This poor communication between the top and bottom quickly led to the outbreak of conflicts - the southbound team was politely refused to enter by a certain prefecture, but after they insisted on entering, they were attacked.

It was not the rebels who attacked the southbound team, but unknown armed forces.

After the unknown armed attack, he put down harsh words. If the emperor and his party insist on entering, they will bear the consequences.

Now that things were like this, the emperor and his entourage naturally did not dare to enter. After all, they were timid and frightened birds in the first place. Now that someone was attacking them, even if the accompanying imperial army beat the enemy away, they still felt that the city was dangerous, so how could they dare to enter.

They dare not enter that city due to danger, and other cities do not allow them to enter. As a result, they have been unable to find a place to enter and have no place to rest. After all, a majestic emperor cannot just stay in the wilderness. In such an environment, the pampered emperor and his beloved How can the concubines bear it?

The emperor didn't know about this situation at first. It wasn't until he found a place to rest at night that he realized what had happened. At that moment, Long Yan couldn't help but became furious. After all, he had always thought that others welcomed him, but now he was not allowed to go anywhere. When he entered, it was obvious that he was not welcoming. This fact made the emperor, who always thought highly of himself, not angry.

At that moment, the emperor ordered the confidant eunuch around him to tell the commander of the imperial army to find a better nearby city and forcefully enter to rest.

There were indeed some dangers in forcibly entering like this, for example, the locals would not welcome them in and would attack them, etc., but the emperor could not care less. After all, he could not live without a place to rest.

The emperor thought that there were no powerful armed groups nearby. After all, they had defeated the previous attackers. This gave the emperor some confidence that there should be no problem in entering.

After listening to the emperor's order, the commander of the imperial army had no choice but to accept the order. After all, he also wanted a place to repair, rather than staying in the wilderness.

So although it was a bit dangerous, the commander of the imperial army found a city and forced his way in after shouting at the city gate but the other party refused to open it.

In an ordinary city, if it is not occupied by powerful rebels, the government army alone cannot defeat the well-equipped Forbidden Army with certain combat effectiveness. Therefore, the commander of the Forbidden Army completed the emperor's order and allowed everyone to enter successfully and have a rest. The place.

The emperor felt that he was justified in not being allowed to enter and forcing his way in, because he was the emperor, and there was no royal land in the world. He could go wherever he wanted, so why couldn't he enter?

But after the news spread, the common people didn't think so. They felt that the emperor and the rebels were no different. They were all bandits. In an instant, the emperor's reputation became worse and worse, and it became harder and harder to find a place to go.

The emperor didn't know it yet, and he thought his decision was a good one. After all, if he hadn't forcibly acquired a city, he would be living in the wilderness now.

And because it was difficult to find a place to enter, the emperor did not leave the city for the time being after he had a place to rest, so as to avoid the trouble of running around and not finding a place to rest.

And this made this city a target of public criticism. Everyone was staring at this place. Many rebels gathered here. The local people who heard about this were frightened by the situation and gathered in private to think of a solution. , thinking about how to avoid the danger; while cursing the emperor in his heart, after all, if he didn't come, how would they have been in these dangers.

These things, because the town where An Ran was located was a traffic artery, they naturally heard about it. At that moment, everyone couldn't help but feel lucky again that the emperor did not take a fancy to his own city, otherwise they would be in misery.

Now everyone knows that in this turbulent time, getting rich is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to avoid disaster.

This was what others discovered, but An Ran discovered another situation - she heard that many inexplicable deaths occurred in that city.

Not only were the emperor and his party killed, but the rebels who were approaching were also killed.

Most of the people who died were guilty of heinous crimes - some had harmed many people in the palace, and some had committed acts of burning, killing and looting.

This development gave An Ran a familiar smell.

But it doesn't matter whether these people die or not, so I just want to eat melon and don't plan to go over and take a look.

She has more important things to do now, because someone has proposed marriage to Xiaoya, and Xiaoya is quite satisfied and is ready to get together, so An Ran wants to examine the other person's character, so now she pays more attention to herself.

The person who proposes Xiaoya's marriage is a young master from the county town. His family owns some land. Although he is not very wealthy, his conditions are not worse than those of the Anran family. If Xiaoya gets married, at least his quality of life will not deteriorate.

In addition, Xiaoya said that she wanted to have a child with her own surname, and the other party did not object. This made Xiaoya think that the other party was good, so she wanted to get along with her.

The reason why this person knew Xiaoya was because her parents were in poor health before and came to see An Ran for medical treatment (to exorcise evil spirits). They were favored by An Ran and had a good impression of An Ran. They thought it was good to have such a powerful in-law, so it seemed that their son liked Xiao Ya. , I agreed, otherwise, An Ran would not agree at all because of her taboo status as a goddess, and because Xiaoya wanted to have a child with her last name.

Just when An Ran was showing Xiaoya her partner's character, many accidents happened in Fucheng.

At first, neither the rebels nor the emperor and his party noticed anything was wrong, and thought it was a normal situation, because usually, people would die often, both in the palace and on the rebel side, so they didn't notice at all when people died at first. Something is wrong.

It wasn't until some people in high positions died inexplicably, not as if they were plotted to death, but as if they died in an accident, that the emperor, his party and the rebels realized that something was wrong.

Realizing that something was wrong, the emperor, his party and the rebels began to investigate the circumstances of the dead people, and then discovered that many people died of strange causes and did not look like normal deaths.

This discovery made the rebels, the emperor and his party feel a little creepy.

After all, people in the palace died because of palace fights and rebels died in battles. They were not afraid because it was a normal death.

But now this is not a normal death at all, but rather like someone who died from an evil collision, which frightens them. After all, death in palace battles or in battles can be avoided, but if ghosts come to find them, how can they avoid it? , fear comes from the unknown, which naturally scares everyone.

Now I started to use local materials and find a master to help exorcise evil spirits.

But obviously, just like what happened with the Qian family before, exorcism has no effect, and the dead continue. People die every day, which makes the emperor, his party, and the rebels start to fear. After all, who is not afraid of people dying inexplicably every day? I’m afraid that one day it will be my turn.

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