Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3541 20 after finishing the novel

On the other hand, Mrs. Li San was on the side. Although she was also scared, she still dared to find excuses for herself to be questioned. She pretended not to know and said, "I don't know what Si Niang did. Why did you arrest me?"

They had made a plan before, and they had agreed upon it at that time. Once they were discovered, Li Siniang said that she would bear everything - because Li Siniang had a system and she could escape, so she said this - in this way, she She and her mother will be fine, and will only go to jail for a few years at most, so they are not particularly worried at the moment. They can still act according to the script, pretending not to know and blaming everyone.

Mrs. Li snorted coldly and said: "Mama Tang has already conducted a secret investigation. You and Mrs. Liu both know about it. You even paid for the poison and the money to bribe Aunt Tang, so this meeting Why are you pretending to be stupid? Anyway, go to Dali Temple and let the people from Dali Temple interrogate you and you will know."

Now Mrs. Li San was a little scared, fearing that she would not be able to withstand the interrogation of Dali Temple, so she immediately said: "Can't we solve it privately? Why did we call Dali Temple? In the final analysis, they just don't treat us as a family, otherwise You guys have always been like this, you don’t treat us as a family, you look down on us, and Si Niang would never do such a thing.”

Princess Pingyuan sneered: "Did you treat us as a family when you were poisoning us? Now that we have discovered it, you have the nerve to mention us as a family."

Princess Pingyuan's words made Mrs. Li San speechless.

At that moment, Dali Temple and others were preparing to take away Mrs. Li San, Li Siniang and others.

At this moment, Li Siniang suddenly broke away from them and ran out. When the people from the Beijing Yamen chased her out to look, no one was seen.

They never thought that Li Siniang was so strong that she could break free from the clutches of two adult men and run so fast that she disappeared without a trace.

It turned out that Li Siniang used the little energy she had saved recently to buy Dali Pills and Scud, broke away from the government servants and ran away.

And Li Siniang's strange behavior made everyone surprised at Li Siniang's condition. After all, how could a rich man have such great strength and such fast speed? This is unrealistic, so this Li Siniang couldn't be transformed into some kind of spirit, right?

Because even Mrs. Li San didn't know that Li Siniang was so strong and so fast, even Mrs. Li San and others were curious about Li Siniang's condition. They murmured in their hearts, "Isn't her daughter really a weirdo if she doesn't know how to do it?" Otherwise, how could he run so fast and be so strong?

Seeing everyone wondering about Li Siniang's situation, An Ran couldn't help but nodded secretly.

In addition to asking Aunt Tang to write a letter to expose what Li Siniang and others had done, in addition to wanting to deal with Li Siniang, the current situation is another purpose of An Ran - to force Li Siniang to expose the system.

An Ran doesn't know if there are any props in Li Siniang's system that can kill people, but the general system will definitely provide a way to save her life. In this way, if Li Siniang is arrested and imprisoned, she will definitely not be willing to be arrested and will definitely use the functions in the system. Escaped.

And she showed her abilities that were beyond ordinary people, and when the time came, she would face the entire imperial court's sea of ​​documents.

An Ran didn't know if Li Siniang could escape the court's arrest. If she could, she would find a way to help the court capture her.

And when Li Siniang is caught and brought to justice, or even executed, it is estimated that the second wife of the eldest family will give birth to a son, and the Li family will also know that it was Li Siniang's fault that the second wife of the eldest family did not have a son.

Although it would be detrimental to her and Li Cheng'an's interests to have a son for the second bedroom of the eldest family. After all, the second bedroom's title would definitely be returned, and the eldest family's property would definitely be distributed to the bastard, but Both An Ran and Li Chengan are capable, so they don’t care about these. Of course, the main thing is that An Ran doesn’t want to shoulder too much burden, and she will also have to shoulder the expectations of Princess Pingyuan. Princess Pingyuan is quite controlling and likes everything. It is firmly in her hands. The child she doesn't want to have will be controlled by Princess Pingyuan in the future, so she can just go with the second wife to give birth to a boy and don't bother her.

When there is a male in the second room, let that male shoulder the expectations of Princess Pingyuan.

Moreover, An Ran felt that it was appropriate to let people know that the second bedroom of the big house without a man was caused by Li Siniang, because the truth must be known.

At this time, An Ran looked at Li Siniang. As she expected, she bought something related to strength and speed from the system and ran away. People in Dali Temple and other places were shocked when they saw her and thought she was a monster. They couldn't help but be satisfied. I thought that when people from Dali Temple and other places arrested her again, they would be cautious and not let her escape easily.

An Ran was afraid that Li Siniang's system was powerful and the authorities would be able to catch her if they needed her help.

But in fact, Enron overestimated Li Siniang's system.

Li Siniang's system requires emotional energy to maintain daily consumption and allow Li Siniang to buy things.

However, if emotional energy is needed, Li Siniang needs to stay in a crowded place, otherwise she cannot maintain the consumption.

But Li Siniang is now wanted by the authorities. How can she dare to go to a crowded place?

She had seen the official wanted portrait before, and it looked very similar to her. She was afraid that she would be recognized if she showed up.

But if she doesn't go to crowded places, she won't be able to collect too much emotional energy. Not to mention exchanging the energy for the props she wants and running away, it will be difficult to maintain daily consumption.

Therefore, in order to gain emotional energy, Li Siniang could only run to crowded places, and in this way, she could easily be caught.

Who made her think that before An Ran came in, she would get a lot of energy, so she used up all the energy on hand except for the spare energy. Later, she even used the spare energy in order to buy birth control pills. It was all gone, and she hadn’t replenished it for a while. She ran away yesterday and reluctantly bought some short-lasting Dali Pills and Scud. She didn’t have the energy to buy anything longer-lasting.

The more she saw this situation, the more Li Siniang regretted that she should not have used up all her energy before Tang Anran came in. At that time, she should have waited for Tang Anran to come in. She had gained a lot of energy from her and could not buy it anymore. Chi, then this kind of thing won't happen.

But there is no regret medicine in the world. No matter how powerful her system is, it does not have the function of going back in time, so she can only find ways to go to crowded places and collect more emotional energy. Even if the people from Dali Temple come, her emotions It has a lot of energy and can buy props to escape.

Once she was far away, she would be safer. She didn't believe that there were many people from Dali Temple looking for her in the desolate towns she went to after leaving the capital.

When she has more energy, she will buy a disguise pill, and then her parents will not be able to recognize her, and she will be able to completely escape the pursuit of Dali Temple.

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