Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3030 The woman with the live broadcast system 11

At the same time, An Ran also wanted to read what Mrs. Changping Hou said.

"Mom, Prince Yongding likes Ning Feifei so much. Should I marry him? I don't think he is a good man. I want to marry someone who is good to me, not to other women. Otherwise, both husband and wife will be together. If you don’t treat me well, it will be difficult for me to gain a foothold in my husband’s family in the future.”

An Ran didn't mention anything about love and love, lest Madam Changping Hou think she was asking for too much. After all, most of the first wives in this era never asked their husbands to love them. As long as they could be the first wife, they would be satisfied. , Mrs. Changping Hou would not pay attention to her, so An Ran showed weakness, in terms of being unable to gain a foothold.

Sure enough, after saying this, Mrs. Changpinghou did not immediately object, but hesitated.

She knew her daughter's character and knew that her daughter was relatively weak. With such a character, she was originally worried that it would be difficult for her to gain a foothold in her husband's family and that she would be bullied by her husband's family. If her husband could help her, that would be better. But now, when she was a child Her fiancé, who they had been playing well with, fell in love with another woman, and she was afraid that he would not be able to help her. She would be at her husband's house, and her life would be even more difficult. So Mrs. Changping Hou listened to her daughter's worried words, Also worried.

Although she was worried, Mrs. Changping Hou did not say anything about breaking off the engagement. After all, this was a big deal. It was impossible for her daughter to say this. She felt sorry for her and agreed to break off the engagement. After all, she had broken off the engagement. If she marries again, she may not be able to marry anyone better. Okay, after all, who can guarantee that if we get engaged again, we will get a good one? At least Yongding Hou Shizi still knows the basics and everyone has known each other since childhood.

So Mrs. Changping Hou said: "Let's see again, you haven't even got hairpin yet. After a long time, Yongding Hou Shizi may not like Ning Feifei? Can we call off the marriage now? He won't like it then." Ning Feifei, aren’t you going to regret it?”

An Ran secretly thought that the fish that entered Ning Feifei's fish pond would not leave. Even if Ning Feifei got married, they still liked Ning Feifei, just like the male partner in ancient novels, threatening the male protagonist and saying, "You want to Treat the heroine well. If you treat her badly, let me love her instead. In other words, even if Ning Feifei gets married, they are still waiting to find out and will not leave.

But since Mrs. Changpinghou couldn't be persuaded, An Ran stopped pestering her, thinking that she would continue to quarrel with her if she had the chance. This kind of thing couldn't be solved overnight.

Of course, she hoped that the sooner the better. After all, the sooner she could distance herself from that scumbag Yongding Prince Hou, the better.

As long as she breaks off the engagement with him, she will never say that Prince Hou likes Ning Feifei. Even if he won't be unable to find a marriage partner, the range of choices will definitely be narrowed a lot. After all, there are families who love their daughters, right? I will betroth my daughter to such a person whose heart belongs to her.

For example, Mrs. Changping Marquis did not cancel the engagement because the marriage was already engaged and it would not be good for her daughter to cancel the engagement. If the Marquis of Yongding fell in love with Ning Feifei before the engagement, Changping Mrs. Hou would definitely not let her daughter get engaged to him.

Soon it was the Dragon Boat Festival in May, and word came out from the palace that they were going to hold a Dragon Boat Festival banquet in the palace to make it lively. Everyone of the third rank or above could bring their family members to participate. Of course, the number they could bring was definitely limited. , after all, many families in Beijing have concubines and concubines in groups, so it is impossible for everyone to go.

For example, the Changping Marquis Mansion has been allocated four places. It is estimated that the palace is based on the standard of a couple raising a pair of children.

In the original world, the original person was in a depressed mood and did not go. In the end, Mrs. Changping Hou took her two sons with her.

Now that An Ran had nothing to say, she naturally brought her son and daughter into the palace. At any rate, An Ran was about to get married and it was time to see more of the world. After all, the family that An Ran would marry in the future was similar to her own. If anything happened, she could The kind that goes into the palace, so naturally you have to go to the palace at home, so you can go to the palace a few times, so that when you go to your husband's house in the future, you won't have to go to the palace before, don't know how to deal with some things, and then make a joke.

The younger son is fine. When An Ran gets married in the future, he can be taken with him when he goes out. After all, he is still young and cannot get married. He has plenty of time to play in the palace.

It is not uncommon for banquets to be held in the palace, because banquets are held in the palace from time to time, and people from the upper class like them have the opportunity to enter the palace to attend banquets from time to time.

However, according to Mrs. Changping Hou, this banquet may be to select wives and concubines for several princes who are not yet married. In addition, the emperor himself may also select a few to enter the palace.

If you put it this way, An Ran would understand why there would be a banquet in the Dragon Boat Festival Palace.

Ning Feifei may not be able to enter the palace for this banquet. No matter how much Mrs. Chengen loves her, there are only four places in the Chengenhou Mansion. In this way, Chengenhou and his wife will definitely How could you bring your own children with you, and how could you bring the old lady's nieces and nephews with you?

The conditions of the Ning family are too poor and they cannot enter the palace, so Ning Feifei is less likely to enter the palace.

But An Ran felt that Ning Feifei might try her best to sneak into the palace, because if she could take a day trip to the palace, she would definitely receive a lot of rewards.

Sure enough, after the news of entering the palace for the banquet came out, An Ran discovered from the intelligent robot that came back to report to her every day that Ning Feifei was indeed trying to find a way to enter the palace.

Judging from her private interactions with netizens, those netizens were really crazy about asking her to go to the palace to play. They wanted to see it, and as long as she went, they were willing to give high rewards.

Ning Feifei naturally wants to go too.

She has been here for a few years, but she has been slowly developing her power (fish farming), so there were banquets held in the palace before, but due to her low status, it was impossible for her to participate.

Now that her power has almost developed, there are so many well-off princes and grandsons who like her, which makes netizens follow her. They feel that Ning Feifei should have a chance to enter the palace, so they want her to find a way to sneak into the palace.

In fact, there used to be banquets held in the palace, and some netizens wanted her to go to the palace to have a look. But they also knew that she had a poor background and knew that she couldn't go, so they weren't that strong.

But this time, everyone saw that she was getting better and better recently, so they strongly requested that she come into the palace to play, so that they could have a look at the palace of this era.

In fact, Ning Feifei was also very moved.

Although she does not plan to enter the palace, many of the emperor's younger brothers do not have fiancées yet, so they are very suitable for marriage. If she can marry the emperor's younger brother as a princess, wouldn't it be better than marrying Prince An? After all, Prince An is still just the crown prince, not the prince yet. When Prince An passes away, he doesn't know how long it will take. In other words, when she becomes the princess, she doesn't know how long it will take.

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