Therefore, the emperor wanted to take back the power of the previous dynasty. Based on his ability, it would be really difficult without An Ran's help.

And An Ran has no intention of helping him for the time being. After all, her mission is to play the game and clear the level, not to help the emperor fight for power. She used to help the emperor bring down Liu Shoufu in order to eradicate Empress Liu in the palace and better complete the task. Now this purpose Once she achieves this, she will naturally not have to do those things.

Now that she has a prince, as long as nothing happens, she can be the queen mother after the emperor dies in the future. An Ran feels that this should complete the task.

Of course, it is not that simple to put her son in power.

Because her child is the only prince now, but it does not mean that it will be the same in the future. After all, although the emperor has some feelings for An Ran, it is not to the level of being a man of integrity. It is impossible for An Ran to be the only one, and he will usually attract others - -In fact, after overthrowing Empress Liu, the mountain that the harem was weighing on the emperor's head, and the emperor gained freedom, it probably felt so good to be free. The emperor even let himself go wildly and absurdly for a long time. During that period, the emperor was so It was a night of singing and singing, and I had done the job of summoning several concubines at once.

It is normal for new children to appear in the harem with this frequency.

In the past, Empress Liu did not allow the concubines in the harem to get pregnant, so none of the concubines in the harem were pregnant. Now Empress Liu has locked them up. As long as the concubines in the harem are favored, they may become pregnant. Even if they are targeted by others, they may still give birth to the child. No. Something that no prince has ever done happened.

In this way, it is uncertain whether An Ran's child will be able to ascend the throne in the future.

The emperor had never given birth to a child. The emperor was indeed very happy when the first prince was born. However, after there were many princes, the eldest prince was not so popular.

More importantly, if the emperor keeps on keeping fit as before and can live for another thirty or forty years, then in the future, those adult princes will not be good and will be jealous of the emperor. On the contrary, those young princes may be more fit. She is favored by the emperor, so although she defeated Empress Liu, An Ran's mission does not mean that the difficulty has been reduced. I am afraid that there will be more times to fight with the emperor in the future.

Fortunately, An Ran is not afraid even if he fights against the emperor, because An Ran can see that the emperor's ability is average, otherwise he would not have been able to regain the power of the government for so many years.

Besides, now that the emperor is free, he does not have the pressure of Liu Shoufu and Empress Liu, and does not need to exercise. Just to live longer than Liu Shoufu, the emperor has to slack off a lot. In addition, he lets himself go and indulges in the harem. An Ran recently gave When the emperor felt his pulse, he found that his body was obviously in a lot of condition. If he continued like this, he would not be able to cultivate his character as before, and it was not certain whether he could live for thirty or forty years.

Once a person indulges, it is difficult to restrain himself and cultivate his moral character. Therefore, An Ran felt that if the emperor continued like this, he might not live for thirty or forty years.

Now Enron has lowered the emperor's life span to twenty or thirty years.

At this time, news came from the Liu family that Liu Shoufu had passed away.

This is normal. Liu Shoufu was already very old. After he became an official, he was afraid that the emperor would cause trouble for the Liu family. He lived in fear. In addition, he could not rest. Even when he was older, he had to arrange for the family's children to leave. , it is also very hard. How can you live a good life with such care and anxiety? It will not be long before you pass away, which is normal.

And An Ran knew better that when Liu Shoufu was gone, the Liu family would be even more unlucky.

Although Liu Shoufu has become an official, everyone knows that Liu Shoufu is powerful, so when Liu Shoufu is alive, no one dares to do anything to the Liu family, so as not to offend Liu Shoufu. After all, even if the other party is old and really wants to fight back, he can still make you lose a piece of flesh.

But now that Liu Shoufu has passed away, not many of the Liu family's children are promising, and many of them have been arrested because of previous prosecutions. So now that Liu Shoufu has passed away, those who were bullied by the Liu family before , if you are ready to retaliate, you don’t have to worry about what the Liu family can do to your own family.

So An Ran guessed that the Liu family would be even more unlucky.

An Ran's guess was good, and soon someone attacked the Liu family. The Liu family was like a broken boat leaking everywhere and was about to sink.

Mrs. Liu never thought that she would be in such a difficult situation after following her husband and daughter all her life. She remembered that when her husband was the chief assistant, he had great power, and his daughter was the queen and the first person in the harem. No one dared to mess with them. , at home, there is a lot of traffic, and I don’t know how many people come to flatter me.

Now, not to mention flattery, many people have drawn a clear line with their family, for fear of being retaliated by the enemies of the Liu family.

Friends draw a clear line, and enemies naturally retaliate. The Liu family does not dare to open the door on a new day. They are afraid that when they open the door, the Yamen will come to arrest people again, saying that so-and-so has committed something and will be taken for interrogation. .

Seeing this situation, Mrs. Liu wanted to see Empress Liu in the palace, want to meet and discuss what to do in the future. Of course, it was mainly because of the situation at home. Mrs. Liu was in a bad mood and missed her daughter more and more, so she wanted to see her.

Queen Liu heard that her father had passed away and the house was in a mess. Her mother wanted to see her, so naturally she also wanted to see her mother. After all, she was also worried about the situation at home.

This time the emperor did not refuse. He said that because Liu Shoufu, who had helped him ascend the throne, had passed away and the Liu family was in such chaos, he allowed the mother and daughter to meet.

Queen Liu was naturally happy to see that the emperor agreed to the meeting between mother and daughter. After all, she had been imprisoned for so long and could not leave the door of her palace. She was going crazy from being imprisoned. It was normal for her to be happy now that she could see her family. .

I thought that after meeting my mother this time, I must discuss carefully how to live in the future.

Mrs. Liu was naturally happy to see that the emperor allowed their mother and daughter to meet.

When the mother and daughter met, they saw that each other was very haggard and couldn't help crying. People around them couldn't help but feel pity and sigh. After all, who could have imagined that a mother and daughter who were so prosperous back then would be in such a state of decline.

Of course, there are other people who have been planted as spies for Queen Liu. Seeing the two of them crying so hard, they couldn't help but disapprove. Thinking that they look so pitiful now, they were not like this back then. One or two of them were very arrogant. Liu Shoufu The couple bullied and suppressed those who disobeyed the Liu family outside. Empress Liu bullied and suppressed the concubines who disobeyed her in the palace. She killed countless people, especially Empress Liu. She killed a lot of people. To be honest, If it weren't for the emperor's kindness, and if they were really investigated, with so many lives in the Liu family's hands, it would be impossible for Liu Shoufu to die a good death, and his house would definitely be ransacked.

That is to say, the emperor saw that Liu Shoufu was about to die, so he let him go and let him die a good death.

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