Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3589 Game Live 7

This player named Guoguocha should be more aggressive than Anron, so his level is three levels higher than Anron's. Not to mention it is only three levels higher. This is enough to show that this person has defeated a lot of monsters. Otherwise, he would have just entered the game early. One day will not increase the level by three levels. After all, the higher the level of the game, the more experience is required. Just by completing tasks and not killing monsters, one more day will not increase the level by three levels.

However, it’s not that radical. The monsters we fight should be the monsters that everyone has concluded are easy to fight. They are not particularly powerful. Otherwise, if you fight those powerful monsters, you will gain more experience, and his level will be higher than it is now. High.

After the two of them walked together, An Ran dared to explore mountains and forests and other places.

The two of them agreed to move back to back so they wouldn't have to worry about monsters attacking from behind.

And as long as a monster appears, if the two of them fight the monster together, they will not be afraid of being scratched to death by the monster, because the monsters near the spawn point do not have group attack skills and will only fight one by one.

In this way, the attack is divided between the two. As long as they are not surrounded by a large group of monsters, it will be fine.

Soon the two of them killed a lot of monsters. An Ran was promoted to another level and his attributes were somewhat increased. In addition, An Ran also collected a lot of materials that were not available on the plains.

Unfortunately, the backpack was full very quickly, and there was no place to put the extra things. An Ran could only reluctantly throw away some things that were of little use, and only kept some things that she thought were useful.

The reason why she felt heartbroken after throwing away things that were of little use was because she had collected them before, and it was very hard to collect them. If she threw them away now, it would be equivalent to a waste of time and energy. Thinking of this did not make her feel Heartache.

Seeing this, An Ran felt that it was necessary to make a few more teleportation scrolls when she went back. When they were full, she would put the things in the cabinet at home and teleport them back instead of just throwing things away. You know, the things she threw away, The value has exceeded the value of a teleportation scroll.

This is still the case now, and all the things he got are of little use, and they are not worth the value of two teleportation scrolls at one time. Otherwise, An Ran would just use the teleportation scroll on his body to store his things back now.

But as time goes by, the things you get get better and better. Sooner or later, your backpack will be full, and the value of the things you throw away will exceed the price of two teleportation scrolls. At that time, you can no longer throw them away, but you should put them back.

Of course, she kept her good things at home, and she was worried that some players would pass by and snatch her things away. So before the protective shield was put in place, she only put garbage at home and took her good things with her.

In this way, Guoguocha and I continued to cooperate until the evening. When we had to go back, the two of them separated.

Melon Fruit Tea also had a teleportation scroll, so they each clicked the scroll and returned to their respective homes.

The teleportation location is outside the house, not directly home. This is set up intentionally by An Ran. The reason why it is not set directly at home is because she has to first observe the surroundings of the home and the home. If there are people or monsters, she cannot set it. At home, if a monster or other player comes into the house, she will be beaten to death.

So if there are people or monsters, she can't go in for the time being.

An Ran hid behind a mound of soil outside the house that she had set up. She looked around the house and saw no movement. Even the crops she planted at the door and picked that could replenish her life or physical strength were still fine when they matured. People pick.

It looks like no one or monster is coming.

Thinking of this, An Ran felt a little more at ease, so she stepped forward and opened the door. Sure enough, there was no one inside.

After An Ran went in, he quickly sorted out these things and made five teleportation scrolls in one go, so that when the backpack is full tomorrow, he can teleport back and put the things at home without throwing them away.

Then Anron used iron ore to build a decomposition machine - all the equipment or tools in this game can be decomposed, but a decomposition machine is needed. The system will not directly provide players with the decomposition function like traditional games. .

With this machine, players no longer have to worry about the synthesized equipment being out of date, which is a pity.

Everything can be broken down into raw materials for secondary use.

It’s just that the decomposing machine needs to consume some energy.

This basic machine of hers only needs to be fed with coal to make it work, and coal is easy to find.

In the future, there will be advanced machines, and the energy required will naturally be upgraded, but that is a matter for the future, and I can’t press it for now.

At present, Enron has broken down a lot of leather equipment into raw materials - he has picked up a lot of it from fighting monsters before, and if there is any excess, it can only be broken down into raw materials.

After the leather equipment was decomposed, more leather raw materials were naturally produced, which allowed An Ran to make more teleportation scrolls.

Some people may ask, why not hang the unwanted things, or the good things that can be sold for money, somewhere and sell them to other players.

Although there is no market function in this game, if players want to trade, they can also trade. That is to write their own number and what they want to sell on the forum. Players who need it can add this number. People use teleportation scrolls to teleport together and trade in person.

But it should be noted that there are risks for players to trade like this. It is easy for a situation like this to happen: the seller teleports to the buyer, and the buyer arranges manpower to kill the seller and grab the seller's things.

Similarly, if the buyer wants to teleport to the seller, the seller can do the same thing.

That is, the transaction is not secure.

Later, some players invented something like a real-life vending machine, which was better. The seller put the items he wanted to sell in the vending machine, and players could buy them if they wanted to.

Also, the governments of various countries have set up trading bazaars in the game. If everyone sells things in the official trading bazaar, if they dare to kill people and steal goods, or run away after taking things, the officials will send people to maintain order.

——It can be seen that order is important no matter what time it is. If there is no official thing to do, players will not even dare to do transactions.

Because the game has only started not long ago, neither the official trading market nor the private trading market has appeared, so even if someone wants to buy or sell something, they can't do it because they can't trade safely.

Some people who had transactions before were lucky and the transactions were successful; some were killed and eliminated.

Because of this, Enron would rather break down the equipment into raw materials than sell it.

Otherwise, if you don't make much money from the sale, you will run into danger and eliminate yourself, which is not cost-effective.

It's a pity that An Ran still didn't find the energy stone on this day, otherwise he could have made a protective shield.

Unable to find it outside, An Ran decided to dig underground.

Many rare ores are found deep underground, and players can just keep digging down.

An Ran didn't need to go out to look for it, he could just dig down in his own house.

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