Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3751 Undeservedly wronged 16

And since Yuan Dalang was able to pass the Jie Yuan exam, I believe it will be much easier to take the Jinshi exam next spring.

And when I heard that Yuan Dalang passed the exam and learned Yuan, it was just as An Ran thought. The innkeeper came over to find Yuan Dalang and An Ran, and apologized for what made them hungry last time. Not only did they save everything The house fee and a thousand taels of silver were also given as a gift. I was afraid that the old man would become a Jinshi in the future and become rich one day, so don't cause trouble to them.

Although even if you pass the Jinshi exam and become an official, you may not have a good official career. How about using a big inn like theirs in the provincial capital? After all, a big inn like theirs also has a great background, but it can resolve conflicts. Naturally, it is the best, so when the boss heard about this, and then heard that Yuan Dalangcheng knew Yuan, he immediately sent him over to apologize.

Of course, Yuan Dalang had heard An Ran mention it before. At that time, he broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that he had luckily not eaten the food prepared by the inn that morning, but had eaten the dry food that An Ran had prepared early. Dry food is not as delicious as fresh breakfast, but it is better than eating up your stomach.

Later, I heard that the inn did not admit the matter. Yuan Dalang was angry at first, but he was busy with the imperial examination, so he could only ignore it for the time being.

Seeing that he had won Xie Yuan at this time, these people apologized and let it go. Originally, he really thought that if conditions were met in the future, he would definitely seek justice for his wife.

Yuan Dalang discussed with An Ran the thousand taels of silver given by the inn and accepted it.

First of all, I can win Jieyuan, but if I can't take the exam because of the inn, and I miss it in the end, it will be a loss of one thousand taels!

And this crisis was resolved by my wife, not by the inn itself! So can they not compensate for the losses that were almost caused because of them?

My wife not only resolved her own crisis, but also resolved the crisis that the inn may have in the future. After all, if those two people were not discovered, they would harm other people in the future, and then this matter would be exposed. It would be unclear whether this inn would still exist. I don’t know, it’s equivalent to his wife saving the inn, which is certainly worth a thousand taels.

Neither An Ran nor Yuan Dalang felt that charging a thousand taels for his own mental loss and the cost of helping the inn resolve the crisis was not too much. After all, the innkeeper at the time still refused to admit it. Attitude, you should also charge some money, right?

After Yuan Dalang accepted the inn's apology, he was invited as a guest by the local magistrate, Tong Nian and others.

It was all an ordinary human relationship. It was not that the prefect, seeing that Yuan Dalang had been successful, was worried that if he had received money from Miss Liu and suppressed the gangster, Yuan Dalang would find out something was wrong and he would come after him in the future. Trouble, after all, people like them will definitely clean up their tails. Even if Yuan Dalang becomes a Jinshi in the future, there will be nothing to do with him.

Unless Yuan Dalang becomes a high-ranking official in the future and knows what tricks he has done, even if there is no evidence, he will find trouble with him through other means.

But I don’t know how many years will happen. After all, who can become a high-ranking official at a young age? He may have become an official by then. What is there to be afraid of? After all, he knows that this Yuan Dalang is a member of a poor family, and there is nothing wrong with it. His background is not that of a young master from a wealthy family. He has not yet become a high-ranking official, but there are also high-ranking officials in his family who can cause trouble for him.

Of course, if Yuan Dalang's family was a wealthy family, he wouldn't dare to suppress the matter of the little gangster.

Therefore, although the prefect had manipulated the gangster's affairs, he was not afraid at all.

After such a period of socializing, Yuan Dalang accepted some congratulatory gifts from the gentry, but whether it was a beautiful woman as a concubine or a maid, Yuan Dalang always used it as an excuse to go to Beijing to take the exam. Then my hometown was too small and there was no place to accommodate people, so it was confiscated.

The reason for the confiscation is not that Yuan Dalang, an ancient man, has the modern idea of ​​​​monogamy and not taking concubines. It is simply that he has not found the people who have been secretly causing trouble for him before, and he is a little afraid of these women. Could it be It was sent by someone who was secretly causing trouble for him.

He still has to prepare for the Chunwei exam. Wouldn't it be distracting if he had to guard against the women at home every day? That's why it was confiscated.

Because they had received too many gifts during this period and were too heavy to hold, An Ran and Yuan Dalang exchanged most of them for gold ingots and then went back.

Go back and stay for a while, wait until the New Year is over, and then immediately leave for the capital to participate in the Spring Festival.

Fortunately, the original place is not very far from the capital, so you can go there after the New Year. Those who are far away have to go to the capital before the New Year.

Needless to say, after returning home, Yuan’s mother was naturally overjoyed when she heard that Yuan Dalang had passed the examination and ranked first in the examination.

I was originally worried about the cost of going to Chunwei, the capital, but later I heard from my son that something almost happened while staying at an inn in the provincial capital. Fortunately, An Ran realized something was wrong and allowed him to eat the safe dry food he had eaten the night before. Nothing happened, he passed the exam successfully, and then the inn paid a thousand taels of silver. He went to the capital to have money, so there was no need to worry.

The mother-in-law was worried when she heard this, but she couldn't help but hold An Ran's hand and praise her, saying that An Ran was a lucky star and smart enough to avoid this disaster.

After that, there were all kinds of celebrations and social interactions. The Wang family who was watching on the side was even more unhappy because the original Dalang passed the exam and became the Empress of the Yuan Dynasty. People even said that Sun Anran was not blind, but very discerning. After all, if she had married Wang Sanlang, she would still be a peasant woman in the countryside. How could she be the wife of a scholar now? Compared with the previous title of a scholar's wife, her status would obviously be further improved. After all, the former Dalang was the wife of a scholar. If he is the master of the ceremony, then An Ran will naturally be his wife.

Because many people want Yuan Dalang to give guidance to their children about studying, so although Yuan Dalang will go to the capital after the Chinese New Year, once he passes the Jinshi examination, he will become an official and leave his hometown, but everyone knows His enthusiasm is still undiminished. It is completely different from the attitude he had when he heard that the Wang family has become prosperous. This also makes the Wang family very angry. He thinks that my son is marrying the daughter of a fourth-rank official in the capital, not as big as the original one. Lang is much more powerful. You were not so enthusiastic about my family at first. Why are you so enthusiastic about their family?

But before, when Yuan Dalang was still a scholar, they couldn't do anything to Yuan Dalang. Now that Yuan Dalang has become a Juren, or Jieyuan, he is more protected by the family, and it is even harder to touch him, so even if the Wang family is angry, they can't. You can't do anything to Yuan Dalang and An Ran.

However, they are now busy with marrying Miss Liu after the new year, so they don't have the time to worry about it. They just think that after marrying Miss Liu, they can use the power of the Liu family to do things openly, and they won't cause any trouble to the original family. Late.

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