Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 316 Rebirth of the Military Wife 2

While doing experiments, An Ran practiced martial arts. Even if martial arts were useless in the era of hot weapons, it was always good to practice physical fitness and self-defense.

Father Lu and Mother Lu heard that their daughter had been staying in the laboratory for a while. The couple, who knew very well how much their daughter weighed and knew that she could not research anything at all, couldn't help but feel helpless, but it was not easy to dampen their daughter's enthusiasm. , I can only advise her to pay attention to her health and not to stay up late doing research and ruin her health.

An Ran didn't realize what Lu's father and mother were feeling, so he agreed with great energy and continued to the research room accompanied by the driver.

While An Ran was doing research, it was his uncle's sixtieth birthday.

Uncle Lu’s sixtieth birthday, this is a special day.

The reason why it is special is that it was at this banquet that she "accidentally met" her so-called good friend Fang Yan.

——And then began the fate of being used by others, and stepped on after using it.

The reason why "accidental encounter" is put in quotation marks is because it was obviously not a true encounter, but a careful premeditation by the other party.

Thinking of such an important day, An Ran suspended his research and returned to the Lu family's old house.

The old man of the Lu family is over eighty years old this year, but he is still very energetic and has been living in the old house. As for his adult children, including An Ran's parents, the old man of the Lu family is not so old-fashioned and insists that they live with him. This is what the old man wants. Open, saying that there are many people and conflicts, and the smell is far away and the smell is close, so everyone lives separately, so they live outside and only return to the old house on some important days or for ordinary visits.

Uncle Lu's sixtieth birthday is undoubtedly an important day, so he will go back to his old house to hold a banquet to celebrate with his parents, brothers, relatives and friends.

Uncle Lu holds an important position in the military. Ordinarily, a mid-level officer like Fang Yan's husband is not friends with Uncle Lu, nor is he his superior or colleague, nor is he even his direct subordinate. Therefore, he is not qualified to attend this banquet. I don’t know how they came in. They probably came with someone else. It’s just that they were innocent and had never thought about this. They never felt that there was anything wrong with Fang Yan and the others at the venue. Now An Ran thinks about it. I feel that the reason why Fang Yan in the original person's memory attended that banquet was not because she tried every means to sneak in to get into this circle, but because she came here specifically for the original person.

This was not her guess, but a fact, because when she came this time, she deliberately showed off her appearance and hid to see if Fang Yan who had sneaked in would look for her. If so, then her guess was correct. That woman came for the original person.

Sure enough, An Ran saw Fang Yan in her memory looking for people all over the venue after entering.

An Ran deliberately asked the servant to go over and ask.

"How can I help you?"

Fang Yan looked at the smiling servant who asked her questions respectfully, feeling a little nervous. After a while, she calmed down and said, "I heard that Miss Lu Anran is also here. I wonder where she is?"

The servant received the answer, but did not say the answer. He just said with an unchanged smile: "I don't know where Miss An Ran has gone. In this case, I will help you find her."

"Okay, thank you." Fang Yan said without suspecting that the servant was lying.

An Ran, who got the answer from the servant, secretly thought that it was indeed what he thought, this woman was really here for him.

She doesn't know herself at all, so why would she come after her? This is too weird, An Ran thought to herself, this woman has to check it out herself to see if there is anything she hasn't discovered.

After getting the answer she wanted, An Ran stopped hiding and walked out.

As soon as Fang Yan saw An Ran coming out with all the grace and grace, she couldn't help but feel a little dazed. She remembered that when she saw this woman in her previous life, she was also so graceful and noble, just like a noble princess.

At that time, because she missed the good marriage of Wei Dajun and married the wrong person, she was old, poor and ugly. She looked at Wei Dajun and this woman standing together, the man was superior to the woman, just like a beautiful couple. , at that time, she thought that if she could go back to the past, she would not be stupid enough to reject Wei Dajun's marriage. In that case, she would be the one in the spotlight.

Unexpectedly, as she wished, she was really reborn, and she really got her wish and married Wei Dajun, who would later become a general.

She was content and waiting wholeheartedly to become the noble general's wife. She thought she would have a bright future and enjoy wealth and wealth. However, she had been married to Wei Dajun for more than ten years. Now Wei Dajun is almost forty years old and is still a young man. The little lieutenant colonel was completely different from what she remembered as Wei Dajun should be a senior colonel by now.

Unable to bear it, she asked Wei Dajun why he was like this. Wei Dajun told her with bitterness and helplessness that he had no background. At such an old age, it was good to be a lieutenant colonel.

Like a thunder explosion, Fang Yan woke up. Fang Yan then remembered that in the previous life, Wei Dajun married the eldest daughter of the Lu family. With the support of the Lu family, as long as he had the ability, his promotion would be smooth, and no one would dare to block him; But in this life, Wei Dajun does not have the backing of the Lu family. Even if Wei Dajun is capable, it will naturally not be as smooth as in the previous life.

After understanding this reason, Fang Yan couldn't help but feel confused, thinking that it wouldn't be the case. She wouldn't be reborn, and she still wouldn't be able to live the life she hoped for, right? You must know that Wei Dajun is only in the deputy regiment now. It is impossible for the deputy regiment to stay in the team forever. When the time comes, he will change his job. And if he changes his job, as far as she knows, he will not be able to change to a good position. Although she doesn’t know exactly what he can do. Transformed into something, but it must be different from the human life she wants. If this is the case, then isn't her rebirth in vain? Does this make Fang Yan stop being confused?

After much deliberation, Fang Yan was really unwilling to be reborn and still have to live an ordinary life, so she made plans to get the development of history back on track, but how to get back on track? Fang Yan then set her sights on the eldest lady of the Lu family, her husband's wife in his previous life, Lu Anran.

After asking about it, she had long heard that Miss Lu had a simple personality. Although she had lived for thirty years, she seemed to have never found a suitable partner because she had not married Wei Dajun, so she had not married anyone else yet. She is an older leftover woman, but at such an old age, she has been fed by dogs, and she is still very simple. This requires a relationship with the other party, and then I will ask her for help. The other party is so simple, she should be easy to coax, maybe she will help of.

It happened to be Uncle Lu's sixtieth birthday at this time. Fang Yan knew that Lu Anran would definitely attend, so she asked someone to find a connection and let an officer's wife who could attend the banquet bring her in with her.

Although I made various plans before coming here, one thing is that I must please Miss Lu and ask her to help.

But at this moment, looking at Lu Anran's noble appearance, and thinking about how he was still in such a state of poverty after living two lifetimes, and still asked her for help, he couldn't help but feel speechless.

Thank you Xi Zixian for the gift~~Thank you for your monthly votes, subscriptions, recommendations and collections~~Thank you!

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