Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3076 Doomsday Salvation 2

Even if the Jin Kingdom tried its best to maintain the survival of the people through state control, after six or seven years, it had reached its limit. Everyone was about to starve to death. Even if they did not starve to death, many people died from diseases caused by malnutrition.

This is not the end.

After six or seven years of hard work, the volcanic ash finally faded, sunlight penetrated to the ground, the temperature rose, and people were able to farm. However, as the temperature rose, another epidemic broke out.

It turns out that there is an ancient virus near that active volcano. It used to be carried all over the world with the volcanic ash, but it was not active because of the freezing. Now that the weather is warm, it has become active and infected people. And because the volcanic ash is everywhere, the virus It is also everywhere and can only be solved by scientists developing vaccines and drugs early.

But this was not a matter of one or two days, so another large number of people died.

Anyway, in the original memory, human beings have suffered too much and are almost dead.

The original person didn't know that after she left, the apocalypse would end and people would survive. Anyway, before she got sick and died, almost all of humanity would die.

When An Ran came in, the country was notifying residents to hide in air raid shelters. Since the notice was given a few days in advance, the meteorite rain would not come for two days, so everyone was shopping at the moment, preparing to stock up on supplies.

The state knows that everyone will definitely stock up on supplies, so it has requirements. Staple foods such as rice and noodles are allowed to be stocked in limited quantities.

She was an orphan, and her parents favored sons over daughters. After having several daughters, she didn’t want to raise them, so they left her at the door of the orphanage. The country had raised her up, and this was probably the reason why she made this wish. With this opportunity to make a wish, I hope to repay the country and hope that everyone can live.

After receiving the memory, An Ran went to post a post online, pretending to be an ignorant girl, and asked worriedly: "There are many active volcanoes on our planet. If a meteorite falls on an active volcano, causing a volcanic eruption, it will be everywhere. Volcanic ash, no sun, what if the weather gets cold?”

People soon responded, some saying that her worries were unfounded, saying that all countries would take this into account and there was nothing to worry about; some were equally worried and were preparing to stock up on some warm clothes.

An Ran didn't care what everyone said in reply. He just said that he was going to stock up on some warm clothes and common medicines. Being prepared was better than being unprepared, and left.

Of course, she wrote a small program that would make this post appear in the recommendation "posts that this netizen has also viewed" so that as many people as possible could see this post and become aware of this problem like her. .

Anyway, she has good IT skills and is not afraid of being discovered using this plug-in.

The website she posted on is the largest website in the Kingdom of Jin. With the blessing of her plug-in, many people will definitely see it and start stocking up on warm clothes and regular medicines. Anyway, as she said, it is better to be prepared than not. Be prepared to be strong.

She didn't know how many people this could help, but at least one could be saved.

The reason why the country was not notified directly is also very simple - the meteorite rain is coming soon, and there is no need to notify at all, because in two days, the meteorite will cause the super volcano to erupt, and the country will know about it, and then the country will naturally know the reserves. Supplies are no different from what they are now.

Of course, the main reason is that she is a small person, and An Ran cannot guarantee that she will be able to contact high-level people within two days, win their trust, and ask them to prepare supplies in advance. She is afraid that by the time she contacts high-level people, the meteorite will almost fall. So it would be better to directly remind ordinary people online and ask them to stock up on more supplies, rather than wasting time contacting high-level officials of the country.

In fact, Enron's approach was effective. Soon, the points in Enron's task list were not zero, but had numerical values.

An Ran was a little surprised and said: "It's not the end of the world yet. How can you be sure that they can survive and settle the points for me?"

The system said: "The people who settled the points were all those who died of cold or freezing to death in the extremely cold weather caused by the volcanic eruption in their original world without buying any warm clothes or medicines."

"If they are saved by me this time and later die from the virus, will my points be deducted?"

"Yes, so we must try our best to ensure that the people we save can survive until the end of the world."

"Then they are going to be in danger and I save them. Can I get another point?"

"That won't happen."

An Ran nodded and understood, that is to say, these people will not get points if they are saved in the future, but if they encounter danger, if they do not save themselves and the other party dies, points will be deducted. In other words, the points they get now are not enough. Insurance, because it can also be lost.

However, it does need to be stipulated in this way, otherwise wouldn't it be possible to repeatedly put people in dangerous situations, save them again, and then increase the points? The system is certainly not that stupid.

Enron is not worried that the points earned now are not safe and may be deducted if someone dies. After all, when there are many people waiting to be rescued, it doesn't matter even if some of them get old, sick, or die.

After An Ran came out, he went to purchase various supplies.

Enron's behavior was not outstanding because the supermarket was full of people buying supplies.

An Ran didn't deliberately search for more supplies, but just spent all her original savings. After all, she still had a lot of supplies in her space, so she didn't need to search for too many supplies, lest she search too much and others would get it. not enough.

Even if others don't think of buying a lot of supplies right now, at least the supplies haven't been lost here. After the super volcano erupts, these supplies will belong to the country and will be distributed in the future. It's better than occupying them yourself. If nothing else, get so many supplies and let them go. Where should I put it? How can I explain the source when I take it out in the future? This is not a world with supernatural powers, so An Ran didn't do that much.

She had just graduated not long ago and still had to pay off her student loan, so she didn't have much savings, maybe tens of thousands of dollars, which she saved through frugality.

Enron spent the money to buy a lot of compressed food. After all, nothing would be produced during the volcanic winter. These compressed foods have a long shelf life and are easy to eat.

Anron has also stocked up on canned meat, canned fruits, milk powder for adults, etc., in case there are no crops in the fields, no meat, vegetables and fruits to eat, and the body lacks nutrients.

I also bought some regular medicines and cold-proof supplies. Of course, I also need to stock up on women’s daily necessities, so as not to be unable to buy them for production in the future. After all, even cotton will not grow by then, so how can we produce it.

After An Ran bought the things back, it seemed that they were stored in the house he rented, but in fact, they were naturally put into the space by An Ran, because he was frugal and rented not a one-bedroom apartment, but shared it with others. I rented the smallest room with three bedrooms and one living room. I put a bed and a table in it, but there wasn't much room. How could I put so many things there?

Besides, three families live in this house, and people come and go. Two days later, I went to the air raid shelter and put the supplies in the rented house. It was not safe, so it would be better to put them in space.

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