Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3226 Cultivation of Immortals and Scholars 15

There is no way, the girl in the book has lost her body in the real world, so she can only use Miss Gao's body, and girl Gao said that she will not let the girl in the book use her unless she helps her realize her wish to kill Duke Cheng'en. Her body will be squeezed out of her soul, and she will die.

Naturally, the book girl didn't want to die, so she agreed to Miss Gao's request. Since she had the plug-in, it wouldn't be difficult to kill everyone in Duke Cheng'en's house.

And the other party's answer made An Ran completely understand why she had hated Cheng'en Palace at a young age. The lover's family was not really a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl, but a scholarly girl from another world. Then the other party She was very lucky. She had a cultivation plug-in, which contained a small secret realm where she could practice. Once she had finished cultivating, she would be able to deal with the people in Duke Cheng'en's Mansion. After that, she started to tremble.

As for Miss Gao who hates Duke Chengen, she is not twelve or thirteen years old, but she is obviously someone who has lived through one life. Otherwise, how would she know that she was married to the King of Chu in her previous life? Therefore, such hatred is in line with her behavior. age.

However, An Ran also discovered one of the ways to kill the book-wearing girl: if the book-traveling girl continues to fail to complete her task, her soul will probably not be able to merge with Miss Gao and will be squeezed out. This will also kill the book-wearing girl. Female.

She thought that there should be a time limit for the girl in the book to complete the task. It was impossible to let the girl in the book continue to do it without completing the task. After all, wouldn't that mean that the girl in the book could always use her body? With Miss Gao's JP character, she shouldn't be so kind.

An Ran's guess was correct. Miss Gao had naturally set a time to prevent the book girl from procrastinating and not completing the task. In that case, if she delayed for decades without completing the task, wouldn't she have wasted her whole life? How could that work, so she set a five-year period, and the lady wearing the book must clean up the Cheng'en mansion within five years.

Judging from the actions of the girl who has passed through the book in her original world, it is obvious that she has fulfilled Miss Gao's request to clean up the Chengen Palace within five years - the Chengen Palace, the Chengen Palace, the Chengen couple and their four children, a total of Six people, the first year the girl came here, she killed Cheng'en Gong, and then killed one person every year for the next five years, which was just enough to kill six people in five years, and she also met the requirements of cruelty and killing, so that Miss Gao satisfy.

After understanding this, An Ran asked the book girl some questions about her plug-ins, and then got a piece of bad news: the book girl's cultivation plug-in is really not simple, and there are many magic weapons. If it weren't for The book girl doesn't have enough resources to exchange for a more powerful magic weapon. It will be really difficult for her to grow up.

According to the scholar, her plug-in is a secret realm of cultivation. There are rewards for practicing to a certain level, and there are also dungeon rewards, which are similar to the cultivation games. You can get materials when playing dungeons, and you can make magic weapons after getting the materials, so it really can't be done. Let her grow up, otherwise An Ran will be really difficult to deal with in the future.

Even if you can deal with it, if the opponent blows up, there will be countless casualties, so you must be careful when dealing with her.

The only thing worth reassuring is that the scholar-wearing girl has a cultivation plug-in in her hand and has no system, so now that she is invading her consciousness, the cultivation plug-in will not know about it and will not tell the scholar-wearing girl afterwards. This makes An Ran unable to help but She breathed a sigh of relief. After all, she didn't want the book girl to know that she already knew her details, lest she jump over the wall in a hurry and threaten the people in the capital to threaten her. That would be bad.

After asking clearly what she wanted to know, An Ran took back the magic weapon. She didn't dare to use it all the time, because even if Miss Gao didn't find anything wrong, if she kept resting, the servants around her would also find something was wrong.

So An Ran took the magic weapon back after questioning her, calmly stood up and left - she just pretended to rest and sat in the pavilion for a while.

Now she took back the magic weapon and was about to leave.

An Ran left for a while before taking back the magic weapon, so that Miss Gao would not feel strange when she saw that she was around but she didn't notice her just now, and then doubt whether something happened to her.

Now that she had left, she removed the magic weapon. Miss Gao woke up and did not feel anything was wrong, because this intrusion of consciousness would make people think that she was tired and wanted to rest, so she sat for a while.

As for what An Ran asked her, naturally it would not be stored in her memory. Otherwise, if others could still recall it after asking her, then this magic weapon would be too useless.

Sure enough, Miss Gao woke up and didn't feel anything was wrong. She just thought she was tired from walking and wanted to rest for a while.

Although she was a monk, monks would feel uncomfortable if they walked too much, so they would sit in the pavilion and rest for a while, which was normal.

The servants around her didn't mention that An Ran had also been sitting in the pavilion for a while. This was normal because they thought that the girl saw An Ran and just ignored her because their girl hated Miss Chen. In this case, they Don't continue to discuss Miss Chen unnecessarily, lest she get upset after hearing this.

Because they didn't mention An Ran, Miss Gao didn't know that An Ran had sat next to her just now. In this way, she didn't doubt why the people around her saw An Ran. , completed very smoothly.

Although she knew that Miss Gao's cheats were very powerful and she had to be careful, at least she knew all the secrets and no longer had to guess. This naturally made An Ran happy. After all, anyone who is interested in a secret would be anxious. At least now I don't have to worry about trying to figure out the reason for my unsolved doubts.

As for Miss Gao's troubles to deal with... Ever since she knew Miss Gao had a cheat, she had never underestimated her, so the pressure in her heart did not increase.

At that moment, An Ran had already thought of a countermeasure: If in the end, it was really impossible to deal with Miss Gao easily, he would think of a way to lure Miss Gao to an uninhabited wilderness, and then kill her. Then there would be no need to worry about her. Once it blows up, innocent people will be hurt.

Of course, this was a last resort method. If there were other better methods, it would be better to use other better methods that did not require her to use the props in the space. After all, those props were quite expensive.

The best way is, of course, to prevent the book-wearing girl from succeeding in the next five years.

As long as the book-wearing girl doesn't succeed in five years, she will be squeezed out by the tall girl's body.

Once the soul of the book-wearing girl is squeezed out, the remaining body of Miss Gao, whether alive or dead, will be safe and worry-free.

Needless to say, there is no need to worry about the rest of Miss Gao's body if she dies. If she is alive, Miss Gao will at most have memories of her past life and not know how to cultivate. An ordinary person has nothing to fear from her.

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