After Yuan Dalang took office at the Hanlin Academy to write, An Ran rented a house with Yuan Dalang. After all, staying in an inn is not a long-term solution.

After settling down, he sent someone to pick up the original mother.

The population of Yuan Dalang's family is simple. Unlike the Wang family who went to Beijing with a large team of people, the Yuan family only needs to take Yuan's mother over. As for the fields in his hometown, they entrust them to his in-laws, the Sun family, to take care of them. Every year, if they feel like it, they can give it to the Yuan family. , the Sun family is naturally willing, and they will not be stupid enough not to give it. After all, the son-in-law is now prosperous, and they naturally want to be on good terms with the son-in-law, so that he can support the Sun family in the future instead of making the son-in-law unhappy.

After the original mother came to Beijing, although she lived with An Ran, there were no conflicts.

The main reason is that after the original mother adapted to the prosperity of the capital, An Ran became pregnant before she had a conflict with An Ran because of An Ran's failure to have a child.

Now that An Ran is pregnant, the original mother will naturally no longer have conflicts with her over this matter, so the family has been harmonious.

On the other side, An Ran took out his former intelligent robot from the system space, attached it with an invisibility charm, and helped the eldest prince feed the spiritual spring water. He also made good progress - in the original world, the eldest prince's health was getting worse and worse at this time. But now, the situation has been reversed. The eldest prince's health has been getting better recently and he doesn't cough much anymore.

The emperor obviously noticed the good changes in his eldest son, so he originally planned to make the second prince his heir, but recently he quietly stopped it and planned to check on his eldest son's condition again. If the eldest son's health is indeed getting better, Then he would not make the second prince the crown prince. After all, he also wanted his more capable son to be the emperor.

Miss Dingsi was completely unaware of this change, because the book she wore did not mention the specific time for the emperor to appoint the heir apparent, so how could she know that the emperor's appointment of the heir apparent had been postponed. At this moment, she had successfully married Yongning. Prince Hou, just like the heroine in the book, was fighting for favor while fighting with his husband's concubines, concubines, and confidants, so naturally he didn't notice this change.

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