Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3607 Game Live Broadcast 25

After killing two country A military warriors one after another, An Ran was blacklisted by the country A military. He ordered his men not to attack rashly if they encountered An Ran again. He sent the message to the elite warriors of the empire and let them Teleport over and kill the opponent to avoid being eliminated by the opponent again.

This method is useful. After all, players from country A are moving around in the territory of players from country B. It is very likely that they will run into An Ran again one day. When they see it, they can stand still and find powerful people, but they still can't deal with it. safely?

An Ran didn't know their plan, but even if she knew, she wouldn't be afraid, because even the elite warriors shouldn't be able to focus their fire on her in the first wave, so she could just run away.

Of course, the most important thing is that An Ran is now wearing a mask, so that when people see her, they don't even know it's her.

There is no need to worry about others seeing her wearing a mask and realizing it is her, because there are many people wearing masks nowadays. Many people are afraid of being sought for revenge or deliberately hurt, so they choose to wear masks to avoid being recognized and hunted down. .

In this way, it is no surprise that An Ran wears a mask, so if those players from country A think they can find her through her appearance, they may never be able to find her.

Soon the players from country A knew that An Ran was wearing a mask, because not long after, they acted stupidly again and sneaked up on An Ran who was wearing a mask, so they did not recognize him, and then another person was eliminated by An Ran.

The elimination of three powerful imperial warriors in succession naturally made the people of Country A furious. However, at the same time, they knew that An Ran was wearing a mask and that since they did not have the coordinates of her home and could not recognize her from her appearance, they It is difficult to find her and kill her.

This made them angry and complained that the setting of this game was not traditional at all. After all, in traditional games, it is too easy to find a player, but it is not as difficult as in this game.

They had no choice but to send people to watch An Ran's live broadcast. They wanted to see through the pictures in An Ran's live broadcast room to see if anyone knew where it was, so that they could finally send someone to sneak attack her.

But this is also a bit difficult, because although the scenery in the game is different in many places, there are also many places where the scenery is repeated. Unlike the real world, the scenery is not repeated at all. In this way, if you want to find Anron through the live broadcast screen , not easy.

An Ran didn't care about the players in Country A. She just wanted to find her own trouble and just continued her normal life. From time to time, she would kill a player from Country A who made a sneak attack for fun, which made the players in Country A feel angry and there was nothing she could do about it.

Even many other expert players in country B, seeing An Ran teasing the players in country A, imitated the same example. After killing the players in country A, they put on masks to prevent the players from country A from finding them and let them escape.

These people were also the targets of players in Country A before. Originally, everyone never pretended to be a disguised person and would fight hard when the enemy came. But after seeing An Ran do this, they started to do it too, because they didn’t pretend to be disguised before, but they started to act like this. Players from country A are not so upright. They will engage in ambushes. When they see the players from country B on the blacklist and they can't beat them, they will notify the elite players from their country to come and fight, and then they will kill those honest players from country B who are not pretending. He was eliminated. After all, he was calculated mentally and unintentionally. The enemy sneak attack was hard to guard against.

Now after using Enron's method, expert players from country B can also kill the players from country A that sneak attack them, and then they don't have to worry about being found. This can prevent many players from being eliminated by the military of country A.

Of course, the people on the military side of country B are much more cautious. They listened to the military's arrangements from the beginning and acted low-key and cautiously.

Absolutely only live broadcast for one hour specified by the system every day, and never live broadcast at other times, so as to protect yourself to the greatest extent.

Even during live broadcasts, only normal collection or planting of images is done to prevent others from seeing the depth.

Therefore, the masters of country B's military, except that they did not know about the sneak attacks by country A players at the beginning, had been killed by several people from country A's elites. Later, the officials knew about this and began to be cautious. Players from country A wanted to find them again. The trouble for country B's military players is difficult.

Let’s not talk about the confrontation between the two countries AB in the game, but it is not just the case of country A and country B, but also many countries with hatred, such things have happened.

Either official actions or non-governmental organizations, anyway, more and more people have become famous in the game. In the past, it was just ordinary players with bad intentions, killing other players to gain traffic, but now it has taken on the color of war between countries. The only difference is that if you don't fight in reality, you will be killed to death in the game.

Although there are no fights in reality, various countries have begun to engage in verbal lawsuits.

The reason why we don’t fight in reality is because we are afraid that the aliens will say that the apocalypse will come in the future, so we don’t fight. After all, the apocalypse is coming soon. Naturally, everyone does not want to suffer losses. Before the war, it is better to fight with others. Keep your energy on the coming apocalypse.

Speaking of which, if it weren't for the coming of the end of the world, some countries might have started to fight.

And seeing that players from country A, as well as many other players who have problems with country B, or simply dislike country B, are starting to cause trouble for players from country B. In order to quickly improve the combat effectiveness of players from this country, the official has opened up the original military supply. A trading market within the party to enhance combat effectiveness.

Of course, this trading market must only be accessible to domestic players, lest any good stuff be stolen by foreign officials.

The opening of this trading market has made players in country B excited. After all, trading in the game has always been inconvenient before. They were always worried about being robbed, or even killed by others, killing the seller or buyer, and confiscating all the other party's belongings. Have it for yourself.

Now that there is this official trading market, it is naturally the best, because the official said that there will be people to guard it, and no one will steal things, or kill people to steal goods. This naturally makes everyone happy, and soon this trading market will be A lot of people came in, and everyone started buying things or setting up stalls to sell things. It was very lively.

An Ran also ran to look for it to see if there was anything he wanted.

The only disadvantage of this kind of trading market is that it is not like online shopping, where you can find what you want just by searching, but like the traditional world, where you set up a stall and find things like this. It’s too much trouble, and you have to do some comparison shopping to avoid being scammed.

Fortunately, some players are smart and made a cardboard. They write in conspicuous words what they are selling and the approximate price. This is also convenient for players who want to buy things. They can see it at a glance. , without wasting time, take a closer look at how much stuff they have on their stall.

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