In fact, there is one thing Liu Shoufu didn't say, that is, he is getting older year by year. He had the energy to support the emperor to ascend the throne, but now he may not have the energy to support others to ascend the throne. When he was helped up, he was overworked and died, so he had to make wedding clothes for others and let the world laugh at him for being stupid.

But Liu Shoufu didn't say anything to death.

Obviously, he has also made this plan. If he continues to support today's emperor, he will not get any benefits. Killing this one and replacing him with another one is also among his considerations.

Anyway, I can't get anything here today. Maybe there is hope for someone else?

But now, it's not that time yet. After all, he is still the chief minister, and his daughter is still the queen. If he changes, he is afraid that he will not even get this, and he will be stupid to change.

After hearing Liu Shoufu's words, Mrs. Liu couldn't help but nod, secretly thinking that her thinking was wrong, that's right, if she changes to another one, she may not be obedient, and may even lose what she has already gained. The price is too high.

So I can only follow today's road to darkness, hoping that my daughter can get pregnant quickly and give birth to a child.

But she didn't know the dangers in the palace. Even though many people in the palace are fawning over Queen Liu, almost all of them don't want Queen Liu to have children. They all want to have children themselves, and the worst is to become a prince in the future. , the best thing is to record it in the name of Queen Liu as the legitimate son, become the emperor in the future, and become the queen mother herself.

If you want to be able to become a noble queen mother in the future when the Liu family has overwhelming power, this is the only way. If you want to work hard to become a queen, I'm afraid it won't work.

In this case, naturally everyone does not want Queen Liu to have children.

In this way, despite the fact that many people in the palace were fawning over Queen Liu, Queen Liu was secretly manipulated by many people who wanted to damage her body and prevent her from giving birth to children.

Especially those who flattered her and smiled at her. On the surface, they seemed to be close to her, but secretly, they might take advantage of this close relationship to take advantage of her.

Empress Liu is not stupid, and she naturally knows this - even if she didn't know it when she first entered the palace, she knew it after having a baby - so she is always on guard against people no matter how close she is.

Yes, Empress Liu was always suspicious, feeling that her pregnancy was gone not because of overwork, but because someone had tampered with it.

The reason for this speculation is that Queen Liu felt that she was not tired at all when dealing with the affairs of the Sixth House. After all, her mother was also concerned about her pregnancy, so she specifically asked the nuns to help her handle the affairs of the Sixth House. She worked hard on herself, that is to say, she didn't work hard at all, how could it be gone.

So she felt that she had been harmed by someone. Although she didn't find out who it was, she became more alert from then on.

At the same time, the harm to others has become more serious, especially to the pregnant concubine. She will definitely take action even if no one else takes action.

She was angry now, thinking that if she couldn't give birth, no one else would want to give birth either.

Therefore, although there are many pregnancies in the emperor's harem, none of the concubines have given birth to children so far.

And this was one of the reasons why the emperor had objections to Empress Liu.

After all, he is over 20 years old. Others are so old and their children are so troubled, but his children will never be born. How can this make him happy?

And he had already found out that it was Empress Liu's fault.

The reason why the emperor knew this was actually very easy to find out.

As mentioned earlier, the concubines in the palace flatter Empress Liu on the surface, but privately they may not be loyal to her. So if people around the emperor inquire about this, those who know will naturally send people to spread the news, let the emperor know, and then He became even more disgusted with Queen Liu.

And this did have an effect.

When the emperor thought that Empress Liu could not give birth and would not let others give birth to him, so that he could not have a child, he became even more disgusted with Empress Liu. He cursed Liu Shoufu to die quickly every day so that he could deal with Empress Liu and have children.

Empress Liu didn't know what she had done, and the emperor knew about it. She thought she had done a good job, but the emperor didn't notice, so she continued to harm people.

And seeing that she was unrepentant, the emperor's disgust towards her became even deeper. It was a complete endless cycle.

So sometimes the emperor looked at Empress Liu and asked him why he didn't go to her with a puzzled look on his face. The emperor wanted to shout at her: Don't you know what you have done? You have the nerve to ask me why I don’t go to your place?

If Empress Liu had a favorability system, she would definitely see that the emperor's favorability towards her at the moment was minus infinity, but she didn't know it, so she was still complacent, thinking that she was very successful in secretly acting, and no one knew that she was secretly doing it. Everything she does, she thinks she is a virtuous queen.

In fact, even if the emperor didn't find out what Empress Liu did, just by looking at the pregnant concubines in the palace, none of them gave birth successfully, he would know that there was something wrong with her, the lord of the first palace. If it weren't for the tricks, no children would be born in the palace. ?

Just because the emperor has been on the throne for so long and no children have been born, we know that Empress Liu is unworthy.

People don't know what kind of person Empress Liu is, but just by relying on this, they know that the queen in the palace is probably not a good one. Otherwise, why would the pregnant concubines in the palace always be unable to keep their babies, and none of them would be born.

It's just that the political enemies of the Liu family have no evidence and dare not challenge the Liu family on this matter. Otherwise, Queen Liu will be left with nothing to eat.

And because no one talked about Empress Liu's unworthiness in front of the Liu family, they only said so behind their backs, so the Liu family didn't know what people in the capital thought of their girls. They only thought that what Empress Liu did was only their family's fault. I know, but outsiders don't know, they just regard her as a virtuous queen, so I didn't persuade Empress Liu to restrain herself.

The main reason why they didn't dissuade her was because the Liu family really didn't want anyone else to give birth to a prince before Empress Liu, so they just followed Empress Liu's example.

But after An Ran was promoted to the head of the first palace, Queen Liu, needless to say, became more and more hateful towards An Ran, but An Ran didn't care. Anyway, since she entered the palace, this woman had always hated her and harmed her countless times, so she became even more angry. So what about hatred, it's not just a word of death anyway, it doesn't matter if you die too much.

The other concubines gradually began to flatter An Ran. After all, everyone saw that the emperor slapped the queen in the face and the queen had no choice but to do anything. So some people felt that if the queen failed, the world would be dominated by the concubines in the future, so they hurriedly Flattered.

This was also expected by An Ran. After all, people in the palace are like this. They are snobbish, favoring the superior and suppressing the inferior. They act according to the wind. Seeing that they are about to tremble, it is naturally like this.

Because she knew it, An Ran didn't get carried away by others' flattery and still did her thing step by step.

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