Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3099 Doomsday Rescue 26

But An Ran doesn't care what Sister Li chooses. After all, Sister Li is an adult, and what she chooses is her business. Why should she meddle in others' affairs and cause trouble.

However, An Ran estimated that Sister Li would die sooner or later if she remained unconscious.

When An Ran met with them before, he had also advised Sister Li that if she dedicated herself to Brother Li, she would die sooner or later, but if she lived alone outside, she might not die, so why not go out and live in exchange for some whole grains, so that she could at least eat half full.

As a result, Sister Li criticized her, saying that she was too cold-blooded and selfish, how could she treat her biological brother like that.

An Ran felt speechless after hearing this.

You couldn't bear to see your brother die, so you gave him food; but your brother couldn't bear to see you die, so he ate what you saved with confidence.

How can you be nice to such a person? Either he is too stupid or too holy.

No matter what it is, An Ran has reminded her, but the other party is still stubborn. An Ran will not force others to agree to her proposal.

If the other party dies in the end, she will have a clear conscience. After all, she has warned him. It was because the other party refused to listen. What can she do?

After solving the problem of the original parents, An Ran continued to do her own tasks, but did not deal with the original parents, because the original parent did not mention this task, so she could not make her own decision, lest the original person did not like to deal with it by herself. As for her parents, they will no longer have five-star reviews; secondly, Father Li and Mother Li are spoiling Brother Li, and something will happen sooner or later, so she doesn't have to worry about it at all and just sit back and watch it be destroyed.

Enron's current task completion status is actually very good, because she warned about the volcanic ash virus in advance, and various countries were prepared, which allowed her to gain a lot of points. As long as the countries do not collapse when the virus breaks out later, she should not lose many points.

However, Enron still pays attention to the situation in various countries. After all, it is logical that nothing will happen. But what if foreign countries are too overwhelmed, or some country wants to cause sabotage? This is possible, just like if one country hates another country, even if That country had better control, but he tried his best to poison the country, causing trouble in that country and killing a few more people.

There is no way. These days, although natural disasters often occur, sometimes man-made disasters also occur. This is what Enron wants to prevent now.

As time went by, more and more people became hungry because before, they could barely fill their stomachs by replacing fine grains with coarse grains.

But as too many people switch to coarse grains, the coarse grains are consumed very quickly and are almost all gone, and the price has gone up. So now, whether they eat coarse grains or fine grains, there is not enough food.

There were more and more hungry people. An Ran, a person who could exchange for food, was naturally targeted by some scum again. The scum came two more times, and he was naturally eliminated by An Ran.

The reason why the people who come here are all scum, not because they are hungry or desperate and have no other choice, is because good people will not do this. They will just exchange supplies with An Ran directly. If nothing else, just take it from If you exchange the fine grains supplied by the state for coarse grains at Anron, you can barely fill your stomach, because the exchange rate for coarse grains at Anron is still the same as before.

These people are not willing to exchange food for food, they just want to rob directly. They are not scum or anything else. They have basically robbed many people and have lives on their hands.

After these scum were eliminated, the Anron neighborhood became much safer. After all, her reputation for providing supplies would not spread too far and would be known by many people. Therefore, most of the people who came to rob were from nearby. After these people were eliminated, , not only is the neighborhood safer, but it is also a good thing for nearby residents.

Enron now mainly trades with others for coarse grains. The main reason is that there are fewer and fewer coarse grains on the market. The price of coarse grains is getting closer to the price of fine grains. People can't fill their stomachs even if they trade with coarse grains, so Anron trades with others for coarse grains.

Anyway, Enron's strategy is to trade whatever the market needs.

As for the source of coarse grains, An Ran can tell people that people have been exchanging supplies for fine grains at her place before, and few people exchanged them for coarse grains. However, she has exchanged fine grains for some coarse grains, so she still has a lot of coarse grains on hand to exchange for. No doubt either.

In the past, people did trade with her for fine grains, because it was more cost-effective to trade for fine grains before. As long as they bought it and exchanged it with others for double the coarse grains, the family's food and clothing problem would be solved.

But now, the whole grains on the market have disappeared, and they can't change them if they want. This naturally affects their food and clothing, so many people go to Anron to exchange for coarse grains.

Of course, we are not exchanging fine grains and Enron for coarse grains. They are still daily necessities whose prices have not risen to the sky.

It doesn't matter to An Ran. Anyway, after the daily necessities are replaced, although the price of daily necessities will not rise as outrageously as food in the future, it will rise. That's fine. After all, she exchanges materials with others to help others. Making money is not the main purpose. Just compensate.

The reason why I say no compensation is because the food in Enron's space is limited, so occasionally it is necessary to replenish some supplies. Otherwise, if you help, you will have no supplies to help.

Since she needs to buy goods, if it is a losing business, in the end, she will have no money to buy goods, and she will not be able to help anyone.

An Ran works in a sanitation company and has a quick source of information. If someone releases a large amount of food, An Ran usually knows about it and can usually grab some.

At this time, people who will release a large amount of food mostly have stored up a lot of food, and they will definitely not be able to eat it all, so they want to exchange for other things, and those who accumulate wealth, of course, do not exchange for banknotes. After all, banknotes are now devalued. , but in exchange for gold or the like.

If gold is now priced according to paper currency, it will naturally rise to the sky. But if we calculate it according to the price of food before the end of the world, it will fall to the freezing point - now food has risen to the sky and is more valuable than gold, so even a pound of gold , they can only exchange for a little bit of food, but when the end of the world is over, they will make a lot of money by exchanging the gold they exchanged for a little bit of food for future wealth.

Of course, if the apocalypse is about to end, but it is not yet over, when the gold price is high, you can exchange it for banknotes, and you can make a lot of money.

The reason why we don't accept paper money now is because we are afraid that the situation will be wrong in the future. Gold maintains its value better than paper money, so we only accept gold.

Because gold is a hard currency, Enron also hoards some. Whenever there is a large amount of grain released, Enron can buy some because he has gold, and then sell it to the people around him who don't have gold and can't buy grain.

The reason why I buy from reality instead of buying from the mall is that besides buying in the mall, it is difficult to explain the source, and also because in this world, due to the shortage of food, the price of food in the mall is very expensive, and it takes a lot of life points that are difficult to earn. , the exchange is cheap in other worlds, but in this world it is very expensive food, which is not cost-effective, so Enron would rather buy it from reality.

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