Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3574 Bai Yueguang’s “substitute” 21

He Qiao took the love letter Lu Cha handed him, read it, and then said with a strange expression: "How can you be so sure that this love letter was written by me?"

Lu Cha didn't expect that he would deny this love letter, and he couldn't help but said in disbelief: "It's your name on it! Who else could it be if you didn't write it?"

He Qiao said speechlessly: "Just because my name is written on it? Then I have to write a random letter and put someone's name on it, and then I can say that that person likes me? This conclusion is also Isn’t that a bit too arbitrary?”

Lu Cha didn't believe He Qiao's words and immediately said: "This is just an excuse you made because you don't want to admit it."

He Qiao sneered: "Why should I make excuses? This is not my handwriting at all!"

At that moment, he opened the photo album on his mobile phone, showed An Ran and Lu Cha his comments on some documents, and said, "This is my handwriting! Does it look like the letter?"

It's indeed not like that. He Qiao's handwriting is a few blocks away from the words on this letter, but... Lu Cha, who didn't give up and didn't want to admit that He Qiao didn't like him, continued: "You have graduated from school many years ago. Maybe in these years , you have practiced calligraphy and your handwriting is better than before?"

Seeing her messing around, He Qiao turned cold and said, "The handwriting I wrote back then was similar to this. If you really want to see it, I still have a lot of books and homework books from childhood to adulthood. I'll take pictures then." Let me show you a few to make you give up, lest you insist on throwing dirt on me, saying that I like you, but because I can't marry you, I married a substitute, and found a bunch of people to step on me. Wife, why are you so shameless?"

"But...I said I never wrote you a love letter. You insist on taking a love letter written by someone you don't know and force me to admit it. Are you out of your mind? The person involved has denied it and you still insist that I wrote it? Besides, , I remember I never handed you a love letter at all, right?"

This love letter was indeed not handed to her by He Qiao, but she found it on the desk. However, even though it was not received in person, Lu Cha was convinced that it must have been written by He Qiao, because he had written the love letter to her back then. There are many people, and those who are shy will just stuff it into her desk instead of handing it to her in person.

So now that He Qiao refused to admit it, Lu Cha felt that He Qiao was lying.

It's just... He Qiao said that he still kept a lot of books and homework books from childhood to adulthood. He had plenty of evidence to prove that this letter was not written by him. This made her a little panicked because she was afraid of He Qiao. In order to stop the rumors she spread everywhere - that He Qiao liked her and married a wife who was her substitute - he directly denied it on social media and asked her to produce a love letter to prove it.

It will definitely not be possible if she does not produce the love letter then, but if she does produce the love letter, people only need to show the handwriting in his homework when he was studying. If others see that it is different from this letter, they will know that what she said is false. .

She will be in trouble then. After all, others should not think that she was suffering from hysteria and wrote a letter by herself, pretending to be He Qiao, and then said that He Qiao liked her.

If others thought so, she would be embarrassed and disgraced.

Especially when He Qiao took a photo of the letter and asked Lu Anran to hold the letter and place it next to her face to take another photo. He was probably afraid that she would deny it, so he took another photo of the letter and her together. Bar.

Lu Cha knew that he might be collecting evidence, so she was naturally unwilling to cooperate. However, Lu Anran held her tightly and sat there, and He Qiao quickly took a photo, making it difficult for her not to cooperate.

In this case, the love letter was obviously invalid, but she couldn't write another letter with the same handwriting as when He Qiao was studying. Apart from other things, she didn't know that He Qiao was studying. Where is Shi's homework? In this case, where can I find his handwriting and have someone imitate it?

Seeing that He Qiao refused to admit that the letter was written by him, and he had evidence to prove that it was not written by him. On the contrary, she had no evidence to prove that the letter was written by He Qiao, so Lu Cha could only say with an ugly expression. left.

In fact, just by looking at He Qiao's reaction, it should be obvious that he doesn't like her at all. If he liked her, would he refuse to admit it to his death?

However, Lu Cha wanted to catch up with the upstart He Qiao, so he didn't want to admit it and firmly believed that He Qiao just liked him.

The reason why she doesn't admit that she likes her now, she thinks, is probably because He Qiao thinks that she has already married someone and doesn't want her anymore - anyway, she doesn't want to admit it because she is not charming enough and is not He Qiao's Bai Yueguang.

After Lu Cha left, He Qiao looked at An Ran and said, "What's wrong with you?"

From before to now, An Ran has been a little distracted. He was a little worried about her condition, so he couldn't help asking worriedly.

Seeing He Qiao's worried look, An Ran took a long time to find his voice and said: "...You really don't like Lu Cha. Have you never liked Lu Cha?"

He Qiao nodded and said: "Of course, why, you don't think I like her, do you? I really don't."

Then he glanced at An Ran and said hesitantly: "...Actually, I have someone I like now."

An Ran's expression became even worse after hearing what he said, and she didn't even ask him who he liked now.

In the end, He Qiao couldn't bear it anymore and simply asked her to pick up the conversation, saying, "Why don't you ask me who the person I like is?"

In fact, he just wanted to tell Lu Cha that he didn't like Lu Cha at all, but he liked Lu Anran.

But then I thought about it, he hadn't confessed to An Ran yet, why did he say this to outsiders for the first time? He had to say it to the protagonist.

So I held back and didn't say this.

After hearing what he said, An Ran asked blankly: "Who?"

He Qiao said: "You... the person I like is you."

He Qiao had never said anything like this to anyone, so he felt a little nervous when he said it like this.

An Ran couldn't help but be surprised after hearing his answer, and said: "You... like me?!"

If He Qiao's love is true, then in the original world, is it also true that He Qiao likes his original body?

He Qiao nodded and said, "Yes. Although it's a bit surprising, the person I like is indeed you."

Seeing that An Ran seemed very unacceptable, this reaction was beyond the scope of He Qiao's understanding. Not that he said that he knew that his appearance was pretty good, and in terms of material, now that he had taken over the He family, he also had My company is a diamond king in the secular sense, right? Generally speaking, girls should like him very much. This is not because he is arrogant, but because his identity has been revealed, there are obviously more women who want to pounce on him recently.

Because of this, he was a little nervous when he saw An Ran's reaction, which was completely unexpected. He was afraid that An Ran wouldn't like him. After all, the most troublesome thing in the world is that you like someone. , that person doesn’t like you.

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