Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3019 Global Card Drawing 22 (End)

An Ran thought, this kind of detection is not possible, either the system space is a game, the task of this world that he completed is a copy, and the cards are just settings, so the so-called high-dimensional space is naturally out of the question. Even if she came, she couldn't detect it; or it was really from a high-dimensional world, but she couldn't detect it at her level.

Which one it is, An Ran doesn't know yet. He can only understand more things after reading it and see if he can make new discoveries.

Not to mention where this card system came from, but the days after that were peaceful and uneventful. I did not go to those turbulent places, especially to find those warlords. By eliminating warlords, I could collect more cards and become the most powerful master. Because what she wants now is stability.

There is no need to worry about warlords who are turbulent in places. They obtain cards by killing others, or obtain cards by robbing other people. They become warlords with four S-level cards and are difficult to deal with. Will they cause chaos in the world? Because countries will not let such people appear.

Thinking about the attitude of various countries to strictly guard against nuclear weapons and weapons before the appearance of cards, we know that in the new world, countries will also strictly guard against the emergence of such people and threaten their own national interests.

Therefore, no matter whether warlords, big or small, kill people or not, if every country learns through intelligence that there are four A-level or above cards, the International Court of Justice will issue a wanted order and have them exterminated.

As long as the person kills someone, or forces others to hand over the card even though he does not kill someone, the system will recognize the wanted order, and then the person will appear on the taskbar of people around the world. Anyone with the ability can You can kill him. At that time, you will not only get rewards from the system, but also rewards from the system for killing the master card owner, as well as cards captured from the opponent's hand.

With such a generous reward, someone will naturally kill him. Even if ordinary people can't kill him, other warlords can.

Instead of killing ordinary people or robbing ordinary people to obtain cards, they might as well kill such people to obtain cards. Firstly, they have natural justice and can gain the support of their subordinates; secondly, they can gain a lot at once. Isn't it better than killing people? Ordinary people or robbing ordinary people is much better.

So at the beginning, many warlords liked to show off how many powerful cards they had, so as to attract people in troubled areas to join them and expand their power. After doing this in the International Court of Justice, they would be attacked by other During the warlord's siege, no one dared to show off anymore, for fear of being targeted, they would have to burp like others.

Because all the major countries have a unified idea and will not let any force take the lead and endanger the regional balance, even if the card system appears, the world will still be like the world before the card appeared. Most areas remain stable and only a few areas are in turmoil. , even those areas that have remained stable are better than before the card system came along.

In this way, Enron naturally does not have to worry about whether someone from a troubled place will obtain a powerful card, endangering international security and affecting his own life.

Soon An Ran lived peacefully in this world until old age.

After leaving this world and returning to the real world, An Ran felt relieved when he saw that the mission was completed and he received a five-star rating.

The original body not only gave a five-star rating, but also attached a comment - not all the original bodies would comment, some only gave stars and did not say anything - saying that they were grateful to An Ran for taking the risk to let them retaliate, and for making them feel that they were being treated. The taste of poisoning, and thanks to An Ran for spending his life points to buy fantasy props, giving Xiao's father and Xiao's mother nausea every night. He said that he was very satisfied with what she did, and it made people feel happy to see it.

After reading the original body's evaluation, An Ran thought that what she did before was indeed the right thing to do.

Afterwards, An Ran will watch the unfinished plot.

This world has unfinished stories.

After the death of the original body, Wang Guokang naturally stopped giving money to Xiao's father and Xiao's mother.

At first, Xiao’s father and Xiao’s mother just ignored each other and could only admit that they were unlucky. But after a few years, their son grew up and wanted to buy a house, a car, get married, and find a wife. He also wanted to get more cards, because now the marriage partner would still be there. Ask the other party how many cards he has, and usually he will join forces, that is, the man's cards are at least similar to his own, so that if he gives birth to a child in the future, the child will have more cards.

Although Xiao's father and Xiao's mother had some money on hand, it was still not enough to buy cards. Moreover, they wanted to buy a house for their son in a first-tier city so that he could marry a girl with better conditions, which also required a lot of money, so he started Ask Wang Guokang for money.

Wang Guokang naturally wouldn't give it.

Then Xiao's father and Xiao's mother threatened Wang Guokang, saying that if he didn't give it, they would sue him for killing their daughter. Anyway, their daughter died at his place for no apparent reason, but it was a fact.

Wang Guokang was naturally not afraid, saying that he was in a romantic relationship with their daughter. Their daughter committed suicide and was not killed by him. He has evidence to prove this and he is not afraid.

Seeing that Wang Guokang could not be threatened, Xiao's father and Xiao's mother had no choice but to freeze for a moment.

But soon, seeing that my son was getting older and older, he still had no money to buy a house in a first-tier city, nor did he have money to buy the luxury cars and cards that his son wanted. In addition, his son got into bad habits and spent money lavishly, which made the family miserable. The money saved in the past few years has almost been spent. Let alone buying a house or a car for their son, they can no longer live their own lives.

So Xiao's father and Xiao's mother threatened Wang Guokang again, saying that if he didn't give them money, they would tell the police about him poisoning people.

Wang Guokang was not afraid of their threats at all. He told them that they were responsible for the poison and it had nothing to do with him.

Wang Guokang relied on his caution. There was no evidence that Xiao's father and Xiao's mother got the poison from him. Even if he told the police, the police had no evidence and could not do anything to him.

Moreover, he was even more willing to bet that Xiao's father and Xiao's mother did not dare to tell the police about this because they did not want them to go to jail.

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother saw that Wang Guokang looked confident, so they took a gamble and told the police about the matter.

They looked at Wang Guokang's refusal to give him money and thought that if they were not happy, they could not make Wang Guokang feel better.

The police quickly investigated, and just like the Enron world, they naturally discovered something was wrong with Wang Guokang and summoned him. What happened next was the same as the Enron world, and Wang Guokang was arrested.

Because he used dupin to control many people and did many illegal and criminal things, he was naturally sentenced to death.

Xiao's father and Xiao's mother also received a heavy sentence, but they were satisfied with Wang Guokang's death sentence.

Only Wang Guokang was so angry that he really never thought that Xiao's father and Xiao's mother were not afraid of death and dared to report him. If he had known that they were idiots, he would have given them some money. Anyway, he had plenty of money. As a result, Can people not be angry that they have fallen into this situation because they were not given any money?

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