Many people said that although it was not good to say so, everyone felt that Liu Laosan's death would be a good thing for Liu Laosan's wife and children.

After all, without the interruption of Liu Laosan, who likes gambling, drinking, beating people, and paying women's bills, the life of Liu Laosan's wife and children will be a hundred times better than before.

An Ran was relieved to see that the current development of Liu Laosan's wife was as expected.

At that moment, Aunt Qian gave An Ran 20 cents for the exorcism fee and left with her things.

Although it wasn't much, there wasn't much money in the countryside, so twenty cents was a lot.

And there are many people who come to An Ran to see all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. Now that his reputation has become bigger, almost everyone in this town will ask An Ran for help. Sometimes many people come in a day. In this way, he can earn at least one thousand in a month. Wen, in the countryside, the income is quite high. It's no wonder that the Li family and the Chen family were so greedy that they came to An Ran to ask for money.

But An Ran earns a lot, and actually spends a lot. First, An Ran will not save on daily expenses. Every time she goes to town, she will buy a lot of things, because she doesn't want to suffer for her children; second, she still has to support her children. Those damn expenses.

Why are there good ghosts guarding the original body? It is naturally because the original body also repays them by giving them food (burning incense) so that they don’t have to fight for food with those lonely ghosts, otherwise , the original body has helped others fulfill their wishes, and they will definitely leave. Who will keep guarding the original body?

Although An Ran felt that the original person was too kind, she still continued her career. After she came, she continued to raise those kind-hearted ghosts. After all, she had to use people, so how could she not pay them wages.

Fortunately, An Ran not only has living people to give her money, but ghosts will also give her money when they ask her to do things, so that even if the expenses are large, she can still afford it.

No, Sister Zhang, who usually went out to do errands for An Ran, had been helping An Ran look after her house. Since An Ran was at home today, she went to play around by herself, and then brought back a ghost, asking An Ran to help him fulfill a wish.

This is a grandpa ghost.

According to Sister Zhang, "The old man's surname is Zhou, and he is from a neighboring village. It is rare for Brother Zhou that all the children in his family are filial and good to him. As a result, he fell asleep and died without having time to explain his funeral affairs to his family. He said He had saved some money all his life and hid it underground. His children and wife never found it. He was anxious, but he couldn't reach the children and couldn't tell them. I heard that you can see ghosts. It's not a lie. Yes, he came here with me and wanted to ask you for help. He said that as long as the elder sister helps, he will give the elder sister two hundred yuan as a favor."

Let’s not talk about the “huge” (compared to country people) fee of two hundred cents. The fact that the old man’s life savings cannot be found by his children made him anxious to death. An Ran also wanted to help. After all, such easy help, But there weren't many, but more of a lot of people were killed, and it would be much harder for her to help avenge them.

So An Ran listened to Sister Zhang's words, then looked at Uncle Zhou on the side, raised his hands to her again and again, begged her for help, and said: "That's okay, I'll just run for a while."

Uncle Zhou couldn't help being very happy when he heard that An Ran agreed.

But he said that Uncle Zhou was wandering around the house, saw Sister Zhang, and told Sister Zhang about his affairs, and Sister Zhang mentioned An Ran.

When Uncle Zhou died half a year ago, he might have just fledged and had no reputation, so Uncle Zhou didn't know much about Anran. After hearing Sister Zhang's words, he was dubious and prepared to treat Anran as a living horse. Let's see if An Ran can really see ghosts. After all, after such a long time after his death, Uncle Zhou can see it. Those goddesses or monks and Taoists have no power and can't see him or help him at all. , otherwise, if you have the magic power, you can see him as early as when you are reciting sutras for him to be saved, and help him get things done.

After meeting An Ran, Uncle Zhou found out that Sister Zhang was not telling lies. This goddess Chen could really see them. When he thought that his wish would be fulfilled soon and he could rest assured that he would be reincarnated, Uncle Zhou couldn't help but be excited.

At that moment, An Ran took the child and walked to Uncle Zhou's house.

Although the original daughter was now eight or nine years old, and there were ghosts at home to help keep an eye on her, An Ran was still worried about the child being lonely when she was left alone at home, so she took her with her.

Speaking of which, the original daughter used to be able to play with other cousins ​​of the Li family. Since she was driven away, due to her status as a goddess, she has no friends to play with, and the child has become a lot lonely. An Ran also had a headache, thinking about how to solve this matter.

At the moment, An Ran walked slowly with her child. There was no rush anyway, because it would take about an hour to walk to the neighboring village. The walking was too fast, and even the small child couldn't bear it.

Although he is a child from a poor family in ancient times, he can endure walking for such a long time, but being able to endure it is completely different from An Ran not wanting his child to have too much hardship.

So the two of them walked and rested along the way, and slowly arrived at Uncle Zhou's house in the neighboring village.

Uncle Zhou has been dead for some time, and he did not die recently, so the Zhou family is not holding a funeral and has long since returned to peace.

Seeing An Ran come to their door now, they didn’t know what An Ran did at first. After all, the village was quite big. It was normal for people in An Ran’s village to know what An Ran was doing, but even if someone from the next village knew about An Ran, they would not know what An Ran was doing. Not everyone knows, obviously the Zhou family is the one who doesn't know.

Although the Zhou family didn't know An Ran, they had heard of An Ran. So after An Ran reported her family name, the Zhou family's expressions changed, but they didn't say anything. They just said: "I don't know what Sister-in-law Chen wants to do with us." ?”

The Zhou family's attitude towards Enron represents the attitude of most people towards Enron, which is to keep a respectful distance.

He neither dared to offend the goddess nor get close to her.

An Ran looked around and found that the Zhou family was very close to the left and right. If he spoke outside, people around him could hear him, so he said, "Let's talk inside the house."

The Zhou family saw An Ran glance at the neighbors and understood that what An Ran wanted to say probably shouldn't be heard by the people around them, so they let An Ran in.

An Ran knew that they were keeping a distance from him, so he didn't say much nonsense. As soon as he came in, he said: "Your old man found me and said that he had deposited a sum of money. You guys didn't notice. He was anxious, so he found me and promised to I have two hundred coins and asked me to tell you where to put the money. I saw that he was anxious, so I came over for a trip."

They heard that the old man who had passed away for half a year still had a sum of money, but they couldn't find it. The sons and daughters-in-law of the Zhou family couldn't help but look at each other, and the old lady said: "I mean, why is there only so little money in the cabinet? Logically we have saved more than So many, it turns out he is hiding somewhere else.”

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