Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3615 Game Live Broadcast 33

The equipment is average, which is normal, because if Li Xinran wants to hire people with powerful equipment and high combat effectiveness, it will cost a lot of money. Li Xinran has been paying people to help her fight monsters before, so she probably spent almost all the money. With the extra money, she can hire someone with particularly high combat effectiveness to help her eliminate Enron. The only option is to hire someone with average conditions.

She knew An Ran was powerful, but she originally thought that these people had better attributes than the players from country A she had seen before, and they should be able to eliminate An Ran by surprise. Little did she know that Li Anran seemed to have become more powerful, and she was looking for something more powerful. , still no match for her.

But if she wants to find someone more powerful, she really doesn’t have that much money. In order to let someone help her fight monsters and level up, she had to spend money every day, which is a lot of money. After all, if the money is small, who would want to help others fight monsters and level up? Well, you must know that upgrading by killing monsters can increase real-world attributes. This is particularly powerful. It can help others increase real-world attributes. If you don't have a lot of money, who doesn't want to upgrade yourself, and who can help others to fight monsters and upgrade.

Because she spent money to upgrade every day, she had almost used up all her savings. She didn't dare to spend any more, for fear that her husband would find out and scold her, so now she didn't have much money to spend on finding a killer to kill An Ran. .

What's even more annoying is that An Ran killed one of the other party's people. The other party said that Li Xinran didn't tell An Ran's data correctly, which made them misjudge the situation, resulting in the loss of one person for her, and asked her to pay for the loss, otherwise she would be killed. She asked them to kill Li Anran, and told Li Anran that most of the people who look for killers do so secretly, and it is impossible for the target to know who did it, so those killers used this to threaten Li Xinran.

I have to say that these people were quite smart. They guessed this, so Li Xinran had to bow her head and pay the group a large sum of money to prevent them from telling anyone.

There was nothing she could do, who could have let those people know her identity accidentally.

As a result, she has no money to find powerful people to deal with An Ran.

But here, An Ran came back and said to Father Li and Mother Li: "I just checked the numbers of these people. These people are specialized killers. Who may have invited them, otherwise these killers would not kill me. But I have never told anyone your coordinates. Logically speaking, no one should know your coordinates. Have you told anyone your coordinates? I suspect that your coordinates were leaked. Who among us disclosed the coordinates? related."

After hearing this, Father Li and Mother Li couldn't help but look at each other and said, "...We didn't tell anyone our coordinates."

"You really didn't say it? Think about it carefully."

Father Li and Mother Li said: "I told your sister, but your sister will definitely not harm you..."

An Ran saw that Li's father and Li's mother had told Li Xinran, and immediately said: "If it wasn't her, who else would know our coordinates and send a killer to kill me? Anyway, if someone comes to kill me in the future, I will only guess that it was Li Xinran. Yes, after all, no one knows our coordinates except her."

She doesn't have to force Father Li and Mother Li to believe this. She just wants Father Li and Mother Li to know that she suspects Li Xinran. If something like this happens again in the future, she will definitely suspect that Li Xinran did it.

After An Ran said this, Li's father and Li's mother became a little suspicious of Li Xinran. When they went back, they asked about Li Xinran.

Can Li Xinran admit this? Naturally, he refused to admit it, and immediately denied it: "I have never done such a thing. She is my sister, how could I send someone to kill her."

"Then we only told you the coordinates. How do those killers know our coordinates?"

Li Xinran said: "Sister said she didn't tell anyone else about the coordinates, so she didn't. What if she did, and then something happened and she framed me? You also know that she has always been jealous of me and would do something It is possible to intentionally wrongly accuse me."

These words made Father Li and Mother Li hesitate again, because it was also possible. In the past, the eldest daughter did have a bad attitude toward the younger daughter because she was doing well in her life. This was naturally what Father Li and Mother Li thought about. It is a fact. Naturally, it was caused by Li Xinran's frequent yin and yang behavior with the original body. It was Li Xinran who provoked the original body first, which made the original body dislike her.

But An Ran firmly refused to admit that she had told others about it, so the matter was now at a deadlock, and Li's father and mother didn't know who to believe.

Seeing the attitude of Father Li and Mother Li, An Ran immediately said: "Since you don't believe me, forget it. From now on, you will mine. I will come over to help you take away the things and sell them for money. I won't lead you to fight monsters, so as not to worry about it again." problem occurs."

Father Li and Mother Li didn't really like fighting monsters at first, so they agreed immediately, thinking that it would be better not to fight monsters, so as to avoid having the eldest daughter get into trouble again and blame the younger daughter for wanting to kill her.

They sow discord with Li Xinran and asked them why An Ran only took them to one house and not to other houses. They didn't care, lest An Ran took them to a new place and something happened again, and An Ran would blame them for leaving the coordinates with them. Li Xinran said.

Regardless of whether Li Xinran did this or not, in short, they clearly promised An Ran not to tell anyone the coordinates, but in the end they told Li Xinran, which made their eldest daughter unhappy and gave them no confidence to continue blaming the eldest daughter for questioning the younger daughter. After all, who asked them to tell Li Xinran about this matter? If they hadn't, the eldest daughter would have no excuse to doubt the younger daughter.

An Ran couldn't help but feel relieved when she saw that Li's father and Li's mother were only mining, not fighting monsters, and that she didn't have to take care of them. This way she wouldn't have to worry about being killed by people sent by Li Xinran again in the future.

Although she can kill those killers for the time being, what if, if Li Xinran sees that she has not been eliminated and gets very angry and spends a lot of money to hire powerful people, then she is still in danger, and she naturally doesn't want to show up. Danger.

Therefore, taking advantage of this matter, she no longer accompanies Father Li and Mother Li to fight monsters in the wild, but only helps them sell ore. It will be much safer, and there is no need to waste time with Father Li and Mother Li to fight monsters. She can Continue to upgrade.

Also, she completely cut off the opportunity for Li Xinran to continue to cause trouble for her. Li Xinran would also be anxious and might instigate something to Li's father and mother. If she encouraged her like that before, Li's father and Li's mother would never go there. Li Xinran wanted to harm her, but now, An Ran mentioned to them that Li Xinran wanted to harm her. If they heard Li Xinran's malicious instigation again, they would no longer be so innocent, and would realize that there was something wrong with what Li Xinran said. .

An Ran's guess was really good. Li Xinran saw that after An Ran no longer took Li's father and Li's mother to fight monsters, she couldn't even send people to guard Li's father and Li's mother and then kill An Ran. This made her naturally anxious. Then he started a fight in front of Li's father and Li's mother and said: "Sister, why don't you help you fight monsters and level up? Only by fighting monsters and leveling up can you become stronger in the future. Sister, are you tired of it after just a few days? If I hadn't been eliminated. Otherwise, I will take you, so that you will not have no one to take you and your upgrade will be slow."

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