Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3738 Undeservedly wronged 3

Even if you are over 18 years old and have not been admitted as a scholar, you have to go home to get married and have children. Not everyone studies all the time, but there are always children studying. Even if it is just one child studying, it will cost a lot of money. , so if the Sun family’s money is spent on studying, naturally they won’t be able to save much. Otherwise, with the income from the Sun family’s dozens of acres of land, the family can live very well. After all, most of the time in ancient times, Being self-sufficient, you don’t need to spend any extra money to buy things, so you can save whatever you earn.

But since the Sun family wanted to change their family, they naturally couldn't save this money and could only continue to pay.

He was originally the second eldest of three fathers and brothers, with an elder brother above him and a younger brother below him.

The grandson's father and grandson's mother also gave birth to three children, two sons and a daughter. The two older sons are now married, and only one daughter, the original mother, is eighteen years old and ready to get married.

People from wealthy families may get their girls engaged early, but in the countryside, many families will not marry their daughters off so early, but once they do, they will get married very quickly, unlike wealthy families who often get engaged early. , but after completing the process and choosing a good date to get married, it will take a year or two.

After all, rich people have red tape and are naturally slow, unlike ordinary people who don't pay as much attention to things.

No, the Sun Yuan family arranged the marriage in three months, very quickly.

In fact, the original mother was afraid of long nights and many dreams, so she wanted to go faster, but the Sun family was unwilling, so she could only wait three months.

An Ran knew that Yuan Dalang would not die in three months, so he had no objection.

As long as he's not dead and Lingquan slowly improves his body, he can be saved, so it's okay.

When getting married in the countryside, even if it is a family like the Sun family, which is considered a well-off family in the countryside, they will not give the girl much.

Poor families will not let their girls bring anything. After all, even the old clothes that the girl has worn can be worn by other girls in the family. Whatever they take to the husband's family, everything about the girl from now on will be the responsibility of the husband's family, including the betrothal gift given by the man. They won't be taken away by the girl.

But if the conditions of the Sun family are pretty good, they won't go that far.

Not only was the betrothal gift given by the original family allowed An Ran to take it away, but the family also made a new set of clothes and built a small cabinet, allowing An Ran to put her things in the cabinet and take her away, which was considered good in the countryside.

An Ran didn't say anything, so she took these things and walked to Yuan's house.

She wished she could leave the Sun family and go to her original home. It wasn't that the Sun family treated her badly, but that in the past three months, she had been extremely uncomfortable living in the Sun family - there were too many people to live in, and she had to follow A bunch of girls crowded into a room and slept on a large bunk.

Here, there are both sisters of the same generation and little girls of the niece generation. Five or six people sleep in the same room. Not to mention crowded, noisy and no privacy. She has a spiritual spring and wants to take a bath in it. , or hiding in the space to sleep, it can't be done.

After going to Yuan's house, although it might not be possible to live in a separate room, it would be much more convenient to live with just two people.

In addition, their family has many houses and few people. If you want to do something private, you can still find a room and close the door. Anyway, it is better than the Sun family where there are always people in every room.

An Ran has no objection to marrying into the Yuan family, because she has the memory of the original person and knows that Yuan Dalang has no other great qualities except his physical weakness.

Of course, judging from the information she sent the puppet to, Yuan Dalang is indeed a good person. He once dissuaded his mother from marrying him for fear of hurting other girls. He is a good person, because if his character is not good enough, he will not No matter what other people think, they just want to leave offspring before they die, or find a wife, and have a taste of love between men and women before they die.

In addition, although Yuan Dalang is in poor health, with no flesh on his face and pale complexion, he is not ugly and is even better looking than Wang Sanlang. In this way, An Ran will naturally not object to marrying him. After all, she is a beauty control. She might not want to marry him if he was too ugly. After all, there were many people proposing marriage at that time. She had a choice and she didn't necessarily have to marry him.

When getting married in the countryside, although there are not many dowries and there is no sedan chair, and the couple needs to walk there by themselves, the wedding process is still lively, and there are also bands playing and playing. Of course, it is the suona team in the village. Usually when there are weddings and funerals in the village, they come out to play and play. Fan.

Although the Yuan family had a small population, they had dozens of acres of land and a decent income, so the wedding banquet was held grandly. There were no women in the family to cook, so they invited villagers to help with the cooking.

Although the bride and groom walked over by themselves, the groom also wanted to come to pick up the bride. However, both families knew about the physical condition of the original Dalang. They were afraid that he would come over and pick up the bride and walk back, which would turn a happy event into a funeral, so they did not let him Come and get it.

The Sun family also understood this situation, so An Ran was the only one to go to the Yuan family at the moment.

An Ran knew that in this situation, some people in the village might be puzzled or even talk about it. After all, the Sun family had good conditions and she was a good person, why would she marry a sick man like Yuan Dalang.

Can she tell people that she is not afraid of Yuan Dalang's poor health at all? After all, if he is a good person, she can save him; if he is a bad person and dies as planned, she will be free and at ease in the future, and because she is married, she won't have to be forced to get married, no matter what.

However, Yuan's mother felt ashamed of her, so she welcomed her in. After paying homage to Yuan Dalang, she greeted the guests, then personally brought a bowl of chicken leg noodles to An Ran and said, "Are you hungry? Eat something quickly. Something."

This chicken drumstick noodle has noodles at the bottom, a fried golden egg in the middle, and a big chicken drumstick on top. Even though the Sun family is in good condition, I have never eaten chicken drumstick noodles like this. Anyway, An Ran has been in the mission world for so long. , I had never eaten it, but when I looked at it, I couldn't help but feel hungry, so I took it and ate it.

God knows she has been here for so long, because the Sun family is full of people, and she is responsible for sweeping the floor and washing dishes. She usually doesn't have time to go out, so it is quite difficult for her to get food from the space and reward herself secretly, so this time The child was a little greedy.

And An Ran also saw from this little thing that the original mother was not bad. She was not as scary as some widowed mothers-in-law. Because some of them were mean, they would not care about the situation of their own family. They just saw their daughter-in-law marrying and felt... You can do whatever you want. Not to mention being nice to your new daughter-in-law when she first arrives, you may want to show off your prestige when the new daughter-in-law first arrives. I’m afraid you won’t be overpowered by your daughter-in-law if you don’t show off your prestige first. .

The main reason why the original mother did not have the bad habits of some widowed mothers-in-law was that the original father had only passed away not long ago, and at that time, the original Dalang had grown up, and the children were very young. Her husband had passed away, and the widowed mother had grown up. The mood of the older child is different.

After An Ran finished eating, after a while, the guests in the front yard also finished eating and left. Only Yuan's mother and Yuan Dalang were left at home.

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