Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3538 After finishing the novel 17

But Li Siniang was able to drop her original son in her original world, which meant that her original child was not within the protection of world consciousness.

In this case, An Ran would naturally have to protect her children by herself.

An Ran was willing to bet that Li Siniang couldn't accept it when she saw that she had a son. She would definitely take action directly and find a way to physically eliminate the child. Then she would allow the third bedroom to continue to have hope of inheriting the property and title of the eldest and second bedroom.

So she naturally has to protect her children carefully.

Li Siniang had better not have such evil thoughts, otherwise, she would be exposed directly without An Ran thinking about how to expose her true identity.

An Ran's guess was good. After seeing An Ran give birth to a son, Li Siniang could not accept the reality, and she did have the idea of ​​​​physically annihilating An Ran's son.

After all, she invested so much emotional energy in the second room of the first house, and the sunk cost was so great that she couldn't stand it. After struggling for a long time, in the end, the property and title of the second room of the first house still did not fall on her.

Princess Pingyuan did not choose the third room as her heir, and she almost collapsed once. Fortunately, she thought at the time that as long as Li Chengan had no son, the title and property would still belong to the third room in the future. With this belief, she did not completely collapse at that time. , now it won't work again, she is really going to collapse, so she wants to physically eliminate the eldest grandson.

After all, as long as the child Tang Anran is physically eliminated, it is not certain whether Tang Anran will have a son in the future. In addition, even if she does, maybe next time, her system DEBUFF will work again, and what she will give birth to is not a son. But what about girls?

In fact, she also asked the system why the DEBUFF she got for An Ran was useless, but the system was like an artificial retard, and the other party didn't know, which made her angry.

Since asking the system couldn't help her, Li Siniang felt that she had no choice but to do it herself and physically eliminate Tang Anran's children.

Even now, when children are still very young and surrounded by a large number of people at all times, it is difficult to physically eliminate them.

As for herself not taking action, it is not easy to bribe these people and do it secretly. Firstly, by buying others, it is easy to be exposed, and it is easy for others to take advantage of it and threaten herself in the future, so she does not want to ask for help unless it is a last resort; secondly, she wants to She didn't have the money to spend a lot of money. After all, bribing someone to do something that would make them lose their heads was definitely not as simple as spending a few taels of silver to let people inquire about something. Thousands of taels of silver might not buy her eldest grandson. The person taking care of him; thirdly, Tang Anran was extremely guarded. Even if he bribed someone who was taking care of him, there was no certainty that the other person would be able to take action.

So Li Siniang felt a little panicked as she watched her eldest grandson grow up day by day.

Seeing that she had no chance to do it herself, Li Siniang couldn't help but make a dangerous move and began to contact the people around Changsun, hoping to bribe these people and then ask them to help him do it.

The first person she came into contact with was Granny Tang, who had a reputation for greed. I heard that she was brought over from her natal family by Tang Anran.

Although Tang Anran brought her here from her natal family, Li Siniang felt that she was someone she could win over because of her reputation as a greedy person.

She thought well.

At first, she couldn't win over Nanny Tang, but after she increased the benefit to one thousand taels, Nanny Tang hesitantly agreed, saying that she could try it, and then said that she couldn't find the poison and asked Li Siniang to provide it herself, and , you can't provide strong poison, poisoning people to death all at once, then Tang Anran will suspect her, and ask her to provide chronic poison, so that if she gives it to her eldest grandson, she won't die at first, and when it's almost done, she will redeem herself and leave. , then take the money and fly away. When Tang Anran discovers that something is wrong with the child, and deduce that she may have done it, she has already run away, and Tang Anran can't do anything to her, so that she can escape calmly.

Li Siniang said that she understood Nanny Tang’s plan and said it was okay.

Although there are no lethal drugs in her system store, she can find them in reality. Although she doesn't know which poisons are chronic poisons, her mother and grandmother, Mrs. Liu, should know. Just ask them to help find them. In the worst case, tell them your plan, and they will definitely agree.

It just so happened that she didn't have that much money. To do this, she needed the financial support of Mrs. Li San and Mrs. Liu. She had originally wanted to mention this matter to them.

When Nanny Tang heard that Li Siniang agreed to her proposal, she said that she was waiting for good news from Li Siniang. Of course, she asked her to give her the money quickly, otherwise she would not do this.

Li Siniang was disgusted that she kept asking for money, but she also knew that she could only win over such people, otherwise, she would not be able to attack others.

And I don’t know if the other party is particularly loyal to Tang Anran, and she is afraid of telling her. In the end, the other party told Tang Anran and exposed her, which would be bad.

Therefore, although Li Siniang hates Nanny Tang's greed, she also understands that she must tolerate her greed, otherwise she will not be able to find anyone.

What Li Siniang didn't know was that Nanny Tang was actually acting on An Ran's words.

It turned out that when the child was born, An Ran told the people around her that there were people in the house who didn't want to see the second bedroom of the big house with a male child. After all, the second bedroom of the big house without a male child would be of great benefit to the third bedroom, so they were asked to pay attention. Then, if someone finds them, as long as the other party offers enough benefits, they will agree to the other party's request for harm. When the other party brings the poison and finds out where the other party's medicine comes from, they will catch them all.

The people around An Ran were all reliable after careful observation by An Ran, so after An Ran said this, he agreed one by one and waited for the perpetrators to come.

Although some people murmured in their hearts, thinking that their master was overthinking, and the third room should not be like this, but no matter how much they murmured, they still followed An Ran's instructions.

Unexpectedly, I actually caught a fish at this moment, and it was really a third-bedroom fish.

I just never thought it would be Li Siniang.

After all, what would a girl who was about to get married do to get involved in this matter? You know, they thought it was Mrs. Li San who was going to cause trouble.

After all, it would be in the best interest of Mrs. Li San and her grandson to do this kind of thing if it succeeds. Logically speaking, Mrs. Li San should do this, and Mrs. Li San's son is unlikely to do it, because even if the eldest grandson Physics is eliminated, It is not certain which son will be the eldest grandson of the third family in the future. Since it is not sure, who would be stupid enough to take the risk? Doing such a thing may not necessarily bring benefits, but it will be risky.

Now that it is Li Siniang who is doing this, if she succeeds, the benefits to her will be limited. After all, how she will live in the future has to do with her husband's family, not her natal family; on the contrary, once she is exposed, she will be in trouble.

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