Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3252 I want to wear it back 1

The ideas everyone came up with at the beginning were of no use.

Finally, an expert came up with an idea, saying that the emperor was the real dragon and the emperor, and the jade seal should follow the rules of the great road. You could try it.

The emperor felt that it made sense. After all, at least one of the people in the palace was not dead yet. Although it might be because the person who cast the magic spell had no conflict with the people in the palace, so he did not kill the people in the palace, but it could also be because , The palace is where the emperor lives, and the other party's methods are useless.

So the emperor followed the advice of the master and issued an imperial edict to each family - the disguised form was equivalent to an amulet.

After doing this, the frequency of accidents in Beijing has indeed decreased a lot.

Then the emperor ordered people to analyze these dead people to see if they had anything in common.

After careful study by all parties, they immediately came up with an answer that seemed a bit incredible: these people were more or less related to Princess Chu.

Some people can't tell that they have a problem with Princess Chu, but most people have a problem with Princess Chu.

Especially for Duke Chengen's Mansion, Princess Gao originally intended to get married to Duke Cheng'en, but Miss Gao liked the King of Chu at that time. As everyone knows, Miss Gao's narrow-minded character wanted to kill the whole family of Duke Cheng'en's Mansion because of this. It's possible.

Since he thought it might be Miss Gao, the emperor immediately ordered Dali Temple and other places to arrest Miss Gao for interrogation.

Of course, everyone is very careful because the other party may have unusual methods.

But during the arrest, Miss Gao was still injured.

It turned out that Miss Gao was so frightened when the emperor discovered her abnormality that she didn't even think about covering it up. Instead, she thought she was powerful and fought back directly.

Seeing that Miss Gao was so scary, the emperor thought that his jade seal seemed to be useful, so he wrote a lot of imperial edicts and asked the arresters to take them with them, so that it became somewhat useful.

Then the emperor prayed to heaven again, named the evildoer, and asked God for a way to surrender.

The emperor is the son of heaven, and soon the rules of heaven discovered that monks appeared in this world.

So Tiandao changed the rules of Tiandao and did not allow monks to attack ordinary people.

After Miss Gao was not allowed to use her abilities, she was quickly caught by Dali Temple.

After she couldn't use her powers, she was tortured by Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment, and she quickly confessed all the facts of the crime, which was about plug-ins. The plug-ins did not allow the host to tell others, so Miss Gao couldn't speak out and could only be vague. In his words, he tried his best to express his special abilities.

Since she could not reveal the cheating matter, the officials who interrogated her were a little confused after hearing her confession because they did not understand.

Fortunately, you don't have to worry about whether you can understand it or not. Anyway, just make sure that this girl is indeed a monster.

The emperor and others were naturally afraid of this kind of evildoer. In addition, the other party also killed the whole family of Cheng'en Palace. Queen Mother Chen and others would not let her go, so they executed Miss Gao Lingchi. Miss Gao was dead It was so cruel that no one would believe her even if she denied that she was not the one responsible for the death of Duke Chengen.

Miss Gao is dead. I don’t know whose hands the cheat fell into. Anyway, the person who got it will definitely not dare to mess with it anymore, for fear of being killed like Miss Gao. Besides, even if it is messed up, it will not work. , because the rules of heaven have changed and monks cannot kill ordinary people, so even if someone gets the cheat, they can only live with it.

After watching the unfinished plot, An Ran secretly thought that Miss Gao had killed so many people, so Ling Chi should be executed.

After watching the unfinished plot, An Ran continued to practice. When the time came for the mission, he took on another mission.


This time An Ran took on a more difficult orange-level mission.

The original person Ye Anran was a twenty-year-old college student in modern times. He accidentally traveled to the troubled times of ancient times.

Although it was worn, it was a troubled time and refugees were running around. Under the original owner's careful operation, it did not arouse the suspicion of the indigenous residents.

Although there is no suspicion, it is difficult to survive in troubled times. Although the original person has been cautious, but because the original person is a modern person, the skin is tender and tender, so her appearance is average, if not extremely beautiful. In this world, women everywhere are sallow and thin. In this era, even if the original body has smeared ashes on its face, its delicate skin has attracted covetous people.

These coveted people not only coveted her body, but also planned to eat her like a two-legged sheep. That is to say, they planned to use it to vent their anger first, and then eat her after venting.

Such a terrible encounter caused the original body to collapse. Not wanting to die like this, the original body thought of a way and hit the wall directly and died.

Although it hurts to commit suicide like this, it is better than being coaxed by a bunch of stinking homeless people who have not taken a bath for who knows how many years. Die.

After dying and encountering this system, the original person made a wish, hoping that the tasker would find a way to return.

In fact, after she traveled through time and saw such a situation, she has been looking for a way to go back. Of course she committed suicide to avoid the terrible things that would happen next, but she also wanted to see if she could return to the modern world after committing suicide.

But it obviously failed.

In fact, it is conceivable that she is wearing a body. In this time and space, her body is dead, and she can go back without committing suicide.

This is obviously an extremely difficult task.

If the wish-maker wants the missionaries to help them survive in this era, it would not be a problem for even capable people to conquer the country, end the troubled times, and expel the alien invasion. But the key point is that they want to return to modern times and do not want to be in this world again. Life in this terrible era is very difficult. No wonder it is an orange-level mission. It is estimated that no one has completed it, so the levels are getting higher and higher.

An Ran also felt that this task was difficult, and he didn't want to take it at first, but seeing that his health points were very high, even if the task failed, the double deduction would be enough, so he was ready to come in and have a look. Otherwise, the reward for this task is very high. .

Probably no one has completed it and it has been accumulated for a long time, so there are not only five-star rewards given by the wish-maker, but also additional rewards added by the system.

An Ran looked at it and found out that if a task accumulated to the highest orange level and no one completed it for a certain period of time, the system would give additional rewards in order to clear these tasks.

But obviously, no matter how high the reward is for this task, no one is willing to take it because it is too difficult.

An Ran also tried his luck.

This is what she thinks: If the wish made by the wish-maker cannot be fulfilled at all, then the system should not pass such a task. After all, if the system also passes a task that cannot be completed at all, everyone will allow such an impossible task. Wish, wouldn't the system be filled with a bunch of tasks that cannot be completed, and it is impossible for the system to do such a thing.

Therefore, if the task can be passed by the system, it means that the system feels that the task can be completed, but the tasker needs to find a way to achieve it.

Since there is hope that it can be completed, An Ran wants to give it a try.

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