Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3694 Ancient “Goddess” 54

What did the time-travel female ghost say that made An Ran think like this?

The time-traveling female ghost has the identity of a ghost and cannot communicate with others, and she has nothing to talk about with the indigenous ghosts in this world. After all, the indigenous ghosts cannot cultivate. The time-traveling female ghost is different from them, so how can she care about them, so she just plays like a ghost. .

Playing alone would definitely be boring, so talking to oneself often would allow An Ran to hear a lot of things she wanted to hear.

"I'm so annoyed. Why do I have so little experience in killing a bad guy? How long do I have to save it before I can go back through the void? I really don't want to stay in this ghost place anymore."

"When will I have a physical body?"

"When can I have delicious food?"

And so on and so forth.

Since this time-traveling female ghost has these thoughts, if you want her to stop, causing her to be unable to continue practicing, unable to improve her level, and unable to reach the state of stepping through the void and go back, she probably won't agree.

Although An Ran had a bottom line and would not disregard the life and death of this world just to have an entity or go back, she was not sure that this time-traveling female ghost had a bottom line.

Since it doesn't work from the ground up, An Ran guessed that she wants the time-traveling female ghost to stop killing evil people and stop leveling up. I'm afraid it won't work because she wants to go back, get a body, and eat delicious food. , how can you care about the world here?

And from the soliloquy of this time-traveling female ghost, An Ran also discovered a situation, that is, this time-traveling female ghost, even if she has a plug-in, her cultivation speed will not be that fast, because she will get nothing by killing a villain. Not much experience.

An Ran observed for many days and found that the experience gained by this time-traveling female ghost after killing a villain was related to the character of the other party.

The amount of negative character value is the amount of experience gained by the time-traveling female ghost. For example, if someone's character value is negative 100, then if the time-traveling female ghost kills the opponent, the experience gained is negative 100; if someone's character value is Negative one thousand, the experience gained by the time-travel female ghost is minus one thousand. However, the lower the character value, the harder it is to kill the time-travel female ghost. This is why this ghost in the past always left the person with the highest status behind. The reason for killing them in the end was that they probably had the lowest character values ​​and she couldn't kill them at the beginning.

But as she kills the people in front of her, gains experience, and levels up, she becomes more powerful and is able to kill the last ones.

Then An Ran also discovered that the reason why this time-traveling female ghost only comes out to act every few years instead of killing people all the time is because after killing people, she will gain experience, her level will be improved, and her combat effectiveness will be enhanced. However, level After promotion, there is a process of stabilizing the realm. If you don't spend time to stabilize the realm, you will go crazy, resulting in a decline in realm and a lower level.

This is similar to what An Ran thought before, after ghosts kill people, they have to digest them.

Apparently, she guessed the truth pretty well.

Almost all the doubts were answered after seeing the time-traveling female ghost. For those that were not answered, An Ran knew that if she stayed with this female ghost for a while, she would understand it clearly, because this female ghost probably thought that everyone I can't see her, and people have the need to talk, so I often talk to myself safely, which can reveal a lot of truth.

For example, An Ran now also knows the current cultivation level of this time-traveling female ghost.

It turns out that this time-traveling female ghost has not yet broken through the Qi training stage and reached the foundation building stage.

However, An Ran's cultivation level is higher than hers. The reason why she didn't see the cultivation level of this time-traveling female ghost before was probably because the other party's cultivation level was created by a plug-in and was digitized, so An Ran couldn't see it.

The time-traveling female ghost only has the cultivation level of the Qi training period. If you think about it carefully, it is normal, because if the time-traveling female ghost does not gain much experience every time she kills evil people, then the upgrade speed will probably not be very fast.

Every time the opponent improves to some level, he must rest and digest it slowly.

Seeing that the other party has only come out a few times, you can tell that she is not in the foundation building stage.

Knowing that the time-traveling female ghost's cultivation level was not as high as his own, An Ran felt relieved, thinking that it would be better now, and he wouldn't have to worry about not being able to convince her, and that he would not be able to deal with her by force in the end.

Now that he knows that he can deal with her and doesn't have to worry about not being able to defeat her, An Ran is confident that he will talk to her about this matter after traveling through time to kill the evil villain.

At the moment, An Ran was waiting for the time-traveling female ghost to finish her experience-earning journey, and she would come to talk to her about this matter.

The reason why An Ran continued to kill evil people with the time-traveling female ghost after knowing that the time-traveling female ghost was not as good as her was because the force that the time-traveling female ghost attacked this time was notorious, and many of them were extremely evil, and An Ran also supported her. Kill these evil people.

In fact, either he was afraid that killing all the evil people in the world would bring unexpected consequences, or Enron also supported killing all these people. After all, who likes evil people?

But because it would bring unexpected consequences, An Ran thought that it would be better to leave the punishment of evildoers to the law.

Although the law punishes evildoers, sometimes fish may slip through the net, but at least there will be no such consequences.

Soon, the time-traveling female ghost wiped out all the evildoers in this force.

An Ran saw it, and those evildoers who escaped were also found and killed by the time-traveling female ghost.

Since the opponent has a plug-in, he probably has a map of the mobs, so no matter where those people escape, they can be killed by the time-traveling female ghost.

Moreover, An Ran also observed that for the time-traveling female ghost, every time she goes out and kills certain people, it is like making a copy, and there should be a task reward.

So the people she killed were group by group. For example, the Qian family in the county, the Qian family in the capital, the emperor and others at the beginning. The large and small forces surrounding the emperor at that time were all small groups. It is estimated that these Small groups, in the time-traveling female ghost, all have dungeons one by one. There should be requirements to kill people whose character value is lower than a certain value in this dungeon. Otherwise, the time-traveling female ghost will not return after some people escape. After traveling thousands of miles to catch him and kill him, even though the time-traveling female ghost has some cultivation and is a ghost, she can run very fast and she can catch up even if the opponent runs far away. However, if there were no mission requirements in this regard, An Ran felt that the time-traveling female ghost would not kill the evildoers who ran so far away, so as not to waste time.

This can be heard from the time-traveling female ghost who found and killed all the people who ran away, and then complained to herself: "It's really annoying, why are you running, running if you can't run away, wasting my time! If it weren’t for a good reward, I wouldn’t bother looking for it.”

Obviously, if there were no related tasks, the time-traveling female ghost might not care.

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