Xiaoya doesn't have to worry about the chaos in the world and the safety on the road. Her mother is so powerful now. If she takes her with her, she will be a burden. She may have to worry about it. Without her, she doesn't have to worry about the safety on the road.

An Ran immediately set off for the capital.

She is a monk now, and she is alone. She does not have Xiaoya who is not a cultivator with her. She can use the invisibility charm to avoid everyone's interference and travel quickly to the destination. The journey should be fast.

But An Ran's walking speed soon slowed down, because An Ran saw many refugees along the way. Sometimes when she saw the refugees suffering disasters, she couldn't help but help them.

For example, sometimes when these refugees were beaten, she found out that it was not the refugees who were beaten, but the other party who found trouble, so she took action to deal with those who were beaten.

Sometimes when she sees that the refugees have nothing to eat, she will try to get them some food so that they can have the supplies to go where they want to go, such as the safe zone where Anran and the others are.

After wasting time everywhere, An Ran's speed naturally slowed down.

Although it slowed down, because of her current cultivation level, she still arrived in the capital in about the same time as before.

As soon as he arrived in the capital, An Ran went directly to Baiyun Temple without looking for an inn to stay.

She doesn't need to stay in any inn now, because if she is hungry, she can just go out to eat something. Anyway, she has cultivation now and can go back and forth to the city very quickly.

As for bathing and bathing, with her current cultivation level, she can use the Cleansing Technique. Using the Cleansing Technique to cleanse the body is cleaner than washing with water. Just like that ancestor also saves time in this way. After all, if you take a bath with water every day, you have to How much time it would take for him to practice. In this way, he wouldn't need to stay in an inn.

Because there was no need and to save time, An Ran did not rent a house or stay in an inn in the city.

There are wars all over the world, and even the capital is being fought over. However, Baiyun Temple is still as peaceful and peaceful as ever. That's right. Generally, rebels will not break in to Taoist temples, temples and other places where non-mundane people live like this. , after all, going to Taoist temples or temples to burn, kill, and loot is not good for your reputation.

Since there were no insurgents to disturb them, the Taoist temple was naturally as peaceful and peaceful as before.

But it's not completely unchanged.

When the emperor went south, some Taoist priests from Baiyun Temple followed him south.

The reason why we made this choice at that time was because we were afraid that the emperor would not die and would re-establish the court elsewhere. In order to maintain its influence in the secular world, Baiyunguan divided into two forces, half of which stayed behind and the other half followed the emperor. Go south.

In fact, like many big families, they just wanted to bet on both sides, betting on the emperor, and on the other hand, they wanted to stay in the capital and bet on new forces.

Therefore, Baiyun Temple is missing many familiar faces that An Ran knew before, and there are some new faces.

An Ran didn't care about this, and now he found the place where the ancestor of Baiyunguan stayed.

The ancestor of Baiyunguan is still practicing there as he was a few years ago. It's hard to believe that his lifespan is not over yet.

She didn't know how much life this man had left, but looking at his cultivation, An Ran felt that his talent might not be very good, and he was afraid that he would not be able to break through the foundation building stage and reach the golden elixir stage.

This is a low-level cultivation plane. Not only does there not be much spiritual energy here, but even the talent conditions of those who are talented are not that good. Unlike those high-level cultivation planes, monks always have spiritual roots.

Therefore, it is normal for the ancestor of Baiyunguan to have poor talent and not be able to break through the foundation building stage.

An Ran took a look at his situation and stopped paying more attention. Instead, she quickly started practicing. After all, she wanted to catch up with the speed of the ghost and couldn't be much worse than it.

There is not much to say about the days of practicing in Baiyun Temple. Anyway, nothing happened. I just practiced every day.

This time while practicing in the capital, An Ran did not continue practicing until he broke through the Qi training stage and reached the foundation building stage before going back. Instead, he went home every few months to check on his daughter and saw that she was doing well. Return to the capital to continue practicing.

The reason for doing this is that it cannot be completed in three or two days from the fourth level of Qi training stage to the foundation building stage, so she cannot continue to practice until the foundation building stage before going back. After all, that time is too long. Her daughter It's time to miss her. After all, it doesn't take three or two days to reach the foundation building stage, so it's normal to go back every few months.

In addition to checking on the situation with my daughter, I mainly wanted to go back and see what the ghost was doing, so as not to stay in the capital and not know the ghost's recent situation.

But it seems that the ghost has not come out, because there is no news of anyone dying anywhere.

It should be that after killing so many people last time, the ghost gained a lot of experience and the like, and now it needs to be digested slowly. Otherwise, the world is in chaos now, and there are countless people for him to kill, and there are so many heinous people. It is impossible not to take action.

Of course, it is also possible that it wants to raise and raise those people, so that it can kill those people, let more people get human lives on its hands, and become a heinous person, and then it can kill more people and bring more people. experience of.

An Ran saw that there was no movement from the ghosts and there was nothing going on with her daughter, so she returned to the capital to continue practicing.

According to her current progress, she will probably have to practice for four to five years before she can break through the Qi training stage and reach the foundation building stage.

After breaking through the Qi training stage and reaching the foundation building stage, and using some props she bought in the system mall, it should be possible to deal with that ghost.

It should be impossible for that ghost to break through the foundation building stage and reach the golden elixir stage so quickly.

After all, when you reach the golden elixir stage, you have advanced cultivation, powerful spiritual consciousness, and wide coverage. Ghosts and monsters do not need to appear in front of the target, and you can use your spiritual consciousness to kill the opponent in a distant place.

As for the method used by the ghosts to kill people last time, they obviously did it in person and did not rely on spiritual consciousness, so they should not have reached the golden elixir stage yet.

As for whether the opponent will break through to the golden elixir stage after this time, it depends on whether it uses its spiritual consciousness to kill people next time, or whether it goes into battle in person. If it still goes into battle in person, it means that its cultivation is still in the foundation building stage, and there is no Reached the golden elixir stage.

If one uses divine consciousness to kill people, it means that it has reached the golden elixir stage. Then An Ran must continue to practice, break through the foundation building stage, and reach the golden elixir stage, lest the ghost one day turns bad and becomes a task for her to solve. The target, her cultivation level is low, she cannot deal with it, and the task cannot be completed.

After four or five years of An Ran's practice, he successfully reached the foundation building stage.

After reaching the foundation building stage, An Ran temporarily returned to her hometown, planning to see the ghost's cultivation speed first. If the other party had already reached the golden elixir stage, it would not be too late for her to continue practicing.

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