Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3722 A controlled life 22

When Qin's mother saw that Qin's father was angry, she couldn't help but say good things to her son and said, "It's not the daughter of the Tang family who is to blame. Our Xiaoye has always been outstanding. He is a child of another family. It was the daughter of the Tang family who took him away." The belt is broken.”

To this point, Qin's father reluctantly agreed. After all, Qin Ye had indeed been outstanding since he was a child. In the past two years, he had been interacting with the Tang family's daughter, and his appearance changed. He seemed to be possessed by a ghost and did many inexplicable things. I don’t know how much money I spent on the two daughters of the Tang family! Thinking about it made Father Qin feel angry. Could it be that all the girls in the Tang family were turned into vixens? How could a good child from his family become like this?

Thinking of this, Qin's father and Qin's mother's impression of Tang Anxin became worse. It was much worse than the original impression of An Ran. Apart from anything else, An Ran, before divorcing Qin Ye, because Qin Ye did not divorce Qin Ye at the beginning. Qin's mother talked about An Ran asking for money - after all, he was still treating An Ran as a substitute at that time, and he was still pretending to pursue An Ran. Naturally, he would not speak ill of An Ran in front of Qin's father and Qin's mother, lest his parents find An Ran. Scolding her is not conducive to his pursuit of An Ran, nor is it conducive to him using An Ran as a substitute. Don't make others angry. Therefore, Qin's father and Qin's mother don't know how good An Ran is, so their attitude towards An Ran has always been gentle, otherwise they would not I will frequently give projects to the Tang family.

But now, Qin's father and Qin's mother investigated Tang Anxin's situation and found out that she, like her sister, had been asking for money. So Qin's father and Qin's mother naturally didn't like Tang Anxin.

Since he doesn't like it, the project for the Tang family in his original world will naturally be useless.

Yes, in the original world, because Tang Anxin did not behave like this, and the original person did not ask Qin Ye for money, so Qin's father and mother Qin's impression of the Tang family was not bad. Later, Tang Anxin married in. If the Qin family had any projects that they didn't like but thought the Tang family could use, they would give them to the Tang family. The Tang family did get a lot of meat from the fingers of the Qin family because of the marriage. Eating scum made the Tang family a lot more prosperous.

In Enron's world, the Tang family took away a lot of money because of Enron, and now the Qin family doesn't give them projects anymore. As a result, the situation of the Tang family is not as good as in the original world.

Seeing that the situation of the Tang family was not good, they couldn't help but complain about Tang Anxin, thinking that although Tang Anran was desperate for money, he still managed to get two projects for the Tang family. As for Tang Anxin, she had been married for half a year, so how could she not get a single project? Didn't you see it?

So I thought about coming to Tang Anxin to talk about this matter, asking Tang Anxin to find Qin Ye, blowing the pillow wind, and asking the Qin family to give some projects to the Tang family.

Qin Ye didn't know about the change in Qin's father and Qin's mother's attitude towards Tang Anxin. He immediately took the money and gave it to Tang Anxin, but he didn't give all of it, only part of it, so that Tang Anxin wouldn't have money next month and ask for it again, and he couldn't get it. When you come out, you have to go back to your parents to ask for it, so that your parents don't find out the truth.

Tang Anxin saw that Qin Ye only gave one million this time, which was 90% less than last time. She was immediately dissatisfied and said immediately: "Why is it so little?"

Qin Ye couldn't help frowning after hearing this, and said: "One million is still less? In addition to the pocket money given by your family, isn't this much enough for you? Although Tang Anran desperately wanted the money, he invested it anyway and made more money. , I didn’t see what you invested in. You bought all the clothes, bags and cosmetics. More than one million a month is not enough to buy these things? Then you are spending too much."

When Tang Anxin heard Qin Ye compare her with Tang Anran, she couldn't help but get angry and said, "Are you comparing me to Tang Anran?! Sure enough, you like Tang Anran more, right? Otherwise, why would you compare me to Tang Anran?"

After hearing this, Qin Ye felt that Tang Anxin was unreasonable, so he immediately said "There's something wrong" and left, breaking up on bad terms again.

And Tang Anxin, because she felt that she had Qin Ye under control, was not afraid of Qin Ye's anger at all. She just looked at the balance of one million angrily, feeling very unhappy, thinking about how she could not be as good as Tang Anran!

It's just that although Qin Ye was under control, Qin Ye was very annoyed because he had less money for himself because he was angry.

But there was nothing she could do. If she didn't argue with Qin Ye, Qin Ye didn't know how to take the initiative to give her money. How could this be allowed?

Now that there was a quarrel, although Qin Ye was angry and didn't give himself much money, at least he gave it, which was better than not giving it at all.

Just when Tang Anxin was angry, Tang's father and mother came to the door and asked her to find the Qin family to help the Tang family pull projects.

Tang Anxin was speechless after hearing this, thinking that she had a conflict with Qin Ye, and then she had a normal relationship with Qin's father and Qin's mother. How could she find the Qin family to help the Tang family with projects.

But she can't say this, lest she appear useless and her parents won't be as good to her as they are now. Although her control group Tang Anran is gone, she doesn't have to worry about herself not doing well. Her parents like Tang Anran more, but... She didn't want to see that Tang's father and Tang's mother, who had always supported her, changed and no longer supported her.

It was difficult to transition from extravagance to frugality. She felt that she might not be able to bear it. Her Tang father and Tang mother, who had always supported her, no longer supported her. Therefore, she naturally had to maintain her face in front of Tang father and Tang mother. She could not say that she and Qin Regarding the conflict, Ye could only say: "How can I be embarrassed to mention this kind of thing? You all know that I have always paid attention to my image. How can I ask for something from the Qin family? That will make others think of me."

Tang Anxin felt that these words were in line with her usual image. Her parents would not find it strange or suspect that she was not doing well in the Qin family.

As expected, Tang's father and Tang's mother really had no doubts. The main reason was that for the previous two projects, An Ran claimed credit and said that she was the one who brought it. It was not the Qin family who directly approached Tang's father and Tang's mother, which made Tang's father and Tang's mother feel that this project was... The daughter had to help pull it, otherwise the Qin family would not take the initiative to give it. Therefore, An Ran and Tang Anxin were not found in the Qin family. It is normal for Qin's father and Qin's mother to have different attitudes towards the two.

Although there was no doubt about it, what Tang Anxin said still made Tang's father and Tang's mother dissatisfied. It seemed that raising a daughter to be too aloof was not a good thing, because when her help was needed, she would not be able to maintain her aloof persona. Helped.

On the contrary, although Tang Anran was desperate for money, he still brought two projects to his family, which made the family make some money.

Thinking of this, Tang's father and Tang's mother suddenly felt that although the eldest daughter was annoying, she still had advantages in bringing in business.

It's a pity that the person is gone. Otherwise, even if she divorces Qin Ye and marries a partner in the Tang family's shopping mall, with her skills, she may be able to attract business again.

Although the younger daughter couldn't do it, Tang's father and mother still advised: "It's not necessary. The Tang and Qin families are relatives. Just ask them if they have any good projects. If they do, see if we can work together. This kind of thing is always You can ask."

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