Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3701 A controlled life 1

Using this method, the time-traveling female ghost kept messing up the world, causing countless people to die.

The cultivation of the female ghost who traveled through time has become deeper and deeper due to this method.

However, the further you go, the more experience you need. If you want to break through the void and return to her modern world, you still need to have a body. I don’t know how long it will take.

What's more important is that people in this world are not fools. Soon some people realized that someone was behind it, otherwise, every time a court was established, that court would be destroyed, and then the world would be in chaos again.

Coupled with the fact that every time there is a big chaos, the ghost will appear and harvest people's heads. Many people wonder if the new dynasty perished so quickly every time. Is it because of the ghost? It kills all the emperors and their families of the new dynasty, and how can the world be conquered? There was chaos.

Although he keeps killing bad guys, he seems to be a good ghost. However, every time a new court is established, the new emperor and his relatives will soon die, which will lead to everyone fighting for the throne and the world will be in chaos. At one time, everyone may think it is After two or three accidents, how could everyone still be so stupid and think it was an accident? After all, no matter how unexpected it is, it is impossible that all the relatives of the new emperor will die every time, resulting in no one being qualified to inherit the throne, and then the world will be in chaos.

So everyone began to doubt the attributes of the ghost. They felt that if the ghost killed bad people, it was not necessarily a good ghost, but the other party needed to kill bad people, maybe in order to have a good pregnancy in the future and accumulate merits. Although because of the ancients Due to my limited knowledge, I didn’t guess all of them correctly, but I guessed pretty well.

After guessing what the time-traveling female ghost had done, everyone continued to look for the master to deal with the time-traveling female ghost; at the same time, they began to form an alliance and agreed that no one would fight in the future. Whoever becomes the emperor would be After killing all the female ghosts who traveled through time, other families took turns to take over.

Of course, the people who take turns to be in charge must also have a certain degree of power and form a cabinet, and other people in the opposition can join the cabinet.

Anyway, one thing is, don’t fight, don’t kill, don’t become a bad person, let the ghost kill you and gain merit.

Under normal circumstances, due to human nature, this clause must not be passed, but isn't it true that ghosts have been killing people? Whenever they think of doing bad things, they will be targeted by ghosts. In order to avoid death, several families naturally agreed to this proposal.

And considering what to do if the ghosts got angry and killed them all, they agreed that if they all died, how could the others come to power peacefully and never fight.

The time-travel female ghost couldn't help but get angry when she saw that these people had reached an agreement. However, now, she really had no choice. Even if she killed the agreed people, they issued an announcement, and others heard that there were ghosts guarding them. , just waiting for them to do bad things, and then kill them. Others also accepted this proposal. The time-traveling female ghost cannot keep killing them.

What's more, when she kills people with non-negative character values, especially those with great merits, the system has no restrictions on her - the more people she kills with non-negative character values, especially if she kills many people with great merits. If she is someone else, she will be judged as an evil cultivator by the system. Not only will she not be helped to practice, she will also be punished.

If she kills occasionally, the punishment will be lighter, but if she kills too much and the punishment is too severe, it will drive her to pieces, so she can't keep killing.

Especially when these people stopped doing bad things and started doing good deeds, which resulted in a lot of merit, she killed them, and the backlash was severe.

The female ghost who traveled through time was not a very smart person to begin with, but now that the people of this world have come together to come up with this method to deal with her, she will soon be at her wits end.

After killing some people with good character and even great merit, and being punished by the system, life would be worse than death, so the female ghost has no choice but to travel through time.

Therefore, even without An Ran's intervention, the time-traveling female ghost soon could no longer practice. When the time came, before she could break through, she also died - she was originally a ghost, not a human. After cultivating as a human, her longevity has arrived. You will die, and when the time comes, your soul will be gone.

After the time-traveling female ghost disappeared, the world slowly returned to normal.

An Ran felt satisfied after seeing such unfinished plot, thinking that the development of this world was not bad, unlike some worlds where evil people had always lived a good life, which was unbearable.

After watching the unfinished plot, An Ran practiced for a while and then continued with the mission.


This mission is more difficult and is an orange mission.

The reason why An Ran took this orange mission was because this mission had been pending for a long time and no one had completed it, which led to the original person promising that if a player who met the requirements failed to take the mission, she would be willing to help and pay half of the loss.

If the other party completes it, this is used to compensate for the lost health points and is given to the tasker as a reward.

An Ran saw that if this mission failed, the life points deducted would not be as much as the ordinary orange mission, and then she completed it and the rewards were more, so she was excited. She happened to be in the list of players that the original body said could make up for the losses, so she naturally took it. .

——The original person said that as long as she has completed more than thirty tasks, and the task completion rate is above 95%, and the evaluation is above four stars, if she takes this task, she can help compensate for some losses if it fails. .

Of course, if you don't meet this condition, you can still take on her mission, but if it fails, she will not be responsible for compensation.

Obviously, the original person offered this good condition just to attract capable task takers to do her task so that she could complete the task one day early.

This requirement is not low, there are not many players who meet this requirement, and An Ran is one of the rare people who meet the requirements.

Since the task is so difficult, it must be difficult to accomplish.

No, not long after An Ran entered the mission, she heard a middle-aged man in front of her say angrily: "Why don't you want to marry Qin Ye?"

Before she finished speaking, she felt as if she was rewinding the tape in front of her eyes. The scene was rewinding rapidly, and then it stopped where the middle-aged man looked happy and said to her: "The Qin family said that Xiao Qin has fallen in love with you and wants to marry you." , this is really a good thing.”

After hearing this, An Ran blinked and said, "Really? This makes me so happy. Mom and Dad, can you go out for a while and let me digest this good news first and calm down my mood?"

Although they felt that An Ran's reaction was wrong, Tang's father and Tang's mother still went out, leaving space for An Ran.

The mission that An Ran took on this time was like this.

The original person found that her life seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand, and it seemed that there was a script. She had to follow the script, otherwise, it would keep rewinding.

The problem is, rewinding, rewinding, she found that she seemed not to be the protagonist of this script, but seemed to be cannon fodder.

Who wants to be controlled and used as cannon fodder? Naturally, the original person doesn't want to, and just wants to get rid of this kind of control.

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