Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3551 30 after finishing the novel

The previous wish-maker had communicated with An Ran and told an incident. It was said that the wish-maker liked someone, but failed to catch him. He was deceived out of love and asked the tasker to pursue him. The tasker tried his best to catch up with him. In the end, the task was completed, but the wisher gave the tasker a negative review. The reason was that the other party was jealous that the tasker had caught up with the person she liked, so she gave a negative review.

Although the system space later punished the wish-maker, saying that because of personal problems, she made things difficult for the task-giver who helped her complete the task well, which was illegal, but from this incident, it can be seen that sometimes the wish-maker is also quite tricky. Yes, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person making the wish is a poor person. Sometimes there are people with bad character, but they don’t show it before a certain time, so the system space doesn’t know about it, and gives the other person a chance to make a wish - to enter the system space. People who make wishes are usually people who have never done bad things before, otherwise they would not get such an opportunity. In the end, the person who made the wish completed the task well, and the other party was not satisfied, so it was exposed.

Afraid of negative reviews from the original owner, An Ran would try his best to ensure that the big house would not be axed.

Fortunately, Mr. Li and Li Chengan were much smarter than An Ran imagined, and they never made any mistakes since then.

But he said that North Korea and China really developed as An Ran thought.

After the emperor entered his sixties, the battle for the throne in the DPRK became increasingly fierce.

There is a queen in this dynasty, but the queen has no children, and the emperor has no heir apparent. Such an attitude naturally makes all parties ready to start a fight.

In fact, the emperor originally planned to establish a heir when he was about fifty years old, but because of the system, he became cautious again and felt that he could do it again and that living for another fifty years would not be a problem.

Since he could live for another fifty years, he felt that establishing a beneficiary at fifty was a bit early, so he did not plan to establish a beneficiary.

And since he didn't plan to establish a heir apparent, the princes naturally felt that the emperor was hesitant and didn't know which prince to appoint as crown prince. In other words, everyone had a chance, so they naturally started fighting.

As for this dispute, the court naturally became bloody. There were those who supported the establishment of elders, those who supported the establishment of virtuous people, and some who were ambitious. They did not want to establish either an elder or a virtuous person. They wanted to establish a child so that he could be a good person in the future. Regent's.

Mr. Li had already told An Ran and Li Chengan not to have close contact with those princelings because their family planned to be pure ministers.

Although being a pure minister will not lead to the merit of following the dragon, at least you don't have to worry about siding with the wrong person and harming the family in the future.

The Li family is a big family, and there is also a princess who is getting married, and their status in the capital is good enough. In this case, there is no need to earn the merit of being a dragon. As long as the family does not have any trouble, it can continue to develop.

On the contrary, if you stand in the wrong team, no matter how big the family is, it will not be able to withstand the emperor's butcher's knife. After all, as long as people kill the nine clans with a single sentence, no matter how big the family is, it can be wiped out. Therefore, Mr. Li naturally told An Ran and Li Chengan like this. .

Seeing that the two agreed, he told them to be careful and not to be tricked by anyone. Those who clearly did not take sides were tricked into taking sides and forced to take sides.

An Ran and Li Chengan are both cautious people, so naturally such a thing would not happen, and they agreed one by one.

Sure enough, soon after, someone saw that they could not win over Mr. Li, so they came to win over An Ran and Li Chengan, thinking that the young people were not cautious and would be easily deceived. When the time came, they would wait for the two people to get on the pirate ship, and then force the old man to get on the ship. , it’s not difficult.

Who would have thought that although these two people were young, they were very slippery. Compared with Mr. Li, they were not much different and could not win over them at all.

At this time, an assassination incident soon occurred in the court. A prince who was in the limelight was assassinated.

When the emperor heard about this, he was furious and ordered a thorough investigation.

After that, many princes and countless ministers were implicated in succession, heads were being killed in the capital, and no one knew how many people disappeared from the court.

The emperor's severe punishment immediately frightened everyone, and many people did not dare to move anymore and lurked.

Thinking that the emperor is already sixty years old, don't worry, he can live for ten years at most. Ten years, they can afford to wait!

But they soon discovered that they were wrong, because the emperor was getting older year by year, but he was always in good health and did not look like he would die of old age at all.

How can they afford to wait?

So among the princes who were originally fighting each other, some began to attack the emperor, wanting to kill him, and wanted to wait until the emperor was gone before they could compete among themselves.

However, they didn't know that the emperor had a cheat, and they soon discovered the strange behavior of some princes. At that moment, the emperor was furious again and killed a group of princes again, killing many heads.

After two attempts, the remaining people were frightened and no longer dared to take the lead.

Seeing the emperor killing several princes, An Ran couldn't help but be speechless. He secretly thought that the Tian family really had no family ties, and even his own sons could be killed at will.

It's a shame that the emperor had many sons, otherwise there wouldn't be enough sons to kill.

In fact, An Ran even suspected that the emperor killed them intentionally, because after the emperor killed the adult princes, the remaining princes were underage princes. At least in the next ten years, he did not have to worry about his sons forcing him into the palace.

Soon the emperor will be seventy years old. Seeing the signs that the emperor is not dead yet, the newly adult princes are numb. They do not dare to kill each other or kill the old emperor like their previous brothers. Instead, they are honest and honest. Waiting on the ground, after all, there are lessons learned from the past, who dares to make small moves, for fear of being killed by the emperor.

Year after year passed like this, and the emperor never died, and the prince who was not an adult before lived so long that he was already several dozen years old, and he was waiting for despair.

Fortunately, the emperors of this generation are not considered cowardly emperors. Otherwise, with such longevity, if he were a cowardly emperor, the dynasty would not be enough for him to toss for such a long time, and he would have brought about the subjugation of the country.

As for the fact that he killed many troublemaking princes and ministers... his impact on the court was not great. After all, if the people at the top died, what impact would it have on the people at the bottom?

And as long as it doesn't affect the common people, there is no need to worry about the demise of the dynasty.

Of course, it cannot be said that there is no impact at all. For example, if a very capable minister is killed, it may have an impact on the dynasty.

Fortunately, it's relatively peaceful at the moment, and there aren't many capable ministers, so the impact isn't too severe.

In fact, Li Chengan was quite capable, but fortunately he never took sides, so relying on his own ability and family influence, he entered the cabinet and became the cabinet minister when he was about forty years old.

In addition, he still has a title, and after Master Li Er passed away, he also became a Marquis. As he said, he has achieved his goal of becoming a Marquis and Prime Minister.

Yes, Princess Pingyuan really helped Li Chengan keep his title, because her own child's title was not taken back from Li Chengan, but was regained through her relationship with the imperial brother.

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