Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 307 Apocalyptic Insect Disaster 24

Although An Ran didn't ask the second half of the sentence, Lei Qing understood what she meant, and immediately frowned and said: "Why are you still thinking about Li Wei? I really have nothing to do with her, that was all before marriage. Well, I haven’t interacted with her at all since we got married.”

Lei Qing said this to explain.

At the same time, I was also depressed, thinking about the marriage of interests. In the past, it was really bad to have other people around me, because when you found someone you liked, and you told the other person that you liked her, the other person didn't believe it.

But knowing that Lei Qing behaved peacefully in his original world, he thought, who are you kidding? In his original world, he was obviously with Li Wei.

It's just that it was a matter in the original world and there was no evidence, so An Ran couldn't say it and could only express disbelief.

Lei Qing looked at her and said helplessly: "I also know that what I said is a bit abrupt. In fact, I feel it is too abrupt."

Suddenly one day I find that I actually like someone so much. The previous liking was not like liking at all. Isn't this surprising?

"Since you don't believe it, I will try my best to make you believe it." Lei Qing said.

This was also the reason why he confessed his love to An Ran directly. If he didn't make it clear, An Ran might never know that he liked her. Who made An Ran always think that the person he liked was Li Wei? How could he do it if he didn't make it clear.

And if I make it clear to An Ran that I will treat her well in the future, she will not misunderstand him like today. If this goes on for a long time, one day I will be able to impress her - doesn't it mean that love will grow over time?

Lei Qing was indeed nicer to An Ran after that, and An Ran didn't bother because she didn't believe Lei Qing's words. After all, a good relationship between husband and wife and a harmonious family would naturally be better for the growth of their children, and she had never expected Lei Qing to do so. She likes herself, and now that the other person says he likes her, it has exceeded her expectations. What else does she have to worry about.

Of course, she didn't expect Lei Qing to like her, so she didn't bother with anything. But on the other hand, after Lei Qing liked her, he expected her to respond and like him, which was a bit difficult.

It is human nature to hope that the person you like will respond and also like you. After all, no one likes to have unrequited love, but wants to be in love with each other.

Lei Qing couldn't help but feel distressed when he couldn't get a response for a while. The only thing he was thankful for was that the person he liked was now his wife. It was better to have a lifetime to slowly impress her than to have an unmarried relationship. He likes the other party, but the other party doesn't like him at all and is unwilling to marry him when the time comes.

However, in the post-apocalyptic world, we don't have much time to be affectionate. After the two talked openly and honestly, although Lei Qing became better to An Ran, he didn't become too clingy, mainly because he didn't have that much time to cling to each other.

Along the way, not only Wanquan was on the road with them, but other fleeing teams later joined them on the road.

Some were a team of superpowers, and some were purely ordinary people. Seeing that there were many superpowers in their team, they followed them in order to survive, so they wanted to seek shelter.

The team slowly expanded to nearly a thousand people, including three to four hundred people with superpowers.

Because there are more people with superpowers, there is a space superpower among them. Since I heard that An Ran is also a space superpower, I couldn't help but come over to exchange their cultivation experiences.

This space superpower user introduced herself as Li Juanjuan. When she heard that An Ran’s space was two cubic meters, she couldn’t help but envy her. He said that his talent might not be good, as he only had one cubic meter for the time being. Then he asked her how she practiced and whether there was a better one. Practice methods.

An Ran is not a space superpower at all, it is just a storage space. What experience can she gain from practicing? You can't lie, right? So I can only say snake oil.

Immediately he asked: "How do you practice?"

Li Juanjuan talked about it, and An Ran discovered that the cultivation method of this space superpower is no different from other superpowers. Yes, they are all superpowers, but the energy is different. Can they be practiced differently? So she immediately said: " I’m a practitioner like you, so there’s nothing special about it.”

Li Juanjuan didn't notice anything strange about this and managed to fool her, which made An Ran sigh in relief.

In fact, she didn't want to lie that she had space powers, but she couldn't tell her about the storage props, so she could only pretend to have space powers. Who asked her to use the storage space and not tell her about the space? There are so many people around, so it's inconvenient to use. There are too many monsters out there. They are too powerful. She has not grown up enough to compete with the monsters, so she cannot act alone. Plus Lei Qing is also very good to children. I guess He would not agree to act alone. Since everyone was together and he needed to use space to store things, he could only lie.

Although Li Juanjuan’s space is not large, one cubic meter is good. With her here and filled with supplies, she can use the supplies in her space to survive for a long time at critical moments when she cannot go out to find food. , so Li Juanjuan, like An Ran, is also a protected being in their team.

Although she was a protected being, Li Juanjuan still envied An Ran.

"It would be great if I had fighting powers like you. I can't feel at ease just relying on others to protect me." Li Juanjuan said.

She is not the kind of person who has been protected for a long time and her brain relaxes its vigilance. She still has a sense of urgency to prepare for a rainy day.

An Ran looked at Li Juanjuan and found that she didn't have the talent for cultivation, so she had to forget it, thinking that if she had the talent for cultivation, she could find a way to teach her some cultivation techniques so that she could protect herself.

So after listening to Li Juanjuan's words, An Ran could only comfort her and said: "You can't practice other powers. If you are worried, just practice marksmanship or exercise. Although you can't resist monsters, at least you are in good health." , when there is danger, you can follow faster than others, and you know how to use a gun. At least you are not afraid of encountering humans with malicious intentions. Although you are always protected, you don’t have to worry about these, but you have many skills. "

Li Juanjuan hesitated for a moment after hearing her words, then shook her head and said: "I can't do it. I have no time to do anything else except practice space powers. They don't let me do it. They force me to practice all day long. Space powers to expand space capacity."

Especially when she met An Ran, I heard that An Ran had a space of two cubic meters. It was said that she felt a breakthrough right away. Maybe a larger space would force her to practice even more.

It's natural to be protected by others, but it also comes at a price, that is, she has to show her worth, otherwise, if she meets someone better than her, she might be replaced, but okay Superpowers are very rare in space, so you don’t have to worry about it yet. Besides, if this team doesn’t want her, there will be other teams that want her. If you cultivate the superpower well, you can find a stronger and better team to receive it; if you don’t cultivate the superpower well, , we can only find ordinary teams to receive it.

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