Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3602 Game Live Broadcast 20

These foreign players especially like to eliminate the local players who are alone. After all, the players who are alone are easy to beat.

And An Ran likes to act alone, so she needs to be more careful. She doesn't want to be able to survive and die at the hands of a foreign player. Then she will die of depression.

So An Ran continued mining at night.

It just so happened that those aliens were too powerful, so she stopped going out at night, lest she couldn't see clearly even if there were torches at night, and nothing would happen.

Even though it was right in front of her house, the chances of aliens dropping at night were definitely higher than during the day. If several aliens appeared in succession, she would not be her opponent, so she would be better off mining quickly and accumulating more good equipment and weapons.

Although the things dropped by aliens are better, it is good if they can drop mithril ore or mithril equipment. Gold or even diamond equipment or ores can only be obtained by fighting the map BOSS. They cannot be dropped by ordinary aliens. It fell, but fighting the map BOSS can be very dangerous, so Enron decided to mine.

Although she has to dig very deep to find it, and the chance of dropping it is very small, she can always dig it out if she takes her time and is not in a hurry. After all, the ore is only dropped by the map BOSS and can be dug out from the ground. , it’s already good, we can’t care about the probability.

This means Enron is not in a hurry. Most people, who always get mostly rocks from mining, and can't even see much iron ore, are probably going to die in a hurry. They don't have the patience to do this at all, and would rather fight monsters.

An Ran persisted because he knew that after digging to a certain level, these ores would drop.

So even if what he digs is always stones, sometimes iron ores, and very few ores above mithril, An Ran can keep digging with peace of mind.

And she didn't even throw away the stones. She made some cabinets at home and put all the stones in groups.

Although stones are everywhere, some things also require stones, such as building a house. Most people like to use stones. In this way, when there is a market in the future, this kind of thing can also be sold for three melons and two dates. After all, it is always There are some people who only like to fight monsters and don't want to mine. When they need stones, they would rather spend money to buy them than dig them.

When the time comes, she can sell the stones she dug for some money. It's better than digging them all and throwing them away. She can't earn a single gold coin and wastes her energy and pickaxe. You must know that mining requires physical strength, and physical strength is If you need to replenish food, the pickaxe is also durable. If the durability is gone, you will have to make a new one.

In other words, there is a cost to mining, so even if the stones are mined, as long as there is a place to put them, she will collect them instead of throwing them away. Unlike other people who despise the stones as useless, there is no place to trade them. , not at all.

As for her, unless one day she made countless cabinets to put down these stones and filled the room with them and couldn't fit them in, then she would just throw some away.

Of course, it is estimated that by then, she may have upgraded the protective shield and expanded the house to be able to store more things. After all, one grid can hold 99 stones and one cabinet has 80 plaids, which can hold a lot. Stone, and besides, she had made several cabinets, so she didn’t have to worry about running out of space to put things.

The arrival of the aliens dropped a lot of things. She had picked up several skill books that were not easy to obtain before.

Except for the skill books related to mages, which she used, she had no use for other skill books and planned to sell them later.

In addition, she also owns a full set of mithril equipment and weapons, and is now saving up gold weapons. Unfortunately, gold weapons not only require gold ore, but also some other rare materials, so she has not obtained them yet.

This is normal. If good equipment and weapons were so easy to obtain, wouldn’t they be mass merchandise? Everyone would have them? And how is this possible?

Because Anran doesn't fight aliens at night, and Anran just fights aliens in front of her home instead of going to farther places where there are more drops, so the number of aliens killed by Anran is actually not that many, but because she is The old players who have survived to this day are much more powerful in combat than the players who have just entered the game recently. These new players do not dare to fight aliens, so although there are more players every day, there are not many players who fight aliens. In this way, The number of aliens killed by An Ran is not that many among veteran players, but among all players, his ranking is still high, and he can get some rewards.

Although the ranking is not very powerful, so the reward is not much, but it is better than nothing.

What's more, based on her current ranking, it will also reward an energy stone, which is not bad.

In fact, she wanted more gold or even diamond ore, but because her ranking was too poor, she couldn't get this reward. Only the top three could get the most precious diamond ore. The next ones were gold ore, and then there were energy stones, Mithril et al.

The higher you rank, the more you get; the lower you rank, the less you get, and even the value of things becomes worse.

For example, in Enron's ranking, there is only one energy stone. If the ranking is higher, there will be two energy stones, and so on.

However, An Ran mined every day and accumulated a lot of energy stones, which allowed her to upgrade her protective shield to one level.

The upgraded protective shield can cover up to 200 units, and the defense has been doubled, making the protective shield more difficult to break.

Now Enron built a bigger house so that more cabinets could be packed in and more supplies could be stored.

Then more crops can be planted in front of the house, and more crops can be harvested to replenish life and physical strength. There is no need to go outside to collect them. There may even be so much that they can be traded in the market in the future.

An Ran saw that after upgrading the protective shield, he would no longer be afraid of aliens, because after the upgraded protective shield, aliens could not break through the defense. Even if some could break through the shield, it would only have a minimal impact on the protective shield.

Since the aliens can't break through the defense, An Ran is ready to use the protection of the shield to kill the aliens.

In this way, you can not only kill more aliens, improve your ranking, but also get more drops, killing two birds with one stone.

At that moment, An Ran changed the time for mining to the afternoon, and the time for killing aliens to the morning and evening.

Previously, I was afraid that there would be too many aliens falling at night, so I didn’t dare to fight them.

Now that the opponent couldn't break the protective shield, An Ran naturally dared to fight. However, there were too few aliens at the door during the day. In order to take care of more, An Ran changed the mining time from the evening to the afternoon to kill the aliens. The time changed to night.

The number of aliens increased at night, which was the right time for her to harvest the aliens. Then she would fight if she could. If she couldn't beat them, she would run into the protective shield. It would be much more convenient to stand in the protective shield and fight the aliens.

This is also the reason why An Ran upgraded the protective shield, because she discovered the benefits of the upgraded protective shield. She would have to upgrade the protective shield sooner or later. Taking advantage of the opportunity to upgrade during the random mission, she could kill more aliens and improve her ranking. Why not? Why.

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