As far as An Ran knows, this Qian family should be considered the richest man in the city. Their business is selling salt. In other words, the Qian family is a salt merchant.

Salt merchants are naturally rich.

At the same time, he naturally has a background. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t have a background, he can’t be a salt merchant.

As for the Qian family's network, it is none other than Mr. Qian's cousin. It is said that he is a minister in the imperial court. I don't know what kind of minister it is. Anyway, everyone knows that Mr. Qian has a cousin who is a minister.

Although they are cousins, not brothers, they are still very close. With such a connection, it is no problem for Mr. Qian to become a salt merchant.

Of course, it is not just Qian Shangshu who protects his cousin. An Ran guessed that it is also a good thing for Qian Shangshu to make money for him. After all, Qian Shangshu is rich. When Qian Shangshu needs to spend money in the court, having such a money bag will certainly be beneficial to him. There are great benefits.

People say that depending on how rich Mr. Qian is, he can still live the life of a master even if he goes to the capital, because according to everyone's guesses, his family is rich in millions.

But Mr. Qian didn't go, and still stayed in this small county. It was said that he was attached to his hometown and didn't want to leave his hometown and go to a place as far away as the capital.

At that moment, An Ran removed the shielding tool and wanted to take a look at the ghost situation around the Qian family.

Then I discovered, ho! There are so many ghosts and monsters around the Qian family, and there are also many evil spirits. It seems that rich people hide a lot of dirty things.

An Ran decided at that moment not to get involved in this family's affairs, lest he learn any secrets and bring trouble to himself.

However, it is said that such a wealthy family has invited many monks and Taoists to help. She will take a good look at these colleagues to see if there are any powerful ones who can solve the ghost problem.

Speaking of which, the monks and Taoists hired by such a wealthy family should all be well-known and capable, right? Then come here yourself, you will most likely find some powerful people who may be able to help you with your mission.

Because of thinking of this, An Ran didn't immediately say that he couldn't solve the situation after seeing the situation of the Qian family, and then leave. Otherwise, An Ran would have run away long ago after seeing so many evil ghosts.

There are so many evil spirits in the Qian family, so it is probably not unusual for their young lady to be haunted by ghosts.

An Ran has been in this world for such a long time, and her original memory has allowed her to understand the rules of how ghosts in this world can cause harm to people: Ordinary ghosts cannot cause harm to humans without practicing, and they can create ghosts that can break the wall. Even if the effect is good, this is also a common method used by the ghosts who guard Anron to help Anron deal with bad guys; but if the death is unknown, it is easy for the ghosts to become resentful and turn into evil spirits. Some of them have the ability to influence humans. .

But this ability is not as strong as in ghost movies and novels. They cannot directly harvest people's lives. At most, they can interfere with people's magnetic field through their own powerful energy field, thereby affecting people's behavior. It is like there is a pond in front of the ghost. After the impact, the person thought it was a road and kept walking forward, then fell into the water and drowned.

From An Ran's point of view, these fierce ghosts are at best self-taught and practiced ghosts.

There are high and low levels of cultivation. High-level ghosts have more powerful abilities. However, most ghosts are just at the level of self-cultivation without a teacher. They are probably on the first or second level in the Qi refining stage. It is not a cause for concern. It's just that there are no monks in this world, otherwise it would not be difficult for the monks to deal with such powerful ghosts.

Although it is not as strong as in film and television novels, for real people, it will still be intimidating. After all, while walking, they suddenly walked into the water, or fell from the mountain, or thought it was lighting a fire. It turned out that he was counting the tents. How could that not be scary?

An Ran saw that it was the Qian family, and while following Qian's wife in, he asked, "Can you tell me about your lady's situation? So I can know what's going on."

The money manager's wife had been worried all the way and never mentioned Miss Qian's situation. After listening to An Ran's inquiry, she cheered up and said: " possessed by a ghost. The eldest lady was a weak woman before, and her hands were She can't be lifted or carried on her shoulders, but now, she is so powerful that she will kill people at night, but she looks normal during the day. I also took advantage of the fact that the eldest lady was fine during the day, so that I could go out and ask Fairy Aunt for help."

After listening to this, An Ran considered Miss Qian's condition in her mind, and then asked: "Have all the monks and Taoists invited by your house left, or are they still here?"

Qian said: "You are still here. People in the house are in panic now. How dare you let the monks and Taoists leave?"

Although the monks and Taoists invited were useless, it would be better if the masters were here. If there were no masters, the mansion would probably be even more panicked.

However, those monks and Taoists wanted to leave. After all, it was too scary. They couldn't hold on any longer. Their lives were at stake, so they naturally wanted to escape.

It was precisely this situation that made the Qian family become ill and seek medical treatment urgently. Even though An Ran was a country goddess, a servant of the Qian family heard about this person and mentioned it in front of the master's family, so the Qian family appeared. He came to find out about An Ran's situation and promised him a lot of money. He said that as long as the situation of the Qian family was solved, he would be rewarded with ten thousand gold.

In fact, not only did the Qian family come to invite An Ran, the Qian family also sent other people to invite various masters around. Whoever could solve the problem would be rewarded with money.

An Ran listened and thought to himself, if the solution is really solved, it is not certain whether there will be any reward. If the masters find out something they don't know, given the situation with so many evil ghosts around the Qian family, if their hands and feet are not clean, I'm afraid they will be rewarded. They killed people and silenced them, for fear that the masters would tell something they shouldn't know and affect their family.

"If it's so scary, why don't you leave Qian's house and still insist on staying here? Since she is normal during the day, it shouldn't be a problem for you to leave during the day, right?"

Qian shook her head and said: "We can't leave, Miss... The ghost threatens us. Anyone who dares to leave will be killed twice as much at night. We are afraid of more deaths, so we don't dare to leave. After all, no one can I bet what the ghost said is true."

An Ran said: "Then... you are looking for the master monk and Taoist priest. Didn't the ghosts stop you?"

Qian shook his head and said, "No, he just sneered. He probably thought that no one could control it."

An Ran secretly thought, quite crazy, it seems that he is very confident in his own strength.

"How many people has she killed so far?"

Qian said: "She has been possessed for three days. So far she has only killed a steward and... the second young master, but tonight, she will definitely kill a third person."

"It's true. What's the conflict with the second young master and the steward?"

Qian shook her head and said, "No, she seemed to just pick someone to kill at random. It didn't look like she had a purpose to kill anyone."

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