It turned out that when she told her husband about her situation, her husband was very satisfied with her. He was afraid that if he told her family about it, they would not agree to him marrying her, so he hid it from his family. The family had never known the true situation of the original person until this time.

Of course, the reason why her husband's family scolded her so harshly was to ask the Chen family for money.

So taking advantage of this incident, the original in-laws asked the Chen family for a large amount of money.

The Chen family, which had gone bankrupt, was so angry that they first hated the rude wife, and secondly hated the original person. After all, if the original person hadn't seen some ghost, how could such a thing have happened.

Now it's better. Since I was kicked out by my husband's family and resented by my mother-in-law's family, my life is going to be difficult.

I don’t know if being a mother makes you stronger, but in order to support her children, the original person found a famous goddess in the next town, spent all the little money she had, worshiped her, learned some messy things, and then... Became a goddess.

However, in An Ran's view, those things he learned were completely deceptive. It is estimated that the goddess in the next town has no real skills and is just a charlatan.

So if the original person learned it, it would be of no use at all.

When I first went to school, I originally learned it because I lived alone with my children and was afraid that ghosts would come to my door and it was not safe.

I thought that the other party had some skills, and if he learned it, he would be able to exorcise ghosts, and he would no longer be afraid.

As a result, when I learned from the other party, I realized that the other party couldn't see ghosts at all, and what he taught me was completely useless.

Although it was useless, in order to support herself and her children, the original person had no choice but to follow suit, because if she wanted to be a goddess, she had to have a teacher to teach her. It was impossible for her to say that she was a goddess and that she belonged to a goddess.

After completing her studies, she began to support herself and her children by being a goddess upon her return.

As for the ghosts she's afraid of, now that she's been kicked out and only lives with her daughter, aren't she afraid?

Why not be afraid, but what to do? Being a mother makes you strong. No matter how scared you are, you must live bravely. After all, she still has to raise children.

Because she can see ghosts, she is much more powerful than those fake goddesses - when she encounters those who are really haunted by ghosts, she will avoid them, saying that she is not capable and can't do it; when she encounters those who are not haunted by ghosts, , but she will accept it because she is suspicious, and then charge a little money to support her family. This will not only help people feel at ease, but will not harm others. She will not be like other fake goddesses, because they are fake, as long as someone asks Every time they come to the door, they charge money and act haphazardly. They often fail to help people and even harm them.

Because she never takes on those difficult tasks, she has never had a problem get overturned since she became a goddess, unlike some goddesses who often get overturned and fail.

Of course, now that An Ran is here, as long as those guests who are sick are not really haunted by ghosts but are just sick, An Ran can cure them. After all, she has medical skills.

Some people may ask, since there was a goddess in ancient times, and the Chen family knew that the original body could see ghosts, why didn't they find a goddess to teach her, transform into a goddess, and make money for the family? Why were they so anxious to marry her off?

You know, although a goddess can make money, she often gets into accidents, so who dares to raise a goddess in their family, they should marry their daughter off quickly without others knowing.

Since the original person acted cautiously and never overturned the car, then why did she appear in the system space and ask the tasker to help fulfill her wish?

But she said that with this unique skill, she lived a peaceful and wealthy life (compared to a country person), and because she was a goddess, others knew that she could see ghosts, her husband died unexpectedly, and no one dared to approach her, so even though she was a goddess, others knew that she could see ghosts. She is a widow, and no country bachelor dares to do anything to her, so her life can be considered smooth.

But I kept looking at the ghosts around me. After my death, I came to the system space. With this opportunity, I couldn't help but send a task to ask the taskmaster if there was any way to really solve those ghosts.

Of course, the so-called solution certainly does not mean beating all the ghosts to pieces, but it means beating the bad ghosts to pieces, good ones, fulfilling the other person's wish, and then helping to save them, and so on.

Of course, the method she wants the missionaries to find is a method that can be found in this world, not a method that the missionaries know how to do. She knows that the missionaries are powerful, so there must be a way, but that is not something that can be done in her world. The ones that arrived could not be counted, so she wanted the taskmaster to see if there was a solution in her world.

Another task is that she wants the tasker to find out whether her husband died in an accident or was caused by her and died at the hands of ghosts.

After all, her husband's family had always blamed her, which made her always worried about this matter, so she wanted to know the answer.

Although she felt that she was right. After all, she told her husband about this before she got married, and she was not lying. Her husband was still willing to marry her. However, her husband's family kept blaming her, which still gave her some inner demons, so she Wondering about this.

An Ran has been here for a month, and he hasn't found any solution to the ghosts around here yet.

This month, she has been to surrounding temples and Taoist temples, and has also come into contact with other goddesses in this world, but An Ran knows that they are ordinary people and do not have the ability to eliminate ghosts and ghosts.

In addition, there are no powerful old objects in those places that have the ability to exorcise evil spirits. Obviously, everyone is the type to brag about them.

That's right, if it's so easy to find a solution to the ghosts, then this mission can't be purple level.

Fortunately, she is still only about twenty-five years old, so she still has plenty of time to slowly find a solution.

However, he often saw various ghosts that hurt his eyes, which gave An Ran a headache.

It’s no wonder that the original person was frightened when he first discovered them. Those ghosts were really scary. A little girl from an ancient country who didn’t understand anything suddenly suffered from this. How could she not be frightened?

Even now, if it weren't for the fact that he didn't dare to show the slightest bit of something wrong in order to prevent the child from being scared, the original person would still be scared.

Of course, if An Ran were here, An Ran would definitely not be afraid. However, not being afraid does not mean that he likes watching it, because it is really hurtful to his eyes.

Anyway, the original purpose was to find a way to deal with these ghosts. He didn't say that he had to stare at them, so An Ran looked at them a few times and found that it really hurt his eyes, so he bought a shielding prop from the system space and blocked it. Save yourself the unappetizing look all day long.

Don't worry about these ghosts hurting you.

It's not that these ghosts don't have this ability, but... Ever since they knew that the original body could see them, many ghosts in need came to ask for help, hoping that the original body could help them fulfill some of their wishes. And because of the existence of these ghosts, those ghosts Bad ghosts will not dare to harm the original body.

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