Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3246 Cultivation of Immortals and Scholars 35

But the noble concubine is not able to do everything. Always asking her to touch her will only quickly consume her friendship with him. After all, don’t forget that she has many brothers and sisters, including cousins. If It is not easy to always ask the noble concubine to do things. I am afraid that soon, the noble concubine will not like me and will not want to deal with him.

So Miss Gao was naturally very embarrassed after hearing her husband's request.

Of course, although she actually likes the capital, she doesn't dare to go back to the capital for fear of hearing unpleasant comments about her.

Although Miss Gao had these concerns, her husband's family never listened to her difficulties.

Why not divorce her? Isn't it just for these benefits? If she can't give them benefits, why do they take the risk for a woman who may be a monster?

So her husband's family threatened her in a subtle way, saying that if she didn't meet their demands, they would divorce her. By then, she would be old and have such a background, and they would be afraid that even someone with her conditions would marry her. No more.

Miss Gao knew that what her husband-in-law said was true, and because of this, she had been careful to keep the secret before, so as not to be discovered by others, and to avoid being divorced and ending up badly.

But I didn't expect that there is no airtight wall in the world, and her husband's family still found out about her.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but regret the benefit of being nostalgic for her mother's family and always running to her mother's family. Her husband's family found out about it and now she has caused such trouble.

Yes, it was troublesome. Just seeing her husband's family threatening her like this, Miss Gao knew that there would be constant troubles in the future. This time she met their demands, but next time they would make new demands. If not met, they would threaten her with divorce.

Thinking of this, she told her husband's family to go back to her parents' house and discuss with them how to solve the problem.

Naturally, her husband's family agreed, but now they sent someone to accompany her and asked that person to keep an eye on her, lest she discuss with her husband's family how to resist them.

Although they have Miss Gao in their hands, they don't have to worry about how the Gao family will resist, but they still have to be careful in case there is a powerful person in the Gao family who can break this situation.

When Miss Gao saw that her husband's family had sent people to watch her and not allow her to talk to her parents privately about the matter and seek a way to break the situation, she couldn't help but hate her, but she had no choice. If she didn't want to be divorced, she could only listen to them.

Miss Gao used to feel uncomfortable when she saw those peers in Beijing doing well. She also felt uncomfortable when she saw that there were people in her husband's family who were more prominent than her. Even though she was fine, she felt uncomfortable all day long. Now, Well, she has no time to make trouble anymore, because her own trouble is coming.

To say that she felt uncomfortable in the past was just plain moaning. Now, her "good days" have just begun.

When the Gao family heard that Miss Gao had been exposed and wanted to recognize her true natal family, they knew that their daughter would be in trouble.

Sure enough, not long after, the daughter came back and said that her husband's family wanted to be transferred to Beijing and asked them to think of a solution.

Therefore, even if someone is watching Miss Gao and preventing Miss Gao from discussing with her parents how to deal with her husband's family, the Gao family can tell from the attitude of their son-in-law's family how their daughter is doing at her son-in-law's family.

Mr. Gao was a little better. Seeing that Miss Gao's in-laws wanted to blackmail his family, he decided to ignore it. After all, he was the prince's uncle and the brother of the noble concubine. Although his official position was not high, his status in the capital was not low. Who is the son-in-law's family and dares to threaten him? He didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Mr. Gao doesn't want to care. If he really doesn't want to care, Miss Gao's husband's family will be helpless.

However, Mrs. Gao didn't want to see her daughter get hurt, so she told Mr. Gao that it would be bad for the Gao family if the girl came back from divorce. She persuaded Mr. Gao to give in and agreed to help his son-in-law's family with the transfer.

Of course, Mr. Gao has given in temporarily. When he thinks of a good solution, he will not be blackmailed by his son-in-law's family.

At that moment, Mr. Gao wanted to go into the palace to discuss with Concubine Gao the situation of being blackmailed by his son-in-law's family. He wanted to see what Concubine Gao could do to help their family get rid of the threat, but he was immediately stopped by Mrs. Gao.

"Let's discuss it with someone else. Why bother the queen? If you bother her all the time, it will make her unhappy."

In fact, the main reason is that Mrs. Gao is afraid that Concubine Gao will be ruthless. She heard that her son-in-law's family will benefit from threatening her with their daughter, so she will directly ask Mr. Gao to give up Miss Gao. After all, this is what a selfish person like Concubine Gao can do. , so she naturally couldn't let Mr. Gao enter the palace and ask Concubine Gao for advice on how to deal with her son-in-law's family.

Mr. Gao said: "Actually, we don't have to worry at all. If we dare to divorce our daughter, it will make their family miserable. They don't dare to divorce her at all."

Mrs. Gao smiled bitterly and said: "How capable are we to make them unable to eat and walk around in circles? Besides, even if we can make them unable to eat and walk around in circles, our daughter will have to go home. This is a lose-lose situation. We simply cannot afford to gamble. ."

After hearing this, Mr. Gao couldn't help but fell silent. It was indeed like this. This was really a taboo. Alas, why did he choose such a bad character family to marry his daughter to? If he hadn't married that family, he wouldn't have done it at all This is what happens.

Mr. Gao also thought that he might as well deny his daughter and just think that Miss Gao was a girl from the foster family. In this way, Miss Gao's husband's family could no longer threaten their family.

But he thought, he was afraid that his wife would not agree and she would be reluctant to let her daughter suffer in someone else's family.

In this case, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

Just as Miss Gao thought, the Gao family was naturally unable to help her husband's family adjust their work. In the end, the Gao family found help from Concubine Gao.

Naturally, the noble concubine knew about this.

Concubine Gao was naturally furious when she heard that Miss Gao's husband's family dared to threaten her natal family. After all, they dared to threaten her. Don't they want to live? Immediately, they asked Mr. Gao and Mrs. Gao to ignore them.

After they were worried that the other party would break the pot and divorce Miss Gao, which would have an impact on the reputation of the Gao family, they asked Mr. Gao and Mrs. Gao to persuade Miss Gao to commit suicide, so that they would not have to worry about the other party being able to divorce his wife.

Concubine Gao's method should be considered the best. As long as Miss Gao commits suicide, the trump card in the hands of Miss Gao's husband's family will be gone. At the same time, they will not give the other party the opportunity to divorce Miss Gao and damage the reputation of the Gao family. damage.

Not only could it not hurt the Gao family, but on the contrary, if Miss Gao committed suicide at the other party's house, the Gao family could in turn cause trouble for the other party.

How nice.

It's a pity that Mrs. Gao opposed such a good method because Mrs. Gao didn't want her daughter to die.

Concubine Gao couldn't help but feel unhappy when she saw that Mrs. Gao didn't listen to her. She immediately lowered her face and said, "If anything happens in the future, don't come to me. I don't want to be manipulated like this."

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