The two people that An Ran ordered Mammy to find were really the people around Queen Liu. As soon as they arrived, they learned the words of An Ran from those arranged by Queen Liu, and changed the characters in them to Queen Liu.

An Ran looked at Queen Liu's angry face and said calmly: "Okay, you can prove your innocence."

Following the exact same routine, Queen Liu naturally had no choice but to snort and left.

As for the two palace servants who betrayed An Ran, An Ran would naturally not want them again. Those two people left with Queen Liu. I think Queen Liu would have arranged something for them to do. After all, even if Queen Liu saw that the two of them did not She was dissatisfied with the two of them, but in order to win over people to do things for her in the future, she couldn't just throw them away after use, otherwise no one would help her in the future, so after the two were driven away by An Ran, there was no need to worry about them losing their land. Amenable.

Of course, the same goes for the two people around Queen Liu. Queen Liu will definitely not ask for it again, so she was brought back to the palace safely, just filling the positions of the two people before, so it was not a problem.

Although this incident ended with Empress Liu's failure, Miss Yu also saw the tension between the two, so she told the palace people that she fully agreed to let her sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Thinking that Empress Liu was targeting An Ran like this, the two of them would definitely fight to the death in the future. It would be best if Yu An Ran fought to the death. Then the emperor would be able to imitate her everywhere. After all, the original owner is gone, and there is someone else. The imitation is also good. In that case, I might be able to complete the tasks assigned to me by my aunt at home.

So Miss Yu nodded and said, "This is the only thing we can do now."

Since he couldn't leave anyway, he could only hope that An Ran would be defeated by Empress Liu.

However, thinking of the situation where Queen Liu failed to pay much attention to Anran last time, Miss Yu couldn't help but think that if Queen Liu was defeated by Yu Anran, how would she deal with herself? She had stayed in the palace and never got married. People, if they don’t get grace, won’t their youth be wasted? When I get out and get older, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get married...

As soon as this thought came to her mind, Miss Yu couldn't help but laugh, thinking how could this be possible? The Liu family was so powerful that even if Empress Liu couldn't fight against An Ran, Empress Liu was very powerful in the palace, so she could directly call An Ran over, and then bring An Ran over. She killed, although if she did so, the emperor would be angry and completely break up with the Liu family, but if that time came, it would be useless to kill Yu Anran, no matter how powerful Yu Anran was.

Therefore, it was impossible for Empress Liu to be defeated by Yu Anran. At most, she would be favored by Yu Anran and force her to be in a hurry.

Having figured this out, Miss Yu stayed in the palace with peace of mind, watching Empress Liu and An Ran fight every day, hoping that both of them would be injured in the fight. It would be best if An Ran died in the fight, and then she, the imitation of her, would be killed. You'll be able to take over.

An Ran naturally didn't know what Miss Yu was thinking, and even if she did, she wouldn't take it to heart, because she knew that the emperor would not touch Miss Yu because her biological mother was killed by the Queen Mother, so no matter how hard Miss Yu tried, it would be useless. of.

In fact, An Ran really wanted to tell Miss Yu that if she had such thoughts, it would be better to find a way to persuade the Queen Mother and her family to let her go home quickly. Otherwise, as time goes by, her good years will be wasted. This is deep in the palace.

Of course, An Ran couldn't tell Miss Yu. In fact, even if she did, people wouldn't listen to her. On the contrary, they might think that they were afraid of her, wanted to eradicate dissidents, and wanted to drive her away, so An Ran naturally wouldn't say what.

In fact, Miss Yu felt that An Ran could not defeat Queen Liu and could only create some trouble for Queen Liu, which meant she was underestimating An Ran.

Since this mission needs to be cleared, An Ran will definitely take care of Queen Liu.

Maybe I didn't originally have this idea, just becoming a beloved concubine is enough. After all, this game does not say that you must defeat the queen before you can pass the level. So An Ran estimates that you can pass the level by becoming a beloved concubine who meets certain conditions, such as giving birth to a child. After becoming the prince, the prince will ascend the throne in the future, and his beloved concubine will become the queen mother. Naturally, it will be considered as passing the test. In this case, it is not necessary to kill Queen Liu. After all, it is okay to have two queen mothers in the palace.

But since she entered the palace, Queen Liu has been harming herself non-stop, and An Ran can't let her go.

But Empress Liu is nothing, it is Chief Liu behind her who is the most important.

As long as Liu Shoufu was around, An Ran would not be able to defeat Empress Liu; on the contrary, once Liu Shoufu fell, he would not have to deal with Empress Liu himself, the emperor would take care of Empress Liu.

So Miss Yu felt that An Ran was fighting Queen Liu. In fact, An Ran had become a beloved concubine now and had a large number of manpower to ensure her own safety. She didn't need to be wary of Queen Liu all day long. She had her own subordinates to handle the matter. An Ran himself had already freed up his hands and began to think of ways to deal with Liu Shoufu.

Although Enron does not have any cheats in this world, Enron has experience in politics in many worlds. It is not impossible to find a way to get rid of Liu Shoufu's influence.

If it doesn't work, An Ran will find a way to physically eliminate Liu Shoufu.

Although she has no martial arts skills, and the system mall has been controlled and cannot be used, but now that she has risen in status, it is not impossible to train some people and physically eliminate Liu Shoufu.

These people could be killers or servants of the Liu family, secretly poisoning Liu Shoufu.

Didn't Queen Liu like to poison her? Okay, she would also poison Liu Shoufu.

Although her plug-in is gone, the medical knowledge she learned is always her own. She can make many kinds of colorless and odorless poisons, and she can successfully poison Liu Shoufu without anyone noticing.

Of course, these are all last resorts. It would be even better if Liu Shoufu could be overthrown directly from the court.

Although Liu Shoufu has power in both the government and the opposition, it is not impossible to do this, because although Liu Shoufu has great power, he does not dominate the world with one hand. He also has political opponents.

When he was in power, his political opponents were still standing, which showed that the enemy's strength was not bad, but just a little worse than him. After all, if the gap in strength was too big, he would have stepped on him long ago, and then everyone in the court would be replaced by him. He can make a speech, and the emperor's dethronement is probably a matter of his words. In that case, the emperor would not dare to make small moves in the harem, and could only flatter Empress Liu, lest Liu Shoufu kill him if he disobeys. It was his brother's place.

Now the emperor still dares to make small moves because Liu Shoufu is not powerful enough to cover the sky with one hand. In other words, his political opponents are not vegetarians. Although they are slightly less powerful and cannot defeat him, at the same time, he cannot defeat the opponent. .

In this way, if the power of Liu Shoufu's political opponents can be strengthened, or the power of Liu Shoufu's side can be weakened, Liu Shoufu may be able to defeat Liu Shoufu one day.

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