After listening to Empress Liu's questioning, Mrs. Liu tactfully conveyed the difficulties Liu Shoufu had in the previous dynasty. Empress Liu didn't believe it at all, because Liu Shoufu had always been the most powerful in her eyes. This was a small impeachment by others. , how can you influence him? Just find a way to fight back. Even if it's not possible to fight back, the worst thing is to resolve their impeachment matter. If not, it will be enough to resign from the position of chief minister.

Mrs. Liu couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing Queen Liu's innocent words.

Thinking that her daughter did not understand the situation of the previous dynasty in the palace, and did not know that her family's power had been weakened for several years. Now Liu Shoufu can fight back if he wants. As for the impeachment matter, if it is solved, it can be treated as if it did not happen. .

Moreover, Liu Shoufu naturally wanted to settle things, but the other party had long been bribed by his political opponents, so he couldn't settle things if he wanted to.

For example, when Liu Shoufu heard about the civilian fields that his brothers occupied, he discussed with his brother and asked him to return the fields to him.

As a result, after he stated his interests and finally persuaded his brother to agree to return the land, they didn't want it and refused to take it. He couldn't force them to take it because then they would say that they had robbed his land. The situation looked wrong now. , just returned it, but they refused to accept it and forced them to accept it. Then they would add a new crime.

There were many things like this, but Liu Shoufu couldn't settle them even if he wanted to.

So in the confusion of Queen Liu, Liu Shoufu decided to become an official, which made Queen Liu couldn't help but feel depressed. She didn't understand Liu Shoufu's difficulties, she just thought that her father would not listen to advice, and she would give up such a high position.

Seeing that her father had retired from office, Empress Liu was indeed afraid. After all, she dared to be arrogant before because the powerful Liu Shoufang was her backer. Now that her father is no longer the chief minister, how can she not be afraid without her backer? Then she started to finish the things she had done before, for fear that if someone saw that she had lost power, she would be shaken out, and then she would be in trouble.

It's a pity that she obviously did it too late. After learning that Liu Shoufu was taking office, some people couldn't wait to jump out and cause trouble for her, and there were more than one.

There were several concubines in the palace. After learning that Liu Shoufu had stepped down, they reported to the emperor that Empress Liu would not let them get pregnant.

These people had long held a grudge against this matter, but before, Empress Liu had Liu Shoufu as her backer, so they did not dare to say anything, lest Queen Liu kill them. After all, they had a backer, and even if they were killed, they would not be able to do anything. Nothing will happen. After all, her father was an important minister of Conglong back then. Even if Empress Liu killed several concubines in the palace, the emperor would not do anything to Empress Liu. After all, the emperor would not have anything to do with Empress Liu because of such a thing. The Liu family was very angry, so they could only listen and did not dare to object when Empress Liu asked her like that.

But now that Liu Shoufu has retired from office and Empress Liu has no backer, why should she be afraid of her? So he quickly told what Empress Liu had done.

This was not only for revenge, but also to get out of Queen Liu's control one day earlier so that she could get pregnant.

The emperor was about to deal with Empress Liu. When he saw someone reporting this matter, he went to Empress Liu, told her about it, and asked her if this happened.

Empress Liu also didn't expect that someone would dare to do this to her while her father was on stage. She couldn't help but become furious at the moment, but seeing the emperor's gloomy face, Empress Liu couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart, feeling an ominous premonition.

He hesitantly admitted it immediately.

It's useless to lie. After all, all the concubines in the palace have been asked to do this by her. The emperor can find out that this is true by just asking some concubines, so what's the use of lying?

However, she still defended herself weakly and said: "I just thought that I am a queen and a qualified husband. I want to wait for my concubine to give birth, so I let them give birth. This is also the case among the people. The main wife has not given birth. , Concubine Ji cannot have a husband, it is not too much for me to do this."

The emperor snorted coldly and said: "Do you think that I have never been to the people and don't know the situation among the people, so you dare to fool me? Even if there are rules among the people for the wife and husband, these are invisible rules. They are not certain. Some people even It is not wrong to give birth to the eldest son of a concubine. What's more, if a civil official wife has not given birth for three years and her husband's family asks her to be a concubine, the official wife and the official wife's natal family can't say anything. And you, after so many years in the palace, you have not given birth. Can’t others still give birth? This is completely unreasonable!”

After scolding Empress Liu, the emperor said: "You did not allow the birth of the emperor's heir, and almost caused the emperor to end the family line. You committed a heinous crime. Considering your father's meritorious service as a dragon, I will not kill you, or even depose you. But From today on, you should close the palace and reflect. You are not allowed to leave your palace without my order. Palace affairs will be handled by the imperial concubine."

When Empress Liu heard this, she couldn't help being shocked. She couldn't help but said: "Why is this! Didn't the imperial concubine give birth to a prince? Your Majesty's crime of arranging a concubine is not established."

The emperor snorted coldly again and said: "If you hadn't been able to control the imperial concubine, how could the imperial concubine have given birth to a child! Just because you can't do anything to the imperial concubine doesn't use it as a reason for you to get away with it! You don't even look at the palace. How many concubines are there now reporting your crime! If you are not dealt with, it will be unforgivable! There is no way to give them an explanation. If it weren’t for the sake of your father’s contribution to the country, or else because of the things you did, Ten heads are not enough for you to chop off."

After the first concubine told the emperor about this, other concubines followed suit. Almost half of the concubines in the palace complained about Empress Liu, including her dog-legged Concubine Ding and Song Cairen.

Empress Liu couldn't help but get angry when she saw that even Concubine Ding, Song Cairen and other concubines who had fawned over her in the past and whom she regarded as confidants were complaining about her.

But now that she is angry, she can't do anything to Concubine Ding and others, because now she is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out, and there is no threat at all. Who would be afraid of her.

Besides, she was imprisoned by the emperor, so what else could she do to those who complained.

Just as her parents thought, even if the emperor didn't destroy her, she would be almost dead if she was kept locked up.

Seeing her power being destroyed so quickly, Empress Liu couldn't help but feel like she was in a dream. After all, a few days ago, she was still a noble queen. How come she is now a prisoner? ——Although it is just solitary confinement and not jail, the nature is almost the same.

Now I couldn't help but blame Liu Shoufu more and more. I felt that it was because his father insisted on becoming an official. If his father had not insisted on becoming an official, he would not have fallen into such a miserable situation.

And little did she know that her father was also helpless. In fact, even though her father had retired from office, his troubles had not diminished.

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