Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3579 Bai Yueguang’s “substitute” 26

But An Ran, since he already knew her plan, how could he let her run away.

At that moment, An Ran deliberately let He Qiao's people know the news.

The people He Qiao sent to protect her include not only the bodyguards on the surface, but also the secret intelligence team members. They will collect information related to He Qiao and An Ran to prevent anyone from doing harm to them.

Because what Lu Cha did was relatively secretive, they didn't find out.

But with An Ran's help, they naturally received the news and immediately told He Qiao the news.

He Qiao heard that Lu Cha was unable to pester him, and because of love and hatred, he planned to send someone to kill An Ran, and then he planned to hide abroad to avoid being discovered, so he was arrested. At that time, his face darkened, thinking about this Lu Cha Cha, he is really crazy, he dares to attack his people! He will make her regret it!

He would not make any small moves to deal with Lu Cha in private, because he did not want to become a criminal like Lu Cha. Instead, he reported his findings to the police, believing that the police could find out the situation and then bring Lu Cha to justice. Catch it.

He Qiao didn't want what Lu Cha had done to be discovered by the police before he even started taking action, and then he would be arrested and sentenced to less than a few years, so he waited until Lu Cha was about to leave and the people from Lu Cha's faction started to take action before notifying him. police.

The police heard about this, and the first step was to detain Lu Cha, in case this happened, and it would be difficult to catch him if he left. Anyway, the police can detain the suspect for a period of time, and then release him if nothing happens. .

After detaining Lu Cha, the police sent people to rescue An Ran.

Then it was discovered that Lu Cha's people were really taking action, and He Qiao's call to police was not groundless.

But he said that the time Lu Cha arranged to take action was when An Ran went to the beauty salon for beauty treatment once a week.

This time was fixed for An Ran, so it was also the easiest time for Lu Cha to arrange the attack. She didn't have to worry about the person not coming out according to her plan when the time came, causing the plan to fail.

But she said that An Ran was having a beauty treatment at the moment, and then the person doing the beauty treatment was taken away. Then, another person came in and said he wanted to light an aromatherapy essential oil lamp for her to soothe her nerves.

This is naturally the person Lu Cha arranged. With this lamp lit, he can sleep peacefully.

An Ran knew that He Qiao was taking action, so he was not worried. He immediately pretended not to know, followed Lu Cha's people to do something secretly, and then fell asleep.

In fact, of course I didn't sleep, because An Ran has practiced martial arts and can hold his breath for a long time. Even if he needs to breathe in the middle, he only takes a little breath and will not be hypnotic for a while.

Seeing that she was "asleep", someone helped her out and into a car.

As a result, the police acted very quickly. Before these people could start their cars and leave, the police arrived and arrested them all.

Lu Cha, who was caught by the police at the police station, couldn't help but panic when she saw that the person she arranged had been arrested.

She didn't know what went wrong, how she could be discovered by others.

All she knew was that the things she arranged were enough to put her in jail for a long time.

And even if she didn't go to jail for a long time and only sat for a while, she would be completely socialized in the circle of rich people and would never recover. This made Lu Cha despair and his face turned completely gloomy. .

After all, for someone like Lu Cha who wants to climb up, having her career cut off would be more uncomfortable than anything else.

Sure enough, people in Lu Cha's circle were shocked when they heard that Lu Cha had hired a murderer and planned to kill Lu Anran. They thought that this Lu Cha must be hysterical. He Qiao didn't like her, and she was so angry. If you want to kill He Qiao's wife, why are you still planning to wait until Lu Anran is no longer in charge?

But I'm not your substitute. It's just that He Qiao likes Lu Anran. Even if you kill Lu Anran, you won't be able to rise to power just because you look like her.

——I have to say that everyone guessed correctly. Lu Cha did intend to take over after killing An Ran.

The method is also very simple.

Lu Anran died, He Qiao must be very sad, right? Then she would think of a way to get close to He Qiao and comfort him.

And He Qiao likes Lu Anran. Without Lu Anran, he will definitely want to have someone who can comfort him and soothe his trauma. Wouldn't there be a chance for her who looks very similar to Lu Anran? I believe that looking at her face, He Qiao will like her. Even if he doesn't like her, he at least wants to look at her face, so that he can miss her.

The worst she can do is dress up like Lu Anran, and she's guaranteed to have a chance of becoming famous.

——Yes, Lu Cha used to laugh at the original person as her substitute, but now, when she found out that the person He Qiao liked was the original person, she planned to kill the original person and become his substitute.

He obviously laughed at the original person as a substitute, but now he does something he despises and strives to be the original person's substitute. This kind of reversal is also funny.

Of course, she doesn't have this chance now.

After He Qiao "rescued" An Ran, the relationship between the two became even better. People in Lu Cha's circle who saw this scene couldn't help but secretly thought, Lu Cha is the legendary vicious female partner, right? This god's assist is probably wrong.

After Lu Cha was dealt with, An Ran could focus on the situation at the He family, wanting to see if the original accident was a real accident or someone had done it.

If someone had done it, it would not be difficult to deal with it. Just like dealing with Lu Cha, just leave it to He Qiao. She wouldn't have to worry about how to tell He Qiao. She didn't have the manpower to find out about the murderer.

There were many and mixed people in the He family, and An Ran didn't make any new discoveries for a while.

However, He Qiao told her that she wanted to hold a make-up wedding banquet.

He Qiao said so.

"Before, it was a marriage by agreement, and it was over after getting a certificate. Now we are a real marriage. I don't have a wedding for you. I always feel like something is missing, so I just need to get a new one. Get the certificate first and then do it." There are a lot of people celebrating this event, so if we do this, it’s not too abrupt and others won’t think it’s strange.”

Originally, He Qiao was still thinking that the two of them would end the agreed marriage first and then start over.

Later I thought about it, divorce was not a good sign, so I didn’t propose it like this.

After hearing this, An Ran secretly thought that if the plot was like this, would the accident in the original world still happen?

It should happen. If someone in the He family really hates He Qiao, they will definitely take action in the end.

Feeling that there would be no delay in finding the murderer, An Ran agreed to He Qiao's suggestion.

Because for a wedding, relatives and friends must be invited to attend, so it will definitely not be done so quickly. At least some time must be left for relatives and friends to attend the banquet, so during this time, An Ran can continue to observe the He family. There was movement up and down.

An Ran guessed that if there was a murderer, he might not let go of the wedding, because it was the easiest time to strike at such a chaotic time.

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