Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3070 The woman with the live broadcast system 51

Therefore, Changpinghou and his wife said that they were just trying to intimidate the Changpinghou Crown Prince by passing him over to his grandson, because it was very difficult to do.

But Changping Hou Shizi didn't know. He saw his sister listening to politics behind the curtain, and thought that his sister could handle such a trivial matter. He was afraid that his parents' threats would come true, so even if he felt in his heart that his sister had become the queen mother, how could he do something as trivial as running for office? I couldn't do it, but I still became honest and didn't dare to mess around again, lest I lose my title.

An Ran saw that the matter had calmed down, and although he was relieved, he placed people around Changping Hou Shizi to prevent him from messing around.

An Ran has already thought about it. If Prince Changping really messes around, Changpinghou and his wife are still alive, so it is inconvenient to deal with him. After all, they have to consider the mood of Changpinghou and his wife - of course, with Changpinghou and his wife here, If she can restrain him, Prince Changping probably won't be able to mess around - but after Changping Hou and his wife pass away, if Prince Changping still messes around, she will send someone to kill him directly, and then let her nephew inherit the title, so as not to Cause a big disaster.

Presumably her sister-in-law would not object, because Prince Changping likes Ning Feifei, and there is no relationship between her sister-in-law and Prince Changping. She probably hopes that he will die soon so that her son can inherit the title. As an old feudal lord, her sister-in-law would not have any objections to killing Prince Changping.

The Prince of Changping Marquis has repeatedly done stupid things and brought trouble to the family. If he wants to deal with him himself, he will not be angry and give bad reviews.

Not to mention that Ning Feifei caused trouble and was suppressed by the people of the Changping Marquis Mansion, but that after An Ran stabilized the major affairs in the court, she began to deal with the Yongding Marquis Mansion.

As I said before, it's not that the Yongding Marquis Mansion has committed no crimes, it's just that the late emperor didn't care about the crimes committed by the Yongding Marquis Mansion, so he never seized the title or ransacked the house.

But when An Ran came here, she would naturally start to make calculations, so it was really easy for her to deal with the Yongding Hou Mansion, because she had already mastered the things the other party committed.

Now that An Ran had handled the major affairs of the court, he ordered his confidants to hand over the crimes committed by the Yongding Marquis Mansion to the censor for impeachment, and the rest would be simple.

After the impeachment by the censor, An Ran pretended to be furious and ordered the third division to investigate and trial.

The three departments including Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment received the order and began to search the Yongding Marquis Mansion.

When Mrs. Yongdinghou saw the officers and soldiers rushing in to check, she couldn't help but feel as if her boots had finally hit the ground.

Mrs. Yongding Hou knew that due to the conflict between her family, Changping Hou Mansion and the Queen Mother of Chu, the Queen Mother of Chu would not let go of her family after she came to power, so she immediately transferred the property and property to the Queen Mother of Chu after she came to power. Some of the disciples were transferred out.

But An Ran hadn't taken any action, so she had some luck, thinking that maybe the Queen Mother Chu didn't care about what happened back then? Then they can continue to enjoy glory and wealth.

As it turned out, she was clearly dreaming and the boot finally came down.

That's right, it's just a matter of breaking off the engagement, but she also castigated her, saying that she couldn't have children, and the other party would definitely be angry, so it was normal for her to take revenge on their family.

——Actually, what she doesn’t know is that even if they did this to An Ran, An Ran would not kill them. At most, they would just clean them up. However, what they did to the original body was too much, so An Ran He has no intention of letting them go, even if there is no original mission, An Ran will not let them go.

At present, according to the things they committed, they should be jailed or exiled. As for the Yongding Marquis Mansion, naturally they also seized the title and ransacked the house.

The property transferred from the Yongding Marquis Mansion was also recovered.

After all, An Ran had been watching them for a long time, and the little tricks they made were useless.

Soon, the huge Yongding Hou Mansion disappeared from the capital, and the Yongding Hou Crown Prince also became a commoner.

Because the family property was confiscated, the family could not live in Beijing, so they returned to the countryside.

Becoming an ordinary person in the countryside, Prince Yongding really couldn't adapt to such a gap. Therefore, from time to time, he would show his face to Mrs. Yongdinghou, thinking that it was because of her fault back then that she had to break off the engagement, otherwise he would not meet him. to such a thing.

Mrs. Yongdinghou saw that her son and other members of the family had a bad look towards her. It was really hard for her but she couldn't tell her. She regretted it a long time ago. She should have known that Chu Anran would enter the palace after breaking off the engagement and successfully ascend to the throne. What could she say? She won't break off the engagement. Even if Chu Anran really can't have children, she will have to divorce at most. Then she is already married and old, and it is impossible to enter the palace, and she will not be a threat to the Yongding Marquis Mansion. , she left the marriage too early.

——Looking at Mrs. Yongdinghou’s psychological activities, we can see that she regrets not that she should not have harmed An Ran, but that she should not have given An Ran a chance to enter the palace. Therefore, even at this point, Mrs. Yongding Hou did not reflect on the harm she caused. When it comes to human affairs, I only reflect on the loopholes I have left in my actions, so Mrs. Yongdinghou is inherently bad, otherwise she would not have treated her original body like that in her original world.

Fortunately, such a naturally evil person has been living a miserable life like her almost evil son. I think the original person should be satisfied with such an end.

Not mentioning the fate of the Yongding Marquis Mansion, but saying that after several years of hard work, Ning Feifei successfully saved money, bought props, and successfully reconciled with the former Crown Prince Cheng Guo.

After the divorce, Ning Feifei naturally could not stay at her parents' house forever, and she still planned to get married.

She was very lucky this time and found a marquis.

When this prince was young, he was also one of her lovers. Later, many changes happened to her, and he also got married and had children.

But then his wife disappeared and now she was single. Ning Feifei thought that it would be good to be a stepmother, so she hooked up with him.

Of course, Ning Feifei was cautious this time, fearing that something like the Chengguogong Mansion would happen again. Wouldn't it be a waste of several years of her time to marry her, so before hooking up, she did some research to confirm that the Qingyuan Marquis Mansion He didn't do anything illegal or criminal, so he dared to hook up.

Qingyuan Hou liked Ning Feifei when he was young. Because of his good feelings, he still likes her now. Since he has no wife, and Ning Feifei divorced, he naturally married her.

Ning's father and Ning's mother couldn't help but smile from ear to ear when they saw that Ning Feifei was so old and could still marry the Marquis for the third time. When she became Madam Hou, the Ning family was finally prosperous again. Not good, but her ability to seduce people is really impressive. She is still able to marry well at such an old age.

This is why Ning Feifei's father and mother never gave up on her no matter how miserable her life was, because they knew her abilities and knew that she was just unlucky, not lacking in ability. As long as she was given a chance, she could get up at any time. .

No, their bet was not right. If Ning Feifei was in jail and they had listened to the clan and exterminated her and cut off all contact with her, then Ning Feifei would be prosperous now and nothing would happen to them.

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