Now Chen Anran asked her to bring the man over to see him, and he also gave her a "child". What kind of child? An old man in his forties or fifties could be Chen Anran's father and Xiaoya's grandfather, so how could he bring him here? So can Sister-in-law Li stop choking?

An Ran saw Sister-in-law Li choking, and immediately she changed her face and said: "What's going on, what's going on, is Sister-in-law really lying? Why don't I ask you to bring her here? Why don't you bring her here to see us?" ?”

Sister-in-law Li quickly turned her brain, and it took her a long time to find the reason. She forced a smile and said: "Oh, they are a rich family, how can we have the qualifications to call them over? How about I take Xiaoya to their house to see each other?" "

By then, when we arrived at Mr. Liu's house, the rice was already cooked, and Chen Anran had nothing to do.

An Ran sneered and said: "Since he likes my little girl, he will be my son-in-law from now on. How can a son-in-law look down on his mother-in-law and not even come to her mother-in-law's house? Since he looks down on our family like this, we don't care about him, so forget it. chant."

Sister-in-law Li was completely overwhelmed by An Ran's words. She had no choice but to leave a message and run away after going back to discuss it with others.

When Xiaoya saw Sister-in-law Li leaving, she said to An Ran: "Mom, the eldest uncle is a bit weird. Why wouldn't she want to see someone come to see her?"

An Ran already knew the answer, but it was difficult to say it directly. After all, it was difficult to explain, so he just said: "Don't worry, I'll have someone go over and see what's going on."

Xiaoya knew that when her mother said she wanted people to go over and have a look, she was actually asking the ghosts to go over and have a look, so she nodded immediately.

Having grown up with An Ran, Xiaoya already knew that her mother had the ability to communicate with ghosts, so she didn't find it strange at all.

She wasn't afraid of those ghosts either, because her mother said that the reason why no bachelors or gangsters bothered them was because they were protected by kind ghosts, otherwise the two women would have been bullied long ago.

Since the ghosts are protecting them, Xiaoya is naturally not afraid of them.

It just so happened that she had never seen ghosts since she was a child, and they never caused trouble to her, so she naturally had no ill feelings towards ghosts.

Although An Ran already knew what was going on, he still asked the ghosts to go over and find out what was going on, and told Xiaoya the situation three days later.

" old man in his forties or fifties, with an old heart and an old heart, wanted to sleep with a young and beautiful girl, so he told people in the countryside that if anyone could introduce him to a young and beautiful girl, he would like it and would be willing to marry her. Twenty taels of introduction fee. When your grandparents heard that there was so much money, they were excited and prepared to sell you to that bad old man in his forties or fifties, as old as your grandfather, in exchange for twenty taels of silver. Some people , for money, he will do anything, even his own daughter, let alone his granddaughter."

When Xiaoya heard about it, she couldn't help but frowned in disgust and said, "I knew they were bad, but I didn't expect them to be so bad and treat me like this! I'm not afraid that my father will be sad if he knows they treat me like this. "

When she was driven away by Grandpa Li and Grandma Li, she was already seven years old and could remember, so she naturally knew how bad Father Li and Mother Li were, but she didn't expect that after so many years, the other party would still stretch out his claws on her and make her You know, some people can be worse.

"They don't love your father much, so why do they care whether your father is hurt or not." An Ran said. "And, as far as I know, not only your grandparents, but also your maternal grandparents are not the same. As far as I know, they will come to you soon and say that they want to arrange this 'good' marriage for you. Cai Silk It’s so touching. In front of money, conscience is almost gone.”

Chen's father and Chen's mother's family are not good people. Xiaoya naturally knows this after all these years. When An Ran said that they had also set their sights on her, she felt even more disgusted and said: "Who are they? Catch me and make a fortune alone?"

"Who said that none of the children in their family are good-looking? Otherwise, they would still be sold. They are people who are greedy for money, and they are not all targeting you." An Ran comforted.

"Fortunately, we left the Li family and the Chen family didn't want us. Otherwise, if I lived with them every day, I might be disgusted to death by them."

"Okay, don't think so much. Anyway, as long as I'm here, they can't do anything to you. After all, the child's marriage is the order of the parents and the matchmaker. They are not your parents and have no right to be your master."

Xiaoya nodded and said: "Fortunately, if I let them make the decision, I will definitely be betrayed by them."

When Xiaoya thought about what her mother told her, the reason why Sister-in-law Li tried so hard to take her to Liu's house was because she planned to let Mr. Liu, that bad old man, ruin her innocence. After the raw rice was cooked, they would have no choice but to leave her alone. Being able to marry her makes me feel disgusted with the Li family, thinking about having such grandparents.

At the same time, I was disgusted with Mr. Liu, thinking about a rotten old man in his forties or fifties who was about to die - the average life expectancy of people in this world is extremely low, and people who are about to die in their forties or fifties - wanted to ruin a young and beautiful man. Girl, is this not disgusting?

After all, if he hadn't wanted to sleep with a young and beautiful girl, this series of things wouldn't have happened. It turns out that people are old at heart.

Not long after An Ran and Xiao Ya discussed the situation of the Li family and the Chen family, the Chen family came to mention the matter as expected by An Ran. Naturally, An Ran and Xiao Ya retorted and turned back.

Both An Ran and Xiao Ya asked them to bring the person over to see if they could take a fancy to them. They were women and it was impossible to go to the man's house first to see them.

This eliminated the possibility that the two families wanted to trick Xiaoya into going to the Liu family first and let Mr. Liu cook the raw rice into cooked rice.

An Ran and Xiao Ya's intentions left the Li family and Chen family helpless. After all, they couldn't call Mr. Liu to An Ran and Xiao Ya's place.

Not to mention that Mr. Liu would not pay attention to them and came to An Ran's place. Even if Mr. Liu was willing to come, they did not dare to take him there for fear of being beaten by An Ran and Xiaoya.

But they obviously didn't give up, so they still mentioned the matter to Mr. Liu and asked him if he could send a servant or someone from his house to pretend to be him first and go and see Xiaoya. After they had deceived Xiaoya, Just ask Xiaoya to go to his house, and then the rice will be cooked and the matter will be settled.

They tried their best to describe how beautiful Xiaoya was, and the lustful Mr. Liu couldn't help but be moved. He immediately wanted to do what the Li family and Chen family said, and first let a young man go over to see Xiaoya, and when Xiaoya fell in love, they would Let Xiaoya come and sit at Liu's house, and then the rice will be cooked, and the young and beautiful girl he wants will be available.

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