Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3724 A controlled life 24

Although Qin Ye now has a bad impression of Tang Anxin and the Tang family and doesn't want them to get the project, Tang Anxin's words are also reasonable. He should let Tang's father know that their relationship is not good, and then they will quarrel and let people know that he has a bad relationship. The marriage was still not smooth and not good, so Qin Ye agreed to Tang Anxin's advice and prepared to mention the Tang family project to Qin's father.

But he didn't know how his father could give the Tang family any projects since he was already so angry with Tang Anxin's behavior.

No, when Qin Ye asked his father if the family had any recent projects for the Tang family, Qin's father felt that something was fishy when he heard that he mentioned something related to the Tang family, so he didn't agree immediately. Instead, he perfunctoryly told Qin Ye that he would see what projects he had on hand before talking about it.

After Qin Ye left, Qin's father immediately sent someone to investigate.

There were servants sent by Qin Ye's mother in Qin Ye's villa. Soon Qin's father and Qin's mother learned from their mouths that Tang's father and Tang's mother had been here. Then Tang Anxin also told Qin Ye about the project, and she immediately understood. Qin Ye suddenly proposed the project to the Tang family because Tang Anxin and the Tang family were clamoring for it. Now he couldn't help but have a bad impression of the Tang family.

If they are willing to do business for the Tang family, that's their duty. If they don't, that's their duty. What qualifications do they have to clamor for Qin Ye and ask him to come to them for it? Do they owe the Tang family?

Thinking of this, Qin's father and mother Qin's impression of the Tang family became even worse. Will they still give projects to the Tang family? It's simply impossible.

So now, when Qin Ye came to ask again, Qin's father told Qin Ye: "There are projects, but they already have partners, and they are not willing to add people. As for those without partners, there are some, but they are all It’s not very good. From my point of view, I’m afraid it’s going to be a loss. You can show it to the Tang family and see if they are willing to take it.”

By saying this, you can fool the Tang family. The project is given, but if the project is not good, you can figure it out yourself.

Qin Ye told Qin's father that in fact, it was just to deal with Tang Anxin. As for the outcome, he didn't bother to care. After all, he didn't have a good impression of the Tang family now, and he didn't want to take advantage of the Tang family, so at this time, his father gave His answer was of course enough, and he immediately told Tang Anxin this answer.

Tang Anxin asked Qin Ye to ask Qin's father, but it was actually to deal with the family. As for the answer, it would be fine as long as it did not expose her bad life in the Qin family.

Now after listening to Qin Ye's words, Tang Anxin feels that she can cope with her parents. After all, the Qin family said that they have projects, but good projects have partners for the time being, and we will talk about them when we have the opportunity. As for other projects, the Qin family doesn't think so. Okay, I didn’t answer. Let’s see if the Tang family wants it.

In this way, her parents should have nothing to say. After all, it's not that the Qin family doesn't give projects, but that there are no suitable ones for the time being.

With such an answer, Tang Anxin felt that her parents should be satisfied.

But will Father Tang and Mother Tang be satisfied?

That’s weird!

What they want are projects that can make money like those Tang Anran gave them in the past, instead of what they are doing now. They are either trying to spread the pie - if they say there are good projects, they can come to them - but they can't get them if they don't make money. project.

How is this possible? Tang's father didn't believe that the Qin family didn't have good projects for them. It must be that Tang Anxin was not as valued as Tang Anran in the Qin family before, so the Qin family treated them like this.

So Father Tang immediately said: "I'm still fooling you! Can't you let them give our family a profitable project? Is it because you are not taken seriously in the Qin family and they don't give you face?"

Tang Anxin saw that Tang's father was always dissatisfied, and even exposed her situation in the Qin family. She couldn't save face, so she was not happy at the moment, and her face darkened, and said: "I think what Father Qin and the others said makes sense. For good projects, they must have found a good partner early. They can only wait for good projects in the future before cooperating with the Tang family. For bad projects, they are not going to do it, so they leave it up to you. I have made it clear like this. Why? Are you just fooling me? After all, you just want a project that is sure to make money, but who dares to say that a project can definitely make money? Besides, isn’t this what Dad Qin introduced to you? He said that there may not be any money for several projects, but what Father Qin said may not be true. If there are good projects that can make money, you can take a look. "

In fact, Tang Anxin saw that the Qin family didn't give any project to the Tang family, so she understood to some extent that the Qin family might be fooling her, but she didn't want to admit it, so she naturally said so.

Seeing that Tang Anxin was angry, Tang's father couldn't help but be annoyed. He couldn't help but say something unscrupulous: "Who said it couldn't be done? At that time, your sister was able to get projects for our family at every turn, and they were all profitable. If your sister could, you Why not?"

Tang Anxin couldn't help but get angry when she heard Tang's father praise An Ran, and said, "Then let Tang Anran help you."

Tang Anran has already died. Tang Anxin said this, obviously to poke his sore feet, so Father Tang couldn't help but said angrily: "You!... unfilial daughter! The Qin family perfunctory you like this, it shows that your life in the Qin family is very ordinary. , You dare to talk to me like this, I want to see how well you can live in the Qin family without the support of your mother's family! "

Then he left angrily.

Tang Anxin saw Tang's father leave in anger. Although she felt a little regretful, she was more angry.

She also never thought that one day, she would be inferior to a dead man.

Thinking of An Ran's wealthy and leisure life in the Qin family, Qin's father and Qin's mother were very kind to her. Now that she is dead, Tang's father still cares about her and says good things about her. Can Tang Anxin not be angry?

As for regret, there is a little bit. After all, I had a quarrel with my father, and I am afraid that my pocket money will be less or even gone in the future. After all, Tang Anran, who doesn't like Tang's father and mother, won't have any pocket money?

However, after she got married, the pocket money that Tang's father originally gave her became less. He probably thought that now that she was married, she became a member of the Qin family. Her pocket money should be distributed by the Qin family, and the Tang family had no reason to pay it back. Helping the Qin family to raise people is what the older generation thinks. They think that married daughters are just thrown away water and belong to other people's families, and they cannot help other people's families to raise people.

In this case, it was impossible for her to swallow her anger and listen to Tang's father praise An Ran for such a small amount of pocket money.

Anyway, I didn't give her much pocket money, and it wasn't of much use to her, so just offend her.

Anyway, her status as Mrs. Qin is much better than that of the daughter of the Tang family. If she offends Father Tang, she is not afraid that no one will not fawn on her.

As for Father Tang's threat to her, without the support of the Tang family, she would have a worse life in the Qin family, she was not worried, because she felt that Qin Ye would not leave her again, and as long as she did not leave, Mrs. Qin would As for her identity, she doesn't worry about anything.

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