Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3734 A controlled life 34

Anyway, the Tang family can't get up anymore, and face is no longer important. What's important is having money to spend. Under such circumstances, Tang Anxin will certainly not continue to give money to Qin Ye stupidly.

Of course, the main reason is that there is not much money left, and Tang Anxin will drink the northwest wind if he continues to give it. How can this be allowed, so Tang Anxin naturally stops giving Qin Ye money.

And because Tang Anxin no longer gave Qin Ye money, Qin Ye's life naturally became difficult. He was the first of so many people to have a difficult life.

At least Tang Anxin's younger brother could still get some money from Tang's mother, but as for him, he lost Tang Anxin's money and wanted Qin's mother to support him. It was impossible for Qin's mother to raise him because Qin's mother didn't have any money.

There is no way, the situation of their family is different from that of the Tang family. Qin's father committed a crime in their family. The incident happened so suddenly that Qin's mother had no time to transfer the property. The Qin family's money in the bank was frozen. After reviewing what The money is fine. After it is unfrozen, their money cannot be transferred at their own discretion, because the creditors know that the Qin family is in trouble and have also applied for enforcement against their family's money, leaving Qin's mother unable to transfer the property in her own name. Save a lot of money.

Things happened slowly to the Tang family, so Tang's mother still had time to save some money. As a result, the Tang family's situation is now better than that of the Qin family.

After Tang Anxin stopped giving money to Qin Ye, Qin Ye's life became somewhat unbearable.

After pestering Tang Anxin for a long time and Tang Anxin refused to give him money, Qin Ye saw that he was no longer living a luxurious life, and even eating and drinking was a problem, so his temper gradually became irritable. Especially on this day, he met an acquaintance and the other party said Some words made Qin Ye feel that the other party was ridiculing him - in fact, the other party didn't say anything, but Qin Ye was down and out at the moment and couldn't help but become sensitive - so he immediately came to Tang Anxin to ask for money, hoping to try to make a comeback again.

Of course, there was no result. Tang Anxin was unwilling to give money, especially because Qin Ye wanted to make a comeback and the money he asked for was different from the usual living expenses. The amount was extremely large, so how could Tang Anxin give it.

Qin Ye felt that his only hope was about to be shattered, so he got a little excited, and immediately started pushing and shoving Tang Anxin.

Let me say here that after Tang's mother and Tang Anxin ran out of money, they sold their house and rented a villa to live in - yes, they still couldn't make it look like they lived in an ordinary residence but still lived in a villa, even if the rent for the villa was very high. Gao, they don't have much money now and can't afford it, but they still spend like this in order to maintain their face.

Living in a villa, hiring servants, and trying to maintain the luxurious life before, Tang Mu and Tang Anxin couldn't help but spend their money quickly.

At this moment, Qin Ye and Tang Anxin started arguing. Tang Anxin was too lazy to pay attention to him, so she asked the servants to drive Qin Ye out, while she ran upstairs.

But because the family is now poor and there are not many servants, the cooking lady failed to hold Qin Ye, causing Qin Ye to rush to Tang Anxin and hold on to Tang Anxin, asking her to give money. Tang Anxin refused, so the two of them were There was pushing and shoving at the top of the stairs.

This was dangerous, so naturally, by accident, Qin Ye was a man and had great strength, so he pushed Tang Anxin and rolled down the stairs. After rolling down, he managed to survive and hit a pillar. He was killed on the spot. Killed.

Now Qin Ye was frightened.

Although life has been difficult recently, no matter how difficult it is, it is still better than being in jail. At least I have freedom, right?

If he kills Tang Anxin now, even if he kills him by mistake, he will not be imprisoned at all. How can Qin Ye accept this? Naturally, he was confused all of a sudden.

After the confusion, he became frightened. When Qin Ye heard the servant scream, he ran away quickly.

Although he knew that running was useless, running away in panic after killing someone was his instinctive reaction.

But just as Qin Ye thought, escaping was definitely useless. Soon the Tang family's servant called the police, and the police arrested Qin Ye.

Needless to say what happened next, Qin Ye went to jail.

Seeing such a shocking change, Qin's mother cried and told Qin's father when she visited the prison.

Father Qin couldn't help being shocked when he heard this.

Originally, Qin's father thought that people now live longer. He would not be particularly old when he came out in more than ten years, and he could bring his son to make a comeback. Now he heard Qin's mother come over and cry, saying that her son had finished playing with the Qin family, and then He also killed someone. Although it was manslaughter, he was sentenced to many years. At that time, the person couldn't bear the blow and suffered a stroke.

Qin's mother also didn't expect that because she couldn't bear these blows and came to talk to Qin's father, Qin's father would have a stroke. She couldn't accept it at the moment and fainted. After all, if she hadn't said it, Qin's father wouldn't have had a stroke.

But luckily she didn't have a stroke, so it was fine to go back.

An Ran didn't react much to the changes in the Qin and Tang families. After all, she was still worried about the legal society. It was a pity that she couldn't kill Tang Anxin and Qin Ye. In the end, these two people committed suicide and got themselves killed. Wouldn't it be nice to die and go to jail?

As for the Qin family's downfall, isn't this what they deserve? After all, they had committed illegal crimes and should have been invited to tea. It would be unfair if they continued to live a wealthy life.

Therefore, the current fate of the Qin family and the Tang family, as the driving force behind the scenes, An Ran does not feel sorry for them at all. After all, if they are pitiful, wouldn't those who were harmed by them be even more pitiful?

The Qin and Tang families have become like this. An Ran feels that she has taken revenge on her original body, but she doesn't know if this mission has been completed. After all, she got rid of the control of the plot only after Qin Ye married Tang Anxin.

Even if it wasn't completed, there was nothing she could do about it, because she couldn't rewind the plot, so she had to do this.

After completing this, An Ran just hangs around until his lifespan is up, and then returns to the real world.

Occasionally, I deal with some garbage that is still floating around, such as the original first love Cao Rui.

After this man heard about An Ran's divorce from Qin Ye, he saw that she was rich, so he joined her again, probably because he wanted to make some money from her.

It’s okay if this person doesn’t offend her. He insists on approaching her again and again. She used to be inconvenient to deal with this person because of the plot master. Now she is free from the interference of the plot master. If this person comes to disgust her again, she will naturally You're welcome, I immediately thought of a way to date this guy with a bunch of girls, and became boyfriend and girlfriend with some of them. I let his group of fishes know about being a master of time management.

This stokes a hornet's nest, after all, who would like a time management guru, especially one who has slept with many women.

At the moment, some people were disgusted and ignored him; some were so angry that they asked someone to beat Cao Rui; others went to where Cao Rui worked and publicized the disgusting things Cao Rui had done. Promote it and let Cao Ruishe die. He will no longer be able to survive in that company.

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