Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3566 Bai Yueguang’s “substitute” 13

After such an episode ended, time slowly arrived in the world of the original body, and it was time for the original body to know that he was a substitute.

Although there are a lot of plot twists, such as knowing about the substitute in advance, some things should continue to happen when the time comes.

After Miss Liu mentioned Lu Cha before, An Ran came to investigate Lu Cha on a whim and look at Lu Cha's information. After all, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you fight without danger. Let's first take a look at what the mission target is, and how to take revenge in the future. When the time comes, you can also be targeted.

An Ran is in City B and has never seen Lu Cha, but it does not mean that Lu Cha has gone abroad. Some Bai Yueguang novels like to write about Bai Yueguang going abroad and coming back.

In fact, Lu Cha just married into S city.

In this mission world, the original country is very big. City S and City B are thousands of miles apart, which is farther than some small countries and the distance between several countries. Therefore, it is said that I have not gone abroad. In fact, it is not like going abroad. No difference.

In this way, it was normal not to see Lu Cha for such a long time, after all, they were so far apart.

An Ran soon found out that nearly two years ago, Lu Cha married the son of a famous rich man in S City. Although he was not the richest man in S City, his family assets were quite considerable.

After marriage, Lu Cha became the wife of a wealthy family and lived the life of a young mistress of a wealthy family.

It seemed wonderful, but soon her married life became less than satisfactory.

It doesn't matter if her husband spends the same money before and after marriage. At least he spends it secretly so that she can maintain her dignity in front of outsiders.

But what made her even more frightened was that not long after she entered the house, she discovered that her husband's family, who was engaged in the real estate business, had lost their financial chain and was about to run away. Then they were stopped by officials at the airport.

After all, they have created such a big hole, and it is impossible for the officials to let them run away and leave the mess to the country.

These have all appeared in social news, but the general public doesn't know much about the inside story and just thinks that the rich people are going to run away.

Although it has not declared bankruptcy to the outside world, life has become difficult - the bank cannot borrow money, but the huge debt owed to the bank has to be repaid, and the Lu Chafu family has begun to sell off its assets.

When Lu Cha saw this situation, he couldn't help but panic. After confirming that his husband's family could no longer escape and selling all their assets could not plug the big hole, Lu Cha planned to divorce.

It’s not that she’s afraid of joint debt between husband and wife, because it’s her parents-in-law who are in debt, and her husband is a second-generation rich man, so how can he have any debt.

However, even if there is no debt, just thinking that the other person will have no money and she may have to support him by then, it is impossible for Lu Cha to be with the other person, so naturally he wants to divorce. After all, he married this person because of the other person. She is the son of a well-known rich man in the country, and she just got married. How could she still keep it without money?

As for her husband, how could he want to divorce her? After all, although the Lu family is an ordinary rich man, he is still a rich man. If his family goes bankrupt in the future, he may not have that much money to spend. Then he will definitely not be able to marry someone with better conditions than Lu Cha. A good wife has been given free rein, so naturally she is unwilling to let him go. She just wants to live on Lu Cha if the family goes bankrupt and has no money.

Lu Cha wanted to marry a rich man, but he didn't want to marry a loser, so he was obsessed with getting a divorce.

One wanted to leave, but the other didn't want to leave, so Lu Cha fought with her husband's family until now, and finally got rid of her husband's family.

If her husband's family hadn't been dragging her away, Lu Cha would have come to see He Qiao long ago.

Now Lu Cha has arrived in City B and is inquiring about He Qiao. Obviously, Lu Cha has his sights on He Qiao. He failed to get married last time and is planning to remarry a good one. And He Qiao, her former admirer, It's obviously a good target.

That's right, An Ran has now found out the reason why Lu Cha didn't choose He Qiao.

It's actually very simple - the reason why he didn't want He Qiao before and now he wants it again is because the person He Shi liked most in the past was He Ershao, not He Qiao, so Lu Cha naturally couldn't marry such a good-for-nothing He Qiao, just like Now, she will not want to be like her ex-husband who has nothing, but will marry an ex-husband who has (ostensibly) better conditions than He Qiao at that time.

Now that her husband has changed from the rich second generation to the negative second generation, she is divorced. Thinking that He Qiao likes her, she is ready to go back to city B to hook up with He Qiao.

An Ran didn't know what He Qiao was thinking, because in He Qiao's communication tool, apart from work, there was no personal information, so An Ran couldn't guess what he was thinking.

On the other hand, Lu Cha, An Ran knew very well what she was thinking - in the memories of Miss Liu and the original person, Lu Cha's little sisters praised Lu Cha for how good he was, but weren't they actually just ordinary people? Vanity and money worship are not the same as what Miss Liu and others call elegance.

Moreover, even if Lu Cha is vain and worships money, she still has to cover it up with hypocrisy, insisting on letting others think that she has a noble character and regards money as dirt. When she married her current husband, she did not do it because of her money, but because she liked her. , it’s like true love with someone.

——He is the type of person who, in He Qiao's opinion, is "hypocritical, too hypocritical."

Seeing that Lu Cha had arrived in City B, An Ran guessed that in the original world, the original person had heard people say that he was a substitute. I am afraid that it was arranged by Lu Cha, just to let the original person know the situation and know whether he was better than himself. If you fall in love with her, you will automatically abdicate and give way to others.

Otherwise, if the original person didn't have much contact with the outside world, how could it be such a coincidence that she met Lu Cha's friend, and then the other party said that she was a substitute? It would also not be such a coincidence that when she went out again, she saw her having an affair with He Qiao. Talk and laugh.

After all, the chance of encountering a situation just once when she goes out is too high. If Lu Cha hadn't watched her go out and arranged it, An Ran wouldn't believe it. After all, a coincidence is still possible. Coincidences come again and again. When others Silly.

But An Ran was willing to have some fun with Lu Cha.

She was already expecting Lu Cha to send someone over to tell him that she was a substitute, and that she had coffee with He Qiao. Then she would definitely play tricks on Lu Cha and He Qiao, and avenge the original person. Just in time, recently She also bought a house and had nothing to do. She was a little bored. Lu Cha was brought to her door for teasing. This was not the best way to pass the time.

Lu Cha naturally didn't know what An Ran was planning, so he just sat in a coffee shop in City B, looking at the introduction about He Qiao in his hand, and couldn't help but regret it.

She secretly thought that if she had known that He Qiao was so powerful, she should not have chosen her ex-husband. After all, her ex-husband was ultimately a rich second generation, but He Qiao, the market value of the company he started was no less than that of He's. This was the combination of the rich generation plus the rich second generation ah! The advantage is much greater than that of my ex-husband. After all, if my ex-husband has now become a negative second generation, even if he is still a rich second generation, an incompetent rich second generation, God knows whether he can keep his own money, how can someone as rich as He Qiao be? A good generation.

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