Next, An Ran concentrated on living her life with Xiaoya, occasionally going out to take orders and make some money.

More often, it is used to investigate the cause of death of the original husband.

At present, it seems that there is really no external reason, and he really died in an accident, because after repeated investigations, the result is the same.

An Ran didn't know if this was the truth. If it was true, that would be it. If it wasn't, then her mission would have failed.

This is the most difficult thing for An Ran because she doesn't know the answer to this question.

She spent her life points to buy a guide, but the guide only said that there was a way to deal with ghosts in this world. It didn't mention anything about her original husband, so it was useless for her to buy it.

I bought two guides in a row, but they didn't mention anything about my original husband, so An Ran stopped buying guides. God knows how much health it cost to buy a guide that mentioned my husband. By then, I had bought too many guides. , the sunk cost is too high. Should I buy it or give up? If I don’t continue to buy, the sunk cost is too high. If I continue to buy, if I don’t have the original husband’s strategy, wouldn’t it be a waste of life points?

So An Ran bought two guides and didn't find the information he wanted, so he stopped buying.

An Ran couldn't see anything interesting from the strategy, so he could only continue to investigate.

Soon, Xiaoya grew up and became very beautiful, so naturally the Li family and the Chen family wanted to sell Xiaoya in the original world.

Of course, when the Li family and the Chen family told her, they would definitely not say that they wanted to sell Xiaoya. After all, in that case, Chen Anran would definitely not be willing. Instead, they would say that they had found a good marriage for Xiaoya.

But they concealed the fact that they wanted to give Xiaoya to the other party as a concubine, and the other party was a bad old man in his forties or fifties.

There is naturally a reason why the Li family and the Chen family were able to get in touch with this rich man and know that he wanted to take a beautiful girl as a concubine.

It turned out that this rich man came out of the small mountain village where he was originally from, started a business, made some money, bought a house in the county, and was considered prosperous.

Coming back this time is a homecoming in fine clothes.

The Li family and the Chen family were envious when they saw the so-called Master Liu's glory.

I happened to hear that Mr. Liu wanted to take a concubine. He thought that his original daughter was very beautiful, so he started to think about it. He thought that An Ran was a goddess and wanted to marry Xiaoya. Who would take care of her? Then wouldn't they? There is a chance to intervene. Let Xiaoya marry Mr. Liu, but he can get twenty taels of silver. Although An Ran went to town, the Li family and Chen family came to town from time to time, and they also saw Xiaoya. Of course, they knew that the other party was very beautiful, especially since An Ran took good care of the little girl, fed her well and clothed her well, and was more delicate than her original world. This made the Li family and the Chen family feel that they had found someone to make a fortune. Chance.

Yes, Mr. Liu is old-hearted. He wants to find a beautiful girl and is willing to give her a gift of twenty taels of silver.

The reason why he went to the countryside to look for money when he was rich was because, although he was rich, he was not that rich yet. He was just ordinary rich, so the maid he raised at home could not be too beautiful. After all, she was a very beautiful girl. I will definitely be able to get a better or younger rich man, and I will not work as a maid in his house.

As for not being a servant, then she can marry someone better. Who would be a concubine to an old man who doesn’t have that much money? So if he wants to sleep with a young and beautiful girl, he can only go to the countryside to find one. .

Even though it was only twenty taels of silver, for the Li family and Chen family who could not save enough money for a year, this was a huge sum of money. When I heard it, I was moved.

Then he thought of his beautiful daughter Xiaoya and made up his mind.

There was no way, they favored sons over daughters, and their own girl was not raised well, and she was so skinny that Mr. Liu would never want her, so he could only sell his original daughter.

It’s not their child anyway, so they won’t feel bad if he sells it. In fact, even if it’s their child, when they think of the twenty taels of silver, they will still sell it, and they won’t care whether the other person is in their forties or fifty. The lousy old man who is 20 years old, after all, to them, his daughter is a loser. If he can sell it for twenty taels, he will make a fortune. There is no reason not to do it.

So when Anron woke up early that day, he saw the Li family coming to the door first and asking about Xiaoya's marriage.

"With your status, there must be no one to deal with you. If you introduce a marriage to Xiaoya, I, as the aunt, must consider her. If not, I just found out about a good marriage and came to find you quickly." Sister-in-law Li said.

While talking, he secretly looked at the decoration of An Ran's home. Seeing that the decoration of An Ran's home was very good, he was salivating. He secretly thought to himself, this bitch, her life is really good. She eats bran-throated vegetables in the country, but she lives a wealthy life in the town. , it’s really annoying.

The more she thought about this, the more Mrs. Li wanted to sell Xiaoya, not only to make a fortune, but also to make Chen Anran angry to death when he knew the truth.

An Ran would be speechless if she knew what Mrs. Li thought like this. After all, this family was afraid that she would harm them and drove her out. Why did they forget how scary she was and dare to sell her daughter? , probably only saw the money and forgot about these.

At this moment, An Ran listened to Sister Li's words and said calmly: "No need for your help, Xiaoya said she wants to give birth and find a husband."

Over the years, Xiaoya had been with An Ran and lived a good life. Then she traveled around with An Ran. Gradually, she gained more knowledge. She had seen many women get married, but their lives were not very good, so they no longer wanted to get married. But I want to have a baby and find a husband.

She thought very clearly and simply. After she married her husband and gave birth to a child, it would be fine if her husband treated her badly. If he treated her badly, An Ran would use her ability to drive the man away. In this way, she Once she has a child and her annoying husband doesn't ask her to serve him, her life will be easier.

Xiaoya was thinking very rationally. An Ran would not interfere in Xiaoya's life. When Xiaoya said this, she naturally would not object, so she told Sister-in-law Li this way.

This is also different from the original world. In the original world, the original person put money into the Li family and the Chen family. The life of the mother and daughter was not very good. Xiaoya just wanted to leave the original Virgin Mary. She didn't want to see the original person continue to suffer for her and support the Li family and the Chen family, so when she got older, she chose someone she thought was good and got married. She didn't want to suffer with the original person anymore. Unlike in the Enron world, Xiaoya because Life is very good. I don’t want to get married and be bullied. I just want to stay with my mother all the time, so I want to have a baby and find a husband.

Sister-in-law Li also didn't expect that Xiaoya actually planned to give birth and find a husband. How could their plan be implemented now? After all, as long as Xiaoya wants to get married, she can sell her under the guise of helping her, but if she doesn't plan to get married, how can she sell her?

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