Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3692 Ancient “Goddess” 52

This leader of the force still has some knowledge, and what he said makes sense. Moreover, if An Ran heard what he said in this place, he might also say, even if all the evil people in the world are killed, who can guarantee that there will be no outsiders? Where are the stars? When the ghost is gone, the whole world will be full of lambs. If aliens come to attack one day, the game will be over here.

——This is also the reason why An Ran, like this ghost, can kill all the evil people in the world and scare everyone in the world from doing bad things, but he didn't do it, because there are some things that seem to be better, but no one does it. Know what the consequences will be if you do this.

Enron does not want to protect evil people, but considers the entire social ecological chain.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that since the death of the emperor, many of the new children born in this safe zone with a radius of 200 miles, An Ran felt that they had that sign - they were much more innocent than normal children.

If there hadn't been that ghost here, the parents of new-born children, the oldest of whom would be five years old, would definitely tell them to be careful outside and not be caught by bad people; they would also tell little girls not to be alone with members of the opposite sex. Together, we can prevent those BTs from attacking little girls.

But in the safe zone, everyone knows that people here don't dare to do bad things, so they never tell their children to guard against this. The children have no common sense in this area and are very naive.

Seeing this, An Ran felt that this was not a good thing.

Things in the world are like this, not black and white.

Evil people are naturally bad, but killing all the evil people so that no one dares to do evil is necessarily good? Not necessarily.

Just like what the leader of the force said, unless this ghost can control this world forever, so that this world will never have accidents due to turning into a lamb, otherwise, all the evil people will be eliminated in a short time, so that everyone can It may not be a good thing to dare not do evil and let the newborn child live in a fairy tale world without knowing the dangers of the world.

Maybe they can live a good life for the time being, but once the ghost is gone and nothing happens, these useless people will definitely be wiped out by those wolves and tigers in the outside world, and they will end up there. , will be even more terrifying than the evil people in this world now.

At any rate, when there are evil people, everyone has developed a vigilant mentality and will not be easily destroyed by the surrounding countries. After all, everyone knows how to fight back.

But when there are no evil people, the ghosts will raise everyone to waste. If they leave one day in the future, such a group of people born in the fairy tale world are so stupid that people from the surrounding countries will easily destroy the people of this world.

So things in the world are so strange. They seem to be good things, but the results are not necessarily good.

People may not understand how it can't be a good thing if they think about getting rid of evil people and making people afraid to do evil, but that's the fact.

Not only did An Ran feel that what the leader of the force said was right, but his confidants also felt that what he said was right. Hearing what he said, he couldn't help but sigh and said: "This is exactly what we are worried about. If the scope of this ghost's control is It’s getting bigger and bigger, not to mention that the lord can’t compete in the world, we are also worried that the entire country will be destroyed by this ghost in the future.”

"It's a pity that Chen Xiangu cherishes her life. No matter how much I try to persuade her, she is unwilling to help." The leader of the force said.

"Maybe she really can't beat her? We can only find another expert." Those confidants said.

After thinking for a while, the leader of the force said: "If I tell her what I just thought, will she come out to help us because she understands?"

"You can try. If she doesn't come after saying this, then she may really not be able to defeat that ghost."

Seeing that the counselors agreed to his proposal, the leader of the force couldn't help but be happy, and immediately sent someone to tell An Ran his thoughts.

Then the counselor sent as a lobbyist saluted An Ran and said: "Please consider the life and death of all living beings and help get rid of this ghost so that it will not cause trouble again."

After hearing what the leader of the force said, An Ran had some thoughts secretly, but still shook his head and said: "What your lord said makes sense, but I really can't defeat that ghost, so I don't dare to take action."

An Ran also agreed with the leader's idea, but since it was killing evil people for the time being, she had no reason to kill it. After all, could it be that the other party was killing evil people, so he couldn't kill it? What's the point?

Therefore, even though we know that what the other party is doing may not only have no good effect but also have counter-effects in the long run, Enron has no plans to touch it for the time being.

Of course, An Ran didn't want to leave it untouched. After all, it wouldn't be a good thing if it really controlled the world for decades and eventually wiped out the people in this place.

So An Ran planned to wait for a period of time, when the ghost has killed almost all the evil people in the world, find the ghost, talk about the consequences with the other party, and see if it is willing to kill almost all the evil people in the world. Don't take any more action, don't continue to raise new-born children.

If the other party doesn't listen to the advice, it won't be too much to take action at that time.

She just didn't know if she could defeat the opponent. After all, An Ran hadn't figured out the opponent's strength yet, so when she said she couldn't defeat the ghost, it wasn't a lie, but it was really possible that she couldn't defeat him.

The reason why An Ran wanted to wait until the other party had killed almost all the evil people in the world before taking action was mainly because at the end of the dynasty, there were too many evil people in the world. It would be fine to let this ghost clean it up, but he couldn't go too far. That's enough, don't keep taking action next, lest you ruin the world.

Speaking of which, it wasn't that they were bad. If they hadn't killed anyone, the ghosts couldn't find a reasonable reason to kill people now. If they started killing innocent people in order to upgrade, she would be able to take action.

After An Ran said this, the counselor saw that the other party agreed with his lord's idea, but still didn't plan to go. It seemed that the secret channel was really unbeatable, so he couldn't help but left with regret and told the leader about it. .

The leader heard from the counselor that he might not be able to defeat An Ran, so he had to forget it. He immediately continued to look for more powerful experts. He still didn't believe it. No one in the world could deal with that ghost. After all, the devil is as tall as the Tao. My husband, it stands to reason that evil will prevail over good, so someone should be able to deal with that ghost.

Not to mention that various forces continued to search for masters, but after An Ran sent away the lobbyist of a certain force, after thinking about it, he was ready to go to the force where the ghosts were making trouble to see if he could meet the other party and understand the other party's strength. .

It's time to understand the opponent's strength before deciding whether to continue to practice in the capital.

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