Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3749 Undeservedly wronged 14

When the people patrolling the Yamen saw the scene, they saw several people wearing masks, plus two people without masks. It was obvious at a glance who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. There was no need for An Ran to say it at the moment. , those government officials stepped forward and walked towards a few gangsters who had basically lost their fighting ability.

The gangsters wanted to run, but their legs hurt so much that they couldn't run at all. In the end, they were all caught by the government officials.

After communicating with Yuan Dalang, I heard that the other party was a scholar who came to take the exam and was the head of a certain government. He said that these gangsters were not here to rob, but to beat people as soon as they came up. I'm afraid they had some hidden agenda. Don't let anyone want to cause trouble for him, and want the magistrate to investigate, lest these people are habitual criminals and harm other scholars.

The government officials heard that Yuan Dalang was a scholar and the head of the government. They worked as government officials in the provincial capital, so they naturally had some knowledge. They knew that such a person was very likely to pass the examination, so they had a special attitude towards Yuan Dalang. Be respectful, and immediately listened to what Yuan Dalang said, and said that he would go back and explain the matter to the prefect.

After finishing these things, Yuan Dalang went back with An Ran. After all, such a thing happened, which was a bit disappointing. Moreover, he was afraid that someone would target him and there was danger outside, so he might as well go back.

After listening to the report of the yamen servant, the prefect naturally took it seriously. After all, Yuan Dalang was right. If this person was a trick of some scholar, he wanted to cripple those who might win the election, so as to increase his own wealth. He didn't care about the chances of passing the exam. If things like this kept happening, and his boss asked about it, he would be left with nothing to lose.

Not mentioning An Ran, they went back and waited for news from the Yamen, but they said that they heard that the people they sent had been caught by the Yamen. The prefect was interrogating those people as to why they beat Yuan Dalang. Miss Liu couldn't help but panic, fearing that she would be exposed, so as expected As An Ran thought, in the next time, he had no intention of causing trouble for An Ran and the others, but was busy settling the matter.

Whether it can be settled depends on whether the prefect of this place is a good official or a bad official.

If it is a good official, it may be difficult for Ms. Liu to settle it with money.

But after all, there are few good officials, and most of them are greedy for money, so as long as they spend more money, Miss Liu should be able to settle this matter.

Of course, An Ran hopes that Miss Liu can't settle it, but this task is purple, and Miss Liu shouldn't go offline easily, so this time, Miss Liu should be able to settle it.

If this is the case, it means that the local prefect is not said to be a bad official, but at least he is in a gray area.

Fortunately, no matter who the prefect is, he would not have the courage to interfere in the examination room. After all, just like modern times, if one dares to tamper with the exam, he will be severely punished once discovered, so few people dare to tamper with this aspect. , to avoid being beheaded.

So there is no need to worry about what the prefect dares to do to Yuan Dalang after accepting Miss Liu's money.

Of course, the main reason is that the prefect is a fifth-grade official and does not have enough benefits. It is impossible for the other party to help the daughter of a fourth-grade official do such a thing.

An Ran guessed that this matter had no impact on Miss Liu. Sure enough, not long after, the prefect sent someone to talk to Yuan Dalang about this matter, saying that the investigation found that those people were indeed instructed to do harm to the original leader of the case, but... Because the people behind the scenes were cautious, they did not find out who did it. They just asked Yuan Dalang to be more careful in the future.

Yuan Dalang was busy with the imperial examination and would not - at least for the time being - continue to dwell on this matter, so he could only put it aside and concentrate on preparing for the examination.

Of course, in case what happened that day happened again, Yuan Dalang didn't dare to go out and do anything else.

Over there, Miss Liu was arrested because some gangsters were arrested. She wanted to settle the gangsters' affairs, so she stayed quiet for a while. However, she only stayed calm for a while. Before Dalang Yuan was about to enter the examination room, she found someone again and wanted to Tampering with Yuan Dalang's diet.

Instead of poisoning, I planned to add some croton to give Yuan Dalang diarrhea. By then, Yuan Dalang kept having diarrhea. Can he still go to the exam? Even if you take the exam and have diarrhea until then, it will still be affected.

If money can make things work, naturally there will be people willing to do it.

But An Ran knew Miss Liu's arrangement, so naturally she would not let her succeed.

At that moment, An Ran saw that the waiter at the inn had brought today's meal. After asking him to put it down and leave, he stopped Yuan Dalang from eating it. Instead, he took out the dry food prepared last night and said, "I ate this dry food last night. There is nothing wrong at all, which means that this dry food is edible. You can eat this today and bring it to the room later. I haven't tested whether the food and drink provided in the store today are safe. I won’t eat for the time being. Safety comes first. After all, someone is secretly trying to deal with you. You have to guard against this.”

There are three rural examinations, each taking three days. Generally, you enter on the first day, take the test on the second day, come out on the third day, and enter again on the fourth day, and so on.

During those three days, you have to eat, drink, and defecate inside, so you have to bring something with you. Most people bring dry food. After all, they cook by themselves and cannot wash dishes and vegetables. It also wastes time and is too troublesome.

After listening to An Ran's words, Yuan Dalang thought it made sense, so he didn't eat. Instead, he drank water and ate dry food. After eating, he went to Gongyuan.

As for An Ran, after Yuan Dalang left, she found the innkeeper and told him that there was something wrong with the food. She had a stomachache and diarrhea after eating it. Was it because the food and drinks in their store were unhygienic?

Of course the innkeeper couldn't admit it. After all, if he admitted it, what would he do if no one dared to stay in his hotel? You must know that although their inn is a big inn, the occupancy rate cannot be full every day. It is only during the provincial examination that scholars who are taking the exam flock here. Many of them are in good condition and stay here. , so that the inn can not only be full, but also increase the price. If the extra money is charged, people will stay, allowing them to make a lot of money.

However, if those scholars heard about this, they would definitely not dare to live here. After all, they are people who have to take exams. How could they dare to live in a store with poor food.

But they couldn't afford to lose such a large sum of money, so they immediately said that there was nothing wrong with her and that she was wronging them.

An Ran insisted that there was such a thing. It depends on whether the shopkeeper refused to admit it. An Ran looked disappointed and said: "Okay, my husband-in-law has to take an exam. We can't distract him. When he finishes the exam, let's go again." Talk about this."

I believe that when Yuan Dalang is successful, the inn will definitely give her an explanation.

"In addition, I suggest that you investigate what is going on. Of course, if you don't admit it, forget it. You still have to think that I am lying and don't take it seriously. Someone will eat in your inn in the future. If things go wrong, at least no one will dare to stay in your inn, or at worst, the government will order it to close. That would be bad. "

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