Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3271 I want to wear it back 20

At present, Anran was afraid that Yang Lan and others were not familiar with things like organizational systems. When there were more people, don't rush around or even cause an accident, so he modified some mature rules and regulations that he had compiled when he started the uprising. Next, I applied the background of this era and gave it to Yang Lan for reference.

It was said to be a reference, but Yang Lan and others had no experience. When they looked at Enron's rules and regulations, they felt that everything was perfect and there was no fault at all. So it was said to be a reference, but in fact they copied it directly.

Because Enron has a mature organizational system to maintain it, Yang Lan and others rescued a large number of girls and resettled them very easily without any unexpected problems.

There are no years in the mountains, but there are thousands of years in the world.

People outside don't know that there is already a place in the world that trains warriors to stop foreign invasions, but they say that outside, the war between various forces is becoming more and more fierce.

Then there are those who deal with the Hu people. Seeing that the great cause will be difficult to achieve for a while, they find the Hu people and want to hire them to help. As long as they help them win, they will give them as much food, salt, iron, gold, silver, etc. These are the things that the Hu people are anxious to do. Short.

Seeing that the treatment was generous, the barbarians agreed and helped them fight.

So modern mercenaries appeared on the battlefield in the Central Plains.

Although they are similar to modern mercenaries, their combat effectiveness is much stronger than modern mercenaries. After all, some modern mercenaries are really mercenaries. They have not been trained in the army and are completely incomparable with the regular army.

However, although the Hu people of this era were mercenaries, they were actually regular troops. Their combat effectiveness was naturally strong. As soon as they appeared on the battlefield in the Central Plains, they were invincible and defeated the forces that oppressed their employers.

Their employer was very happy to see that the Hu people were so powerful in fighting and had wiped out all the enemies that threatened them.

But they probably never thought that when they were happy, the Hu people had their own ideas.

Some smart barbarians saw that the Central Plains people were unable to fight, so they inevitably came up with the idea of ​​​​why I couldn't participate in this game. They thought that I was much better than them. If we took over the Central Plains, beating them would be like cutting melons and vegetables. convenient.

More and more people are thinking like this, so they can't help but wonder if they can find a time to invade the Central Plains. Even if they don't succeed, it doesn't matter. Anyway, they are just trying. If they don't succeed, they will just grab it as usual. Just run away. On the contrary, if they succeed, then they can live in the Central Plains and get rid of the cold environment in which they live now.

Obviously, some smart Central Plains people are luring the wolf into the house. They think they have found a powerful mercenary and eliminated their opponents, but they never thought that one day, they would also be eliminated by this group of mercenaries.

This group of mercenaries relied on these smart Central Plains people to hire them and obtained a large amount of salt, iron and food to strengthen themselves. At the same time, every time they fought, they also stole a large amount of supplies, women and children from the Central Plains, and killed a large number of young men. , doing what they want to do under the guise of being hired.

The forces that hired them didn't dare to say anything when they saw what they were doing, for fear of offending these men and not helping them next time.

But gradually, the forces that hired them also discovered that something was wrong, and no longer wanted to hire them.

But, dare not to hire? You are beautiful, if you don’t hire me, I will beat you to death first.

That force couldn't defeat this group of barbarians, so out of fear, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue hiring.

So on the surface, their force seems to be very powerful, sweeping away the surrounding forces, but in fact, they have been ignored by the barbarians. They have to do what the barbarians say, otherwise they will not end well.

The Hu people were also very happy. They also knew that if they invaded the Central Plains directly, the forces in the Central Plains might cease the war and unanimously declare to the outside world to drive them out.

But now, they are using the banner of mercenaries of that force, and all the forces in the Central Plains are not aware of their dangers and do not attack them together, giving them the power to strengthen their own power and sweep the world in the future.

Therefore, this force that lured wolves into the house not only lured the wolf into the house, but also helped them greatly. Without this force that lured the wolf into the house, it would not have been so easy for the barbarians to invade the Central Plains.

Because they were claiming to be a Central Plains force, this group of barbarian forces had a smooth start, and soon reached the vicinity of An Ran and others from the north.

The Hu people have also heard that there is a ghost village in this place, but they only thought it was a strange story in the countryside, so they didn't take it seriously. Although some of their people were killed by people from the ghost village, they only thought that this place was The Central Plains is a place like a bandit den, so I approached this place now, thinking that this place has killed at least several thousand of their people over the years, more than they have killed in the war with the Central Plains people in recent years. It's so annoying. People had to take revenge, so they decided to level this place first, and then continue to push forward. Every time they sent people to rob, there would be dozens or hundreds of people. Yang Lan and the others sent out dozens of people. Often, hundreds of people will be killed, and most of them can be killed before all the enemies are gone. Sometimes An Ran will come to help if he doesn't practice, and even hundreds of people will be wiped out. After a few years, this is not the case. It could kill thousands of people. If most of the barbarians didn't later know that this place was powerful and didn't dare to plunder nearby, more people would have died.

An Ran's cultivation level is much higher now. Naturally, when the barbarians approached this place, he knew about it as soon as possible.

Immediately, Yang Lan and others were notified, asking them to prepare to take the sisters who were willing to kill the enemy to have a good meeting with this group of barbarians.

Yang Lan and others have long wanted to meet the large troops of the Hu people. They have been very angry after seeing what these Hu people did over the years. Now that they can kill more Hu people, they are naturally willing.

At that moment, An Ran said that she would create a large-scale illusion for these barbarian troops, and also give each of them an invisibility charm. Just like she killed the refugee team that came to trouble them that year, she would also do something to this group of barbarians. One, this not only helps them kill the enemy, but also protects them from being beaten by the enemy to the greatest extent. After all, they can see the enemy, but the enemy cannot see them, so they are not without the power to resist.

Yang Lan and others originally looked solemn, thinking that the Immortal Chief said that the Hu people would send thousands of people over. The Hu people were powerful, and a few thousand people would be even more powerful. They would encounter a fierce battle. As a result, Now that I heard that the immortal was going to do this, I immediately felt relieved. I immediately felt relaxed. I told the grown-up girls about this arrangement and asked them if they wanted to fight the barbarians. If so, I would get it when the time comes. An invisibility charm to play with those barbarians.

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