Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3618 Game Live Broadcast 36

An Ran thought about it. Under the current situation, the energy stones in the game are probably going to be sold like crazy. After all, many people now want to have a lot of energy stones. After all, aliens can break through defenses. They only build protective shields. It's impossible not to have spare energy stones.

There are still many people who have been eliminated. Although the system has returned the backpacks, equipment, weapons and skills they had when they were eliminated after the system was opened to reality, these eliminated people may not have many energy stones in their backpacks. , in that case, these people will definitely need energy stones, and they will definitely ask for help from people who have energy stones around them, and ask them to give them some energy stones.

There are also some people who have not entered the game at all. Even if these people enter the game now, they still cannot dig out enough energy stones for the time being. Water far away cannot save the fire close by, so they must find people around them for help.

As a result, the energy stones in the game will definitely become in short supply due to the surge in demand, and the price will skyrocket.

An Ran didn't have to worry about the energy stones of the two elders, because she had always asked them to keep two as backup. Now that they needed a protective shield, they could use the two.

The two elders live in the countryside and built a small rural villa with just enough space for a protective shield. If they run out of it in the future, they will dig energy stones in the game. As long as they don't sell them, their safety is guaranteed. It's not like In the city, if you live on a high-rise, you have to worry about being attacked by aliens below, causing the building to collapse, even if you have a protective shield.

However, An Ran warned them again because he was afraid that they would not understand.

As expected, Father Li and Mother Li had already put up a protective shield on their home when the system told them to build a protective shield. It is now very safe, but they are now very worried about their little daughter's condition. After all, they have been eliminated a long time ago and they don't know yet. What's the matter? More importantly, I don't know if they have energy stones to use as protective shields.

Fortunately, An Ran and Li Xinran were not in the same city. Otherwise, if Li's father and Li's mother were so worried, they would have asked An Ran to go and have a look.

But now they are not in the same city, and they are embarrassed to let their eldest daughter travel hundreds of miles to see their younger daughter. They can only whisper a few words in front of her.

An Ran said: "You don't have to worry. They were eliminated, but I don't listen to what you said. Their father-in-law and mother-in-law saw that you could make money by entering the game, so they also entered the game to make money. Were they not eliminated for a while? Since they were not eliminated, Then they should have energy stones. They live together as a family and have the energy stones from their uncle and aunt, so there will be no danger."

Father Li and Mother Li said: "I just don't know if my in-laws are willing to keep two energy stones in their hands. I am afraid that they will sell them all and now they have no energy stones. If I dig in the game now, I won't be able to mine them."

Immediately, he hung up the phone with An Ran and said that he would call Li Xinran to ask about the situation there and see if his in-laws had any energy stones left for use. If not, they could only ask An Ran to lend them two energy stones first and wait for them to dig them up. , and then give it back to An Ran - now that they know that An Ran has a problem with Li Xinran, they will definitely not dare to let An Ran give their little daughter the energy stone for nothing, so they behave accordingly. Otherwise, if they don't know about the conflict between the two, If the youngest daughter's family didn't have the energy stone at this moment, they would probably ask An Ran to give it to them instead of borrowing it.

As expected, Li Xinran's father-in-law and mother-in-law did not keep the energy stones in their hands, but dug them out and sold them for money. Now they can only borrow An Ran's.

An Ran saw that Li's father and Li's mother said they would borrow two yuan and they would return it later, but they did not say not to borrow it. After all, if Li Xinran's family died, Li's father and Li's mother would definitely blame the original body, and An Ran didn't want to see it. When it comes to such a thing, Li Xinran and his wife have been eliminated anyway, and they don’t know what they can do in the future. As long as Li’s father and Li’s mother are diligent and have good luck, they should be able to dig up two energy stones in two days and return them to She, if she only borrows it for two days, she can still borrow it.

Although they could borrow it, An Ran made an agreement with Father Li and Mother Li, saying that she didn't have much, so she couldn't keep borrowing it. If they still needed it, they would have to dig it out themselves.

Li's father and Li's mother definitely didn't dare to let An Ran keep giving, so they made a guarantee now.

"It's okay. As long as you survive the beginning, your sister, father-in-law and mother-in-law have been mining in the game, and you will soon have energy stones. You have them yourself, there is no need to borrow them."

An Ran couldn't help but sneer after hearing this. She didn't think that the aliens would break through the defense after all. If Li Xinran and her family just guarded the house and didn't fight monsters, the protective shield would keep losing blood, and God knows how long it could last.

And they didn't know if they could dig up an energy stone one day. They might not have enough energy one day, and they would ask her to borrow it again, so she deliberately said something ugly upfront. If the other party borrowed it again in the future, she would have something to say. said.

Now An Ran saw that the aliens were coming in the end of the world, so he put all the things at home into the Senluo Wanxiang Space. Although the system has opened the backpack, how many slots can the backpack have and how many things can be put in it? Even if the things can be packed and put in In the large packaging bag, a lot of things can be put in one bag and it will not take up many spaces. She was too lazy to pack it away, so she put the things directly into Senluo Wanxiang. When she needed them, she could just take them out and use them. Everything at home could be used. She didn't put it away, including the bed, so that if she was attacked by a group of aliens, the protective shield would be broken quickly, and she wouldn't have to worry about running away without putting her things away and wasting the supplies at home.

After doing this, An Ran went downstairs and went out, preparing to find an unoccupied villa to live in.

Before going downstairs, she used IT technology to search for the nearest villa nearby.

Through the military satellite, we quickly discovered a villa that had been renovated, but the grass in the yard was tall. Obviously no one was home - why can't we see the inside of the villa and know that it has been renovated? Because the other party's windows are equipped with anti-theft windows and air conditioners, they must have been renovated.

An Ran planned to go and have a look, because the villas in this villa area all had high walls and large gates, not the foreign ones, with a shallow fence, which was just right for her to hide inside.

Although it is the nearest villa, it is only about 500 meters away, so you still have to be careful when going out safely.

Fortunately, An Ran's Qinggong was faster than when she met the aliens in the game. As long as she was not surrounded by a few, she would be fine.

Because it was early in the morning, there were a lot of people on the road before, but now, there were not many people on the road, because they were either eaten by aliens, or they ran somewhere to hide.

The reason for this is that An Ran wasted a lot of time talking to Father Li and Mother Li, searching the nearby villa area, eating breakfast, and putting all the things in the house into his backpack. After such a long time, Naturally, the people outside ran away and died, and few people dared to wander outside now.

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