Empress Liu thought that if the emperor suspected that she had some connection with Master Cao, even if her father was powerful in the world, she would not be able to get anything good from her. She would not say anything else except that the emperor would be cold to her in the future, and she would suffer. No more.

The emperor looked at her anxious look and felt that it was almost done, so he calmed down and said, "Okay, just know this and don't tell anyone about it. After all, it's not a good thing."

Of course Empress Liu knew this, she was stupid and only spoke out, causing trouble for herself.

So the matter of Concubine Cao being killed was dropped.

The concubine who reported Cao's concubine for doing this was naturally given the opportunity to be promoted to the throne because of her merits. However, the emperor's attitude towards her was average and he did not favor her very much.

That man also understood that he was old and average-looking, so it was normal for him not to receive divine favor.

In addition, she also knew that she was afraid that the emperor would not be happy if she exposed the emperor's cuckolding.

But when she heard the news, she couldn't help but report it when she thought of getting revenge on Cao Concubine. Anyway, she was happy to get revenge on Cao Concubine. As for whether the emperor would be upset because she knew about his cuckolding. Comfortable, then it was not within her scope of consideration, otherwise she would not have reported the news when she heard it. After all, when she got the news, she could choose whether to report it, and she chose to report it, obviously because She felt that it was better to report it than not to report it.

After Cao Concubine was executed, the emperor should be happy because he killed a close confidant of Queen Liu, but when he thought about Cao Concubine cuckolding him, the emperor couldn't be happy and became suspicious, wondering if there were other women in the palace who did the same thing. After such an incident, they immediately sent people to investigate all the maids and eunuchs in the palace. It was found that the maids were fake men, and the eunuchs were fake eunuchs. For a while, the palace was in turmoil.

And the emperor, taking advantage of the fact that Empress Liu was afraid of being implicated in Cao Concubine's affairs and now became particularly honest, promoted An Ran two levels in a row, to the fourth grade Zhaoyi, in order to increase An Ran's energy, and wait for Empress Liu to come from After realizing this, Yu Anran and the Queen Mother Yu's family will be much stronger, and they may be able to compete with Queen Liu by then.

Zhaoyi, this is the highest position the original person has ever received.

The concubine positions designed in this game are generated by combining multiple dynasties. Their names and grades are not necessarily the same as those in history, so it looks very confusing.

This is normal, after all, games are not truly ancient.

The original person reached this position at that time, and then the original person died, and there was no more content.

Now that Enron has reached this point, it is up to Enron to develop freely as to how it will develop next.

But the higher you go, the harder it becomes. After all, it's easy to go from zero to fifty points, but it's difficult to go from fifty to ninety points.

It's no wonder that the original person wants to see the ending. With the slow progress of this game, after a lifetime in the game, many years will pass outside the game.

Fortunately, the original wish was to ask the taskmaster to help her play to the last level. As long as she didn't die like the original, she should be able to play to the last level.

Hmm... I just hope there won't be too many rewinds, otherwise it will waste time.

After An Ran was promoted to Zhaoyi, she became the highest-ranking person in the Jiyue Palace where Concubine Cao was - she didn't mention moving, and Empress Liu didn't take the initiative to find a new place for her.

However, the emperor did not add anyone to the throne of Jiyue Palace for a while, so An Ran became the person with the highest position in Jiyue Palace.

Of course, since Concubine Cao was killed, no one would be willing to come to this palace to take the throne.

In this case, after becoming the highest-ranking person in Jiyue Palace, the low-ranking concubines of Jiyue Palace came to pay their respects to An Ran in the morning.

An Ran naturally didn't accept it, and told everyone that she was only Zhaoyi, not the ninth concubine, and she was not worthy of being saluted by them, and told them not to come again.

This kind of thing must be stopped, otherwise, if she doesn't say anything, she will be used by Empress Liu to discuss her transgressions with the emperor.

Although the emperor wanted to help her fight with Empress Liu, he couldn't help her when she made a mistake. After all, the emperor's purpose was to see her fight with Empress Liu, and he didn't mention her status just because he liked it. Come, I won't help her without any bottom line.

Seeing what An Ran said, the low-ranking concubines couldn't help but look at each other, but they still obeyed and didn't come.

On the contrary, An Ran asked people to inquire whether these people came to pay their respects to him spontaneously or instigated by someone.

If it's the former, that's fine. If it's the latter, this person has a terrible intention. After all, he deliberately set a trap for himself. If he accidentally made a poor choice, this person is afraid that he will spread rumors outside and say that he is acting rampantly. , he was clearly Zhaoyi, but he dared to go beyond the rules and do what only the ninth concubine dared to do, and accepted the greetings of a low-ranking concubine.

Don't say that this matter was indeed instigated by others, and the purpose was to set a trap for herself. If she really accepted it, Empress Liu would tell the emperor that she had indeed done something wrong, and the emperor would not speak for her. , when the time comes, you will definitely be punished.

Speaking of which, Queen Liu is really vicious. Her hard-core dog-legger died, so she is in the mood to continue to cause trouble for herself.

Speaking of which, among the low-ranking concubines, Queen Liu could mobilize many people. After all, these people had low status, and many people wanted Queen Liu's help so that they could be promoted.

Since they were unfavored, they could not count on the emperor to promote them to a higher position. They could only count on Empress Liu. Since they had to beg Empress Liu to promote them to a higher position, they naturally listened to Empress Liu's request and set a trap for An Ran.

Although An Ran was favored, Queen Liu obviously still had an absolute advantage, so how could they not listen to Queen Liu's instructions because they were afraid of An Ran.

Because An Ran was alert, the danger this time was nipped in the bud by An Ran.

However, the danger will naturally not be reduced. After all, she has become Zhaoyi and her status is getting higher and higher. Empress Liu is very worried that one day An Ran will be promoted to a noble concubine, or even an imperial concubine, and then she will be able to compete with herself. She is An Ran. The higher she gets, the more she has to clean up.

But after An Ran rose to a high position, it became increasingly difficult for Queen Liu to take action, because An Ran had more and more manpower, and she was no longer as weak as before, and she also had helpers to help her with things, so It is naturally becoming more and more difficult to cause trouble for her.

Some of these people may be able to be bribed, but there are also those in the old world who know that to follow An Ran, they have to be single-minded. It is impossible to hedge their bets. And most of them were sent to An Ran by the Empress Dowager Yu, and they are basically Yu's subordinates. The people of the Queen Mother, so most of them would not hedge their bets, but the people of the Queen Mother and An Ran.

In this way, with these people helping and protecting Anron, it will become increasingly difficult for Queen Liu to cause trouble for Anron.

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