At that moment, An Ran put most of the organized money into the secret compartment of the cabinet, but in fact it was put into the space, leaving only some change outside. In this way, even if the ghosts who help look after the house are not strong enough, the Li family, Chen family, or Someone else came in while he was not at home, and they only got a little money, not a big advantage.

Then Xiaoya was left to play alone in the hall while she went to the kitchen to make spicy hotpot.

Soon An Ran made a pot of spicy hotpot with fragrant aroma. She and her children each had a bowl and ate to their fullest.

Speaking of which, if you live in this remote place, as long as you are not afraid of being harassed by bachelors, you don't have to worry about making delicious food or being poked by neighbors. You must know that this is not good in the countryside. Some people have no sense of boundaries. If someone wants to make something delicious, there are those who love to take advantage of it and will go and take advantage of it.

Some people may think it's nice to be friends with neighbors and mingle with each other, but An Ran doesn't like it. It's okay to help each other, but it's too borderless and annoying.

After the meal, An Ran put the children to sleep - there was no such thing as after-dinner entertainment in the ancient countryside. After eating and washing, they could only sleep - while thinking about the mission.

No matter whether it is investigating the cause of death of the original husband or searching for solutions to the ghosts in this world, there is no progress.

An Ran once asked Sister Zhang and other kind-hearted ghosts to investigate whether anyone saw anything when her husband died that day, but there has been no progress so far.

The original husband died unexpectedly, but on the surface, it looked like he died in an accident. ——The original husband went hunting in the mountains and unfortunately fell into a trap. When everyone found him, he died of freezing and hunger because it was too cold at night in the mountains.

Not to mention people, even ghosts, are rare in this deserted mountain. Therefore, An Ran has not investigated what happened that day.

In fact, of course the original body had also checked it out. Of course, no one could find anything famous in the original body's memory. In the end, the original body had to bear the blame for her husband's death. After all, who allowed her to see ghosts? It was unlucky, so everyone thought it must be her fault.

An Ran didn't know if this matter was related to the original person, but if it was related, what would be the reason? At that time, the original person had not yet become a goddess. In order to prevent others from knowing about this and getting scared, she always pretended to be a normal person and had never dealt with those ghosts. She was afraid that dealing with them would attract more and more ghosts to her. , only her family and husband knew that she could see ghosts.

Since she had never had any dealings with ghosts, it stands to reason that in the eyes of the ghosts at that time, she was just an ordinary person and would not make enemies with the ghosts and attract the ghosts to take revenge on her husband.

Besides, there are very few ghosts that can take revenge on people. Unless they are that kind of evil ghosts, or they die in horrible ways, there is nothing else.

The original person has investigated all the evil spirits nearby that she knows, and they all said that they have never caused trouble for her husband. In this way, she feels that her husband's death should not have much to do with her.

But it doesn't have much to do with her, and it doesn't mean that her husband really died in an accident, rather than something causing it, so what she wants to check is this, she wants to see if her husband's death is really an accident, or is there something behind it? murderer.

Since she had not been found out until her death, the original person wanted to know the answer, so she considered this as one of her tasks.

Unfortunately, An Ran has not been found out yet.

Fortunately, An Ran is still young now. When she practices martial arts and knows medical skills, she will probably live longer than her original self. In other words, there are still several decades, so she still has time to investigate slowly.

Thinking of this and seeing that her daughter was already asleep, An Ran stopped thinking about it and started practicing martial arts.

In ancient times, she couldn't fall asleep so early, so she usually put her children to sleep and practiced for a few more hours before going to bed.

After resting at home for two days, Anran saw that the weather was fine that day, so he took his children to go shopping in the town and buy some things.

She wanted to go to the city, but the county town was still far away from this small mountain village. She had been used to exorcise evil spirits, so she had to go to the town first, and then take a carriage in the town. The morning passed. After such a long time, An Ran didn't want to go.

In fact, with her current Qinggong skills, it is not difficult to reach the city in an hour. However, with a child, it is difficult to explain how she can walk so fast, so An Ran can only forget it. Anyway, she can go to the town. , is an important transportation thoroughfare. According to An Ran's experience in ancient times, it is definitely a big town with all kinds of things. It is not inferior to some remote small towns and counties. Whatever she wants to buy, it is also available there. .

An Ran took her children to the town not only to buy things, but also to see if there were any powerful experts in the town who could solve ghost problems.

Since this town is an important transportation thoroughfare, there will be a lot of people coming from the south and the north. She might meet some people who are well-connected in metaphysics and can help her complete her mission.

But when we got to the town, looking at the people coming and going, and the small stalls set up everywhere, selling all kinds of snacks and snacks, attracting customers coming and going, Xiaoya's eyes were not enough.

Every time she comes to town, Xiaoya wants to buy a lot of things. This kind of thing is delicious, that kind of thing is also delicious, she wants to buy everything.

Fortunately, An Ran is also a big foodie, and he also likes these ancient chemical-free snacks and snacks, so An Ran usually buys whatever Xiaoya wants to eat, or eats it immediately, or takes it home to eat.

Although there are no preservatives in this era, and some things don’t last long, there is enough space in Enron, so you don’t have to worry about buying too much, not being able to finish it all at once, or that it will expire.

An Ran took Xiaoya shopping while listening to the bragging of the merchants, and sometimes he could hear some useful news.

No, she just heard two merchants talk about some things in the capital in this era. She didn't know whether it was true or false. Anyway, she listened and knew what was going on in the world. A smear of darkness, one day, don't offend someone you shouldn't offend.

The two merchants, one fat and one thin, were sitting in the teahouse chatting.

The fat merchant said: " should be said that there are still many wealthy people in the capital. Last time, when we went on an outing, each family set up fences by the river in the suburbs, and they competed with each other. Each house had a bigger fence than the other, and each house used more luxurious materials than the other. Just set up those fences. The money for red silk cannot be earned by ordinary people in a lifetime, but for the rich, it is not the material they wear, but a blanket for the women to rest on, how luxurious it is!"

The thin merchant said: "Luxury has been on the rise in Beijing in recent years, but this is also the time for us to make money. If they don't compare with us, who will buy our things?"

After hearing this, the fat merchant couldn't help but clasped his hands and laughed, saying: "My dear brother is absolutely right. We don't care whether they are extravagant or not. If they make some money, it will be good."

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