Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3753 Undeservedly wronged 18

Although it seems perfect, this marriage is actually... a bit regretful.

One is that Wang Sanlang hasn't passed the Jinshi exam yet, so she can't be famous for the time being; the other is... I don't know why, why does Wang Lang look... not as good-looking as in his previous life?

Although she was confused about this, Ms. Liu wondered if she had remembered it wrong, so she didn't think much about it even though she was a little confused.

In fact, Wang Sanlang is not as good-looking as his previous life, which is normal, because in his previous life, his original body often gave Wang Sanlang spiritual spring to drink, which eliminated toxins and impurities from his body. Therefore, although Wang Sanlang is ten years older than Miss Liu, he still looks good. I don't look older, and my skin is much whiter and more shiny.

Unlike in this life, An Ran did not give Wang Sanlang spiritual spring. Because Wang Sanlang was from the country, no matter how he studied, his skin was not as good as that of the aristocratic young men in the capital. Moreover, he looked much older. No wonder Miss Liu felt that Wang Sanlang It wasn't as good-looking as her previous life, it wasn't because she remembered it wrongly, it was indeed the case.

In addition to this dissatisfaction, other things, such as the Wang family being more vulgar than in memory, also made Miss Liu unhappy.

In her original world, Miss Liu could not have married Wang Sanlang as soon as he was a Jinshi. Instead, she fell in love with him after he won the top prize. After that, Wang Sanlang divorced his wife, and their two families discussed marriage again and got married again. Another year has passed since then, and I got married again when I was sixteen.

At that time, the Wang family had socialized a lot with people and gained a lot of knowledge since Wang Sanlang passed the scholar examination. When Miss Liu married, the Wang family had been dealing with people of a higher class for two or three years. You know something. What happened on the scene, although it was still vulgar and made Ms. Liu a little unhappy at the time, was much better than the Wang family now.

The current Wang family, who had been living in the countryside before, suddenly came to a prosperous place like the capital. Before they could adapt, the bride came in. They didn't know much about anything. Naturally, they were worse than their original world, when Miss Liu married here. , more vulgar, and made Miss Liu even more unhappy.

It's just that she is still newly married, and she can't let her husband's family go back to the countryside for the time being, so she can only endure it for the time being. When time goes by, she will let them go back, so as not to embarrass her in the capital.

Not to mention that Miss Liu married Wang Sanlang, and the two enjoyed the joy of being newlyweds. However, An Ran said that spring had passed, and Yuan Dalang had passed the Jinshi examination and entered the top three, becoming the number one scholar, just as An Ran had imagined.

Originally, based on Yuan Dalang's appearance, he should have been ranked No. 3, but because Yuan Dalang's strength did not allow it, he could not be demoted to No. 1, so he was allowed to be the No. 1 pick, and another person with good looks was selected. Exploring flowers.

The number one scholar of this dynasty would usually immediately enter the Hanlin Academy to do compilation work. This was an official of the sixth rank.

Although it is only from the sixth rank, there is a cabinet in this dynasty, and there is a saying that non-Jinshi will not enter the Hanlin, and non-Hanlin will not join the cabinet. Therefore, like other Jinshi, you don't have to take the exam to enter the Hanlin, and the number one scholar can directly enter the Hanlin Academy. , this saves a process, and it will be much more convenient to enter the cabinet in the future.

Even if you don't join the cabinet, as long as you can be an official, it will be much easier to be promoted from the Hanlin Academy, so this is a good future.

Miss Liu was not worried at all about Yuan Dalang entering the Hanlin Academy and becoming an official, because the old emperor was going to establish a heir soon, and the new emperor was going to ascend the throne soon, and she knew who could be the emperor, and who would be the emperor in the future. If her skills are developed, she can make friends in advance, but will Yuan Dalang do it? Even if he stands on the right side, she will send someone to guide him to stand on the wrong side. When the new emperor comes to the throne, he will be demoted in the lightest way, and in the worst case, he will be punished, and it is very likely that he will be punished, because she will let her father, Fanning the flames inside, this way, she doesn't have to worry about dealing with the Yuan family and Sun Anran now. When they are on the wrong team, something happens to Yuan Dalang, and Sun Anran will be implicated.

Thinking of this, Miss Liu told Wang Sanlang that she was going to visit the fourth lady of Shaoqing's family in Taichang Temple and would not be back for lunch.

Wang Sanlang naturally did not dare to have any objections. After all, he was not in the original world. He had already passed the Jinshi examination and had some power to speak. He was nothing now and relied entirely on Miss Liu. If Miss Liu got tired of him, she would be with him. Heli, he would be knocked out of heaven by her then, so he wouldn't dare to say anything about whether Miss Liu would come back for lunch.

And Wang Sanlang naturally didn't know that the so-called fourth lady of the Taichang Temple Qing family whom Miss Liu met was not the direct daughter of the Taichang Temple Qing family, but a concubine of their family, and she was of little status in the Taichang Temple Qing family. Miss Fourth.

Logically speaking, Miss Liu herself is the legitimate daughter, so she should date the legitimate daughter of the Qing family of Taichang Temple. Why should she date a concubine, and a fourth lady with no status? This does not fit with Miss Liu's character of wanting to climb up the ladder. .

In fact, the reason is very simple. Although the fourth lady of Taichang Temple Qing's family has little status, Taichang Temple Qing is also a fourth-rank official like her family. She is not considered an upper-class person in the capital. It stands to reason that she is a concubine of a fourth-rank official. , it is almost impossible to marry into the upper class.

But Fourth Miss Ding was lucky. Somehow, she would get into a good match soon - Prince Yongning fell in love with her and married her.

Although Yongninghou's mansion is now in decline, and the reputation of Prince Yongninghou in Beijing is not good - he married a wife in his early years and died after giving birth to a daughter. In other words, Prince Yongninghou is a widower. If Miss Dingsi is If you marry him, you will be filling in the house with your step-wife, not your first wife, which is just one step behind.

Not only did she want to be a mother and step-in-law to fill a house, but she was inferior to her original wife. There were also many pitfalls in the life of Prince Yongning. For example, he had countless concubines in his family, he often visited brothels, and he even had an extra room outside the brothel. He gave birth to children, had relationships with countless women, and had many beauties. He was a dandy by nature.

Who would want to marry such a man? After all, never believe that a prodigal son will come back. A person's country is easy to change, but his nature is hard to change. People who are romantic will always have countless women in the future. No one wants to marry in the future. Not only does he want to be a mother, but he also has to deal with a house full of women. , and then go to a banquet somewhere, and listen to other people talking about your husband, and which woman he is having an affair with, and live such a miserable life, right?

But Miss Ding Si from the Qing family of Taichang Temple was willing, and later it was proved that she had a good vision. When the new emperor came to the throne, Yongninghou Crown Prince succeeded in standing in line. With the merit of following the dragon, Yongninghou Mansion became prosperous and became After becoming a celebrity, others began to praise Miss Ding for her discernment.

Isn’t it discerning? A concubine of a fourth-rank official was still an unfavored concubine. Her husband later became a first-rank official, and she became the first-rank wife. Many people envied her. On the contrary, her so-called sister-in-law had no fate. Well, after she got married, she kept giving birth to daughters, which her husband's family disliked. But when she married Marquis Yongning, she kept giving birth to sons. As for her ex-wife, she only had daughters, not sons. She didn't have to worry about the son she gave birth to not being able to grab the throne. , so everyone says she has a good life.

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